Dr. Steven Smith of the Hope College kinesiology faculty and Dr. D. Conrad Milne of New Mexico State University have co-authored "Physical Education for the Home," a book and video package for parents who wish to teach their children physical education.
Although the package is geared toward parents who
are home schooling their children, the materials can serve
all who wish to take an active role in their child's
physical education, according to Smith, who is an associate
professor of kinesiology and head men's soccer coach at
"It's suitable for all parents who want to educate
their children in the physical domain," Smith said. "I
think there's a lot for people who want to complement what's
happening in the schools."
The materials are intended to help parents teach
their children the correct way to exercise and to establish
a foundation for lasting physical fitness. The materials,
developed for children spanning the first through sixth
grade levels in age, were published earlier this year by
Alpha Omega Publications of Chandler, Ariz.
Interested in the topic of home schooling, Smith
learned that while studies had already examined the
cognitive and social skills of home schooled children, the
state of their physical education was not addressed. In the
course of conducting research on the topic himself, he
developed some thoughts on ways to help the parents
Five years ago, for example, he helped establish a
physical education class at Hope for children who are being
home schooled. Each fall about 40 elementary-age students
participate in the program, guided by Hope kinesiology
He also felt that a published guide could be
helpful. "One of the things that became clear was that
there was a need for some written materials, because they
didn't exist," he said. "Ours is the first of its kind on
the market."
Smith was connected with Milne through a colleague
at Michigan State University, who knew that they were both
interested in the topic.
The book and the accompanying video promote
development of the student's basic and advanced motor
skills. The materials provide guidelines for setting
programs for and evaluating fundamental motor skills and
health-related fitness, and tips for teaching more advanced
The curriculum teaches the sequential progression
of hopping, galloping, skipping, running, jumping, throwing,
catching, striking, punting and kicking. The book also
includes several activities for building aerobic endurance,
muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility, in
addition to discussing how to motivate children to
participate and reviewing the benefits of physical fitness.
Smith has been a member of the college's faculty
since 1990. He holds a bachelor's degree from Grand Rapids
Baptist College (now Cornerstone College), and a master's
and doctorate from Michigan State University. His doctorate
is in motor development.