Hope College will sponsor its annual Arts and Humanities Fair for high school students and faculty on Thursday, Oct. 4.
Hope College faculty and students from the departments of art, dance, English, history, modern and classical languages, music, philosophy, political science, religion and theatre will present lectures and demonstrations that will introduce those attending to the variety of courses in the arts and humanities at Hope College.
The college is anticipating that approximately 400 students and 15 teachers from 14 schools from throughout Michigan will attend.
There will be workshops and lectures on a variety of topics. Among the presentations are "The Bible at the Movies," "Brats - Snails - Sushi," "Guts & Glory: Greco- Roman Games & Sports," "Images of England: Survey Photography," and a showcase concert featuring faculty and students of the department of music (the concert will be repeated for the general public on Thursday, Oct. 4, at 8 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel). The visiting high school students have also been invited to join the college's students for lunch in the Phelps Hall dining room.
Registration will begin at 9 a.m. in the Maas Center auditorium, and the fair will continue until 1 p.m. Additional information may be obtained by calling Ann W. Farley in the office of the dean for the arts and humanities, (616) 395-7748.