Dr. Leah Chase

Professor of Biology & Chemistry
Profile photo of Dr. Leah Chase

Dr. Leah Chase-Wallar has been at Hope since 2000.

See Dr. Chase-Wallar's current research 


  • Regulation of cystine/glutamate exchange by system xc-


  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1999
  • B.S., University of Michigan – Flint, 1993


  • Campbell Foundation, “Studies of the Regulation of System xc¯ Activity in a Dopamergic Cell,” 2005–2007
  • Towsley Research Scholar Program, “Mechanistic and Regulatory Studies of a Neurotransmitter Transport System,” 2003–2006
  • Campbell Foundation, “Regulation of a Neurotransmitter Transporter by Reactive Oxygen Species,” 2003–2005
  • NSF, “Development of a project-oriented Neuroscience lab at Hope College,” 2002–2003
  • NSF-CCLI, “Development of a project-oriented Neuroscience lab at Hope College,” 2002–2003
  • Campbell Foundation, “Mechanistic and regulatory studies of a neurotransmitter transporter,” 2001–2003
  • Campbell Foundation, “Mechanistic and regulatory studies of a neurotransmitter transport system,” 2001
  • Hope College, Faculty Development Grant, 2001

Published Works

  • “The Lathyrus Toxin, b-N-oxalyl-L-a,b-diaminoproprionic acid (ODAP) and Homocysteic Acid Sensitize CA1 Pyramidal Neurons to Cystine and L-Amino-6-Phosphonohexanoic Acid,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 219(1), 2007
  • “l-Quisqualic Acid Transport into Hippocampal Neurons by a l-Cystine-Sensitive Carrier is Required for the Induction of l-Quisqualate Sensitization,” Journal of Neuroscience106(2), 2001
  • “Abolition of Quisqualate Sensitization and Enhancement of Potency for Depolarization by Quisqualate in 24-hour Hippocampal Slices briefly exposed to Quisqualate,” Society for Neuroscience, Abst. 26, 2000
  • “Differentiation of Two Na+-Independent Glutamate Transport Subtypes in Rat Hippocampal Slices,” Society for Neuroscience, Abst. 25, 1999
  • “Effects of Quisqualic Acid Analogs on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Coupled to Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis in Rat Hippocampus,” Neuropharmacology, 34, 1995
  • “Type 4a Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor: Identification of New Potent Agonists and Differentiation from the l-(+)2-Amino-4-Phosphonobutanoic Acid Sensitive Receptor in the Lateral Perforant Pathway in Rats,” Molecular Pharmacology, 48, 1995
  • “Aspects of Nitrogen and Mineral Nutrition in Icelandic Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus,” Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 109A, 1994

Outside the College

When she’s not working at Hope, Leah enjoys spending time with her husband, Brad, and their children. In the summer, they enjoy camping, going to the beach and bike riding on Mackinac Island.

Profile photo of Dr. Leah Chase
Dr. Leah Chase

Phone Number616.395.7375

A. Paul Schaap Science Center 3106A 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3605
Biology Department
Chemistry Department
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
A map showing the location for Dr. Leah Chase A. Paul Schaap Science Center 3106A 35 East 12th Street Holland MI 49423-3605