Hope College staff members were recognized for service during the college's 21st annual service award celebration, held in conjunction with a luncheon at the college's Haworth Inn and Conference Center on Wednesday, June 20.
Hope College staff members were recognized for service during the college's 21st annual service award celebration, held in conjunction with a luncheon at the college's Haworth Inn and Conference Center on Wednesday, June 20.
Five employees who retired during the past school year were: Verlie DeGroff, physical plant; Bruce Himebaugh, human resources; Raymond Klingenberg, physical plant; Jacob Nyenhuis, provost; and Barbara Schipper, conference services.
Honored for 25 years of service were Carl Mayer and Dave Vincent, both of the physical plant staff.
Recognized for 20 years of service were: Kathy Adamski (psychology), James Bekkering (admissions), Henry Bosch (physical plant), Glenda Gentile (biology), Jerry Gunnink (public safety), Donald Housenga (physical plant), Marlene Reus (physical plant) and Mary Schakel (Hope Summer Repertory Theatre).
Fifteen-year honorees were: Gloria Bareman (physical plant), Elizabeth Bocks (career services), Brenda Brewer (business office), Steven DeJong (computing and information technology), Chris McDowell (computing and information technology), Joyce Otto (kinesiology), Mary Ann Permesang (student development), Lois Roelofs (geological and environmental sciences) and Elaine Van Wieren (public safety).
Honored for 10 years of service were: Diana Benzenberg (office of the vice president for advancement and finance), Michael Lafata (public safety), Glenn Lowe (college advancement), Brian Morehouse (Dow Center), Barbara Osburn (campus ministries office), Barbara Scholten (education) and Susan Williams (registrar's office).
Marking five years of service were: Erik Alberg (Knickerbocker Theatre), Barbara Albers (education), Tracey Arndt (office of the dean for the natural sciences), John Dayger (dance), Mary Deenik (Hope-Geneva Bookstore), David Elsbury (computing and information technology), Charlotte Hough (physical plant), Andrew Huisman (mailroom), Anne McKay (health services), Jeremy Meyer (computing and information technology), Barbara Neper-Throop (Frost research center), Betty Nyhoff (physical plant), Rebecca Robrahn (computing and information technology), Norman Sankey (physical plant), Amy Sasamoto (advancement services), James Speelman (physical plant), Holli Tigchon (business office), Angela Tracy (student development), Susan Volkers (physical plant) and Scott Wolterink (college advancement).