Dawn DeWitt-Brinks

Retired Faculty
Profile photo of  Dawn DeWitt-Brinks

Dawn DeWitt-Brinks has served as a faculty member at Hope College since 1989. Her primary area of responsibility is teaching public speaking courses.

Dawn enjoys teaching public speaking courses because of the important role speaking skills can play in all professional workplace settings. Helping students develop, refine and polish their public speaking skills is challenging and rewarding. Dawn also enjoys her role as an academic advisor, helping students discern their vocation and calling and navigate course selection.

Beyond the academic classroom, Dawn also serves as a public speaking consultant and coach for companies and organizations.

AREAS OF Expertise

  • Speech writing and delivery skills
  • Professional presence
  • Coaching networking skills
  • Academic advising
  • Vocational discernment


  • M.A., communication, Western Michigan University, 1989
  • B.A., communication, Hope College, 1984

Outside the College

Dawn has lived in West Michigan all of her life and enjoys the four seasons that living in Michigan provides. She enjoys activities with her family like boating in the summer and cross-country skiing in the winter. She also loves traveling. Some of her favorite travel destinations are:

  • Alaska
  • St. John Virgin Islands
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Rome
  • Italian Isle of Capri 
Profile photo of  Dawn DeWitt-Brinks
Dawn DeWitt-Brinks

Phone Number616.395.7972

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