Dr. Patricia Roehling

Retired Faculty
Profile photo of Dr. Patricia Roehling

Patricia Roehling has taught in the psychology department at Hope since 1987. Patricia teaches clinic-related classes, as well as Introduction to Psychology, Advanced Research in Psychology and a summer course in the United Kingdom. Patricia served as chair of the psychology department from 2000–2006. Her areas of research include work and family, pedagogy and weight discrimination.

Prior to Hope, Patricia was a staff psychologist at the Wayne County Juvenile Court. She has maintained a small clinical practice in Holland since her arrival in 1987.

Area of Expertise

Patricia has taken two leaves of absence from Hope College: in 2012, to serve as director of the psychological clinic at Michigan State University, and from 1997–1999, to serve as the director of research at the Cornell Employment and Family Careers Institute at Cornell University.

Patricia has published several articles and a book, The Career Mystique, examining how gender impacts work and family roles. She also has published several articles on weight discrimination. Some of her recent articles have demonstrated how overweight women and obese men are underrepresented among top executives and the impact of weight on voting behavior. Finally, Patricia conducts research in the area of pedagogy. Currently, she is examining the impact of the flipped classroom on student attitudes and performance.


  • Ph.D., clinical psychology, Wayne State University, 1986
  • M.A., clinical psychology, Wayne State University, 1984
  • B.A., psychology, University of Michigan, 1980

Honors, Grants and Awards

  • The Career Mystique was selected by the Association of American Publishers as the best publication in sociology in 2005 and was a finalist for the 2005 C. Wright Mills Award, awarded by the Society for the Study of Social Problems.
  • Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research
  • Provost's Award for Service to the Academic Department.


The American Psychological Association Convention



  • The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream, Rowman & Littlefield, 2005

Selected Articles and Book Chapters

  • “Weight bias in US candidate selection and election,” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2014
  • “Fat is a feminist issue, but it is complicated,” Commentary on Fikkan and Rothblum, Sex Roles, 2012
  • “Differential use and benefits of PowerPoint in upper-level versus lower-level courses,” Technology, Pedagogy, and Education, 2011
  • “Engaging the millennial generation in class discussions,” College Teaching, 2011
  • “The immigration debate and its relationship to the ethnic identity and well-being of Latino and White youth,” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Research, 2010
  • “The potential role of organizational setting in creating ‘entitled’ employees: An investigation of the antecedents of equity sensitivity,” Employee Rights and Responsibility Journal, 2010
  • “Weight Discrimination and the Glass Ceiling Effect among Top U.S. Male and Female CEOs,” Equal Opportunities International, 2009
  • “Investigating the Validity of Stereotypes about Overweight Employees: The Relationship between Body Weight and Personality Traits,” Group and Organizational Management, 2008
  • “The Relationship Between Body Weight and Perceived Weight-Related Employment Discrimination: The Role of Sex and Race,” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2007
  • “Personality factors, money attitudes, financial knowledge and credit card debt in college students,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2006
Profile photo of Dr. Patricia Roehling
Dr. Patricia Roehling

Phone Number616.395.7732

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