Hope is singled out as a top school multiple times in the
newly published Kaplan Newsweek College Catalog 2000.
In addition to presenting one-page profiles of more than
1,100 colleges and universities schools, the guide includes
sections on choosing a college and applying to college. For the
section on college choice, the guide's authors surveyed some
4,500 high school guidance counselors to obtain their
recommendations for top schools in a number of categories.
Hope was named to four of the lists: "Schools that are
'Hidden Treasures,'" "Schools Offering the Maximum Amount of
Individual Academic Attention," "Schools Providing a Good Liberal
Arts Education" and "Schools Representing the Best Value for Your
In the "Hidden Treasures" list, the guide notes, "The best
schools aren't necessarily the most renowned ones. Guidance
counselors recommend these 'hidden treasures'--terrific colleges
that aren't as well known as they should be..."
The guide was published by Kaplan Educational Centers and
Simon & Schuster.