Dr. Kyuil Cho
Assistant Professor of Physics
Dr. Cho joined the Department of Physics at Hope College in fall 2022. Before coming to Hope, he worked at Ames Laboratory for 11 years to conduct low-temperature research in unconventional superconductors such as Fe-based and Copper-Oxide superconductors. His current research is focused on revealing the energy gap of unconventional superconductors. In particular, he is very interested in using the local particle accelerator located at the campus of Hope College to study the effect of high energy particles on the superconducting energy gap. Dr. Cho is a member of the American Physical Society (Division of Condensed Matter Physics).
Areas of Expertise
- Low temperature experimental investigation on unconventional superconductors
- Effect of particle irradiation on the physical and magnetic properties of superconductors
- Quantum phase transition
- Ph.D., condensed matter physics, Clark University, 2009
- M.S., physics, Hanyang University, South Korea, 2000
- B.S., physics, Hanyang University, South Korea, 1998
Previous Positions
- Senior research associate, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2022
- Assistant scientist, Ames Laboratory, 2014–2021
- Postdoctoral research associate, Ames Laboratory 2010–2014
- Postdoctoral research associate, NHMFL 2009–2010
Selected Publications
- “Intermediate scattering potential strength in electron - irradiated YBa2Cu3O7−δ from London penetration depth measurements,” with M. Konczykowski et al., Physical Review B, 105, 014514 (2022)
- “Multi-band s++ superconductivity in V3Si determined from the response to a controlled disorder,” with M. Kończykowski at al., Physical Review B 105, 024506 (2022)
- “Using controlled disorder to probe the interplay between charge order and superconductivity in NbSe2,” with M. Konczykowski et al., Nature Communications 9, 2796 (2018)
- “Using electron irradiation to probe iron-based superconductors,” with M. Kocnczykowski, S. Teknowijoyo, M.A. Tanatar and R. Prozorov, Superconductor Science and Technology 31, 064002 (2018)
- “Energy gap evolution across the superconductivity dome in single crystals of (Ba1-xKx)Fe2As2,” with M. Konczykowski, et al., Science Advances, e1600807 (2016)
- “Effects of electron irradiation on resistivity and London penetration depth of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 (x<0.34) iron-pnictide superconductor,” with M. Kończykowski et al., Physical Review B 90, 104514 (2014).
- “A Sharp Peak of the Zero-Temperature Penetration Depth at Optimal Composition in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2,” with K. Hashimoto at al., Science 336, 1554 (2012)
- “Anisotropic upper critical field and possible Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in the stoichiometric pnictide superconductor LiFeAs,” with H. Kim et al., Physical Review B 83, 060502 (R) (2011)
- “Upper critical field in the organic superconductor β"-(ET)2SF5CH2CF2SO3 : Possibility of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state,” with B. E. Smith at al., Physical Review B 79, 220507 (R) (2009).
Full list of publications available via Google Scholar.
Outside the College
Dr. Cho enjoys playing basketball and tennis. He also enjoys various music, playing the guitar and singing songs. Most of his spare time is spent playing with his two kids.