/ Library

Faculty Development Series

Join us for lunch and discover ways to enhance your teaching, learning and scholarship.

Lecture Capture: Using Technology to Record Your Classroom

Thursday, February 6, 2020 (11 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Van Wylen Library, Granberg Room

This workshop will explore a variety of technologies used to create and produce video lectures that can be made accessible to students. Whether you’re interested in a flipped classroom, hybrid, online class, or just a way to make an in-class lecture more accessible for students, we’ll explore technologies such as iMovie, Camtasia, and even Google slides as ways to meet your needs for a successful lecture capture as well as campus resources available for faculty. Led by Tori Longfield (Digital Liberal Arts Librarian)


Building an Inclusive and Student-Centered Syllabus: Best Practices for Helping All Students Thrive

Thursday, March 5, 2020 (11 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Van Wylen Library, Granberg Room

A syllabus is an important guide for supporting and directing the student learning experience. Syllabi also provide a context for the content skills that are covered in a course. Associate Provost Gerald Griffin will lead a discussion about how syllabi help to create an inclusive classroom as well as serve as roadmaps in courses that have a mixed approach in instructional methodology and delivery. Essential components of syllabi as well as helpful additions will be covered.


All Things E-books

Thursday, April 2, 2020 (11 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Van Wylen Library, Granberg Room

Providing over 700,000 e-books through a multitude of platforms, the library’s e-book landscape appears anything but straightforward. Jen Holman (Electronic Resources Librarian) and Jeremy Barney (Metadata and Digital Collections Librarian) will offer tips and best practices for making the most of library e-books including understanding access models/formats, using them for textbooks/course readings, and saving chapters in Moodle.


Writing with Undergraduate Students

Thursday, May 7, 2020 (11 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Van Wylen Library, Granberg Room

What are the challenges and opportunities of co-authoring with students? A panel of faculty from three very different disciplines, (Jason Gillmore—Chemistry, Steve McMullen—Economics, and Mike Owens—English /American Literature), will discuss their experiences with student co-authors.
