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Digital Project Ideas

Engage with the latest trends and technologies.

Digital Timelines

Digital timeline tools can help students increase awareness of how events interact with one another through time.


  • Entire class building one timeline over the semester
  • An added component to a larger website project or large paper
  • A lecture tool to share how time and events interact
Digital Mapping

Digital mapping tools are both a means for disseminating geographically based data and as a visual research tool.


  • Map the coordinates of important events or objects in a particular place to see the relationship between them
  • Map the movements of an important person or progression of a movement
Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is a graphic and inviting way to disseminate data. In course work, students can experiment with optimal ways to display their information and tell their story. Storytelling tools work with multimedia and mapping software to share research in a dynamic way.


  • Digital storytelling as a way to have students create their research in a new and compelling way
  • Share a large research project for a public audience
Visualization Tools

Visualization tools are a great way to create both a visual representation of your research, but also a way to experience your information or data in a new and compelling way. Some examples of types of visualizations include: word clouds, digital maps, data bubbles, charts, graphs, etc.


  • Create a word cloud of an important book you're reading in class to see what language is used most frequently
  • Track candidate spending data by state and see it visually on a map and in charts
Video or Audio Projects

Video and audio projects are a great way to create a wide reaching medium for compelling topics. These types of projects are often very creative and can take a serious approach, such as a podcast assignment or documentary, or a comedic video or audio file that represents a key concept.


  • Create a podcast assignment where students interview experts and discuss the issue at hand
  • Interview an important person in your field of study or that is important to your research