Van Wylen Library

53 Graves PlaceHolland, MI 49423-3617Van Wylen Library, completed in 1988, was named after Hope College’s ninth president and his wife, Dr. Gordon J. and Dr. Margaret D. Van Wylen.
The library has five floors. The first floor holds the reference desk, where patrons can get help with research needs; the circulation desk, where people can check out materials including technology needs such as laptops, digital cameras and audio materials; and the Klooster Center for Excellence in Writing, which offers one-on-one consultations with our writing assistants (on either a drop-in or appointment basis). The Cup & Chaucer is located just inside the main doors for a coffee or snack break.
The second floor features the Digital Media Lab (DML). Users may access the DML lab and its several different multimedia creation tools, data analysis and visualization software, and even access to a Cricut Maker and Heat Press. The DML is equipped to support patron projects and provides access to specialty software. Our student staff offer peer-to-peer consultations with basic to intermediate skills across a broad range of media and computing topics.
The library provides access to over 1.3 million print and electronic books, over 135,000 serials, 167 databases and many other diverse resources. We also provide MeLCat and InterLibrary Loan, online systems that allow students and faculty to request material from libraries throughout Michigan and the US. Students also have access to Cook Library of Western Theological Seminary and the Herrick District Library, both within walking distance from the campus.
Quick Facts
- Van Wylen Library was awarded the 2004 Association of College and Research Libraries Excellence in Academic Libraries Award
- There are 10 full-time librarians, 10 full- and part-time support staff and 60 student assistants
- The former music library in the Nykerk Hall of Music merged with Van Wylen Library in 2013