Research projects by three Hope College students or recent graduates have been honored by the Midwestern chapter of the Psi Chi national honors society.
The Midwestern chapter is recognizing David Bauer, Emily Sowers and Kelly VanderLaan with "Psi Chi Regional Research Awards" during the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, being held in Chicago, Ill., on Thursday-Saturday, May 3-5. The Hope recipients' projects have earned two of only 12 "Research Awards" presented by the chapter, selected from a pool of about 200 submissions.
During the conference, the three will also deliver talks concerning their research.
Bauer and VanderLaan are being recognized for their work "The forgiving attitude: How individual differences influence emotions during imagery of offenders." They have conducted their work with Dr. Charlote van Oyen Witvliet, assistant professor of psychology. They were also recognized during last year's conference for their work with Witvliet.
Sowers is being recognized for her project "A comparison of partnered vs. unpartnered parents on negative family-to-work spillover." She has been conducting research with Dr. Patricia Roehling, who is an associate professor of psychology and chair of the department.
Bauer, a senior psychology major from Hartford, is a 1997 graduate of Lake Michigan Catholic High School. He is the son of Terrence and Mary Bauer of Hartford. Sowers, a senior psychology and social work major from Grand Rapids, is a 1997 graduate of Grand Rapids Christian High School. She is the daughter of Jay and Beth Sowers of Grand Rapids.
VanderLaan is a psychology major who graduated from Hope last year and is now doing graduate work in the clinical psychology doctoral program at Loyola University Chicago. A 1997 graduate of Grandville High School, she is the daughter of Larry and Carla Chamberlain of Grand Rapids.