Hope will host a memorial service for Dr. Carl F. Schackow Jr., professor emeritus of education, on Sunday, July 1, at 2 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.
Dr. Schackow, who had retired to Newberry, Fla., died on Friday, April 20, 2001, at age 63, after a battle with cancer. He had taught at Hope from 1970 until retiring in 1996, with his service including chairing the department.
He received the Hope Outstanding Professor Educator (H.O.P.E.) Award, elected by members of the graduating senior class, in 1980.
In 1970, he started the "March to Hope" program, pairing at-risk children and Hope students in a character-shaping hike on Beaver Island. He also established a "rural education" May Term to expose Hope's education students to the rewards and challenges of teaching in environments offering limited resources. In 1982, he co-authored a teaching effectiveness model that ultimately evolved into today's Teaching Enhancement Workshop, which helps all of Hope's new faculty learn skills for teaching effectively.
He was a 1959 graduate of Wittenberg University. He held has master's from Northern Illinois University, and his doctorate from Miami University.
Survivors include his wife, Lisa; his mother, Margaret Schackow of Gainesville, Fla.; children, Sarah Sanford, David Schackow and James Schackow, all of Holland, Mich.; brothers, Gerald Schackow, Robert Schackow, Richard Schackow and Jim Schackow, all of Gainesville; and six grandchildren.
Dr. Timothy Brown '73 will officiate during the memorial service. Dr. Brown is the Hinga-Boersma Dean of the Chapel at Hope and the Henry Bast Professor of Preaching at Western Theological Seminary.
Dimnent Memorial Chapel is located on College Avenue at 12th Street.