Dr. Beth Trembley
Retired Faculty
Though she retired in 2019 after more than thirty years as a Hope College English professor, Dr. Beth Trembley returned to Hope in 2024 to teach one course a year on the exploration and practice of creative writing using the medium of comics.
She created the acclaimed graphic memoir Look Again (Street Noise, 2022). She is also a Lambda Literary Award-winning mystery novelist (pen name Josie Gordon).
Areas of Expertise
From 1988 until 2019, Beth taught many college courses and public workshops on literature, storytelling, memoir, comics and sketchnoting before retiring to pursue comics full-time. She has helped thousands of people discover new ways to tell their stories. She also served as the college faculty trainer for online pedagogy before and during the pandemic. Her publications include scholarship on popular culture, several mystery novels and now, both book and essay-length works in comics.
- Ph.D., English language and literature, University of Chicago, 1991
- M.A., English language and literature, University of Chicago, 1986
- B.A., English, Hope College, 1985, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Honors, Grants and Awards
- Look Again (graphic memoir) named one of the Best Graphic Novels for Adults by the American Library Association, 2023
- Look Again shortlisted for the Graphic Medicine International Collective’s Award and named a finalist for the Excellence in Graphic Literature Award, 2022
- Lambda Literary Award for Whacked, the first of the Lonnie Squires mystery trilogy, under the pen name Josie Gordon, 2008
- “Against the Law,” essay, included in Fresh Water: Women Writing on the Great Lakes, which was named a Michigan Notable Book by the Library of Michigan, 2007
- Contributed to Great Women Mystery Writers: Classic to Contemporary, which was nominated for an Edgar Award for Best Critical/Biographical Work, 1994
Selected Publications
- How to Make Graphic Memoir vols. 1 and 2, Sequential Artists Workshop, 2023, 2024
- Look Again, Street Noise, 2022
- Whacked, Toasted, and Ditched, The Lonnie Squires Mystery Trilogy, pen name: Josie Gordon, Bella Books, 2008, 2009, 2011
- “Against the Law,” in Fresh Water: Women Writing on the Great Lakes, Michigan State University Press, 2006, named a Michigan Notable Book for 2007 by the Library of Michigan
- Embracing Evangelism, eight animations for a partnership project of The Episcopal Church and Virginia Theological Seminary. The animations are embedded across all six video sessions of the program curriculum.
- Michael Crichton, Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers, series edited by K. G. Klein, Greenwood Press, 1996
- “It’s A Print”: Detective Fiction from Page to Screen," co-edited with W. Reynolds, Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1994
Learn more about Beth’s recent work
Outside the College
Beth and her spouse enjoy living in the woods with two big dogs, two cats and all of the neighborhood owls, deer, coyotes, hawks and wild turkeys. She draws something every day.
In her spare time, Beth draws more, walks a lot, reads, and enjoys British mysteries. Whenever she can, she fosters puppies for future service work.
Beth is also a lifelong Batman fan.

trembley@hope.eduLubbers Hall-Room 306 126 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3516