Dr. Steve VanderVeen

Retired Faculty
Profile photo of Dr. Steve VanderVeen

Steve VanderVeen is a professor of business and the Ruch Director of the Baker Scholars. He joined Hope College in 2004 and served as the director of the Center for Faithful Leadership from 2007 to 2016.

Professional Experience

Before he came to Hope, Steve was a faculty member at Calvin College, where he taught courses in management and marketing. Before that he worked as a stockbroker.

Steve now has years of experience working with students on entrepreneurship, marketing and leadership projects. He also enjoys writing about local business history.


  • Ph.D., marketing and consumer behavior, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1995
  • MBA, marketing, Western Michigan University, 1985
  • B.A., English, Calvin College, 1982


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Dr. Steve VanderVeen

Phone Number616.395.7745

Graves Hall Lower Level 011 263 College Avenue Holland, MI 49423
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