Hope College honored faculty members for service, academic achievement and professional involvement during the college's annual recognition luncheon on Monday, Jan. 7.
Hope College honored faculty members for service, academic achievement and professional involvement during the college's annual recognition luncheon on Monday, Jan. 7.
The luncheon traditionally marks the beginning of the college's second semester. Participating were James E. Bultman, president; James M. Gentile, dean for the natural sciences; Alfredo M. Gonzales, associate provost; Jon J. Huisken, dean for academic services and registrar; Nancy S. Miller, dean for the social sciances; and William D. Reynolds, dean for the arts and humanities.
Faculty recognized for 35 years of service were: George C. Kraft (kinesiology) and David G. Myers (psychology), while honored for 30 years of service were Jane R. Dickie (psychology and women's studies), Stephen I. Hemenway (English) and Richard L. Smith (theatre).
Honored for 25 years of service were: Thomas E. Ludwig (psychology) and Donald A. Luidens (sociology). Those recognized for 20 years of service were: Mary DeYoung (mathematics), Herbert L. Martin (business administration), R. Richard Ray (kinesiology) and Boyd H. Wilson (religion).
Barry L. Bandstra (religion) and Herbert L. Dershem (computer science) received this year's Provost's Awards for Excellence in Teaching. Lorna Hernandez Jarvis (psychology) received the Ruth and John Reed Faculty Achievement Award. Susan Atefat Peckham (English) was named a Towsley Research Scholar, Miguel De La Torre (religion) received an award from the Faculty Faith and Learning Fund, and Jesse Montaño (English) received a Sluyter Fellowship.
Faculty honored for serving on the college's Teaching Enhancement Workshop Committee were: James B. Heisler, chair (economics and business administration), Donald L. Cronkite (biology), Jane R. Dickie (psychology and women's studies), John Krupczak Jr. (engineering), Barbara Mezeske (English), Maura M. Reynolds (modern and classical languages, and director of advising) and John A. Yelding (education).
J. Jeffery Tyler (religion) was recognized for having received the Hope Outstanding Professor Educator (H.O.P.E.) Award in the spring of 2001.
Acknowledged as authors and editors during the past year were: Susan Atefat Peckham (English), Steven C. Bouma-Prediger (religion), Rodney F. Boyer (chemistry, emeritus), John D. Cox (English), Miguel A. De La Torre (religion), Fred L. Johnson III (history), Thomas E. Ludwig (psychology), Donald A. Luidens (sociology), David G. Myers (psychology), Roger J. Nemeth (sociology), Joel B. Peckham Jr. (English), Jack Ridl (English), Peter J. Schakel (English), Elliot A. Tanis (mathematics, emeritus) and Jennifer Wolfe (music).
Members of the music faculty honored for accomplishments as performing artists were: Mihai Craioveanu, Mansoon Han and Richard Piippo. Members of the art faculty recognized for their work as artists were: Judy Hillman, Bruce McCombs and Del Michel. Honored as coaches were: Maureen Dunn (volleyball), Bob Ebels (men's golf), Stuart Fritz (baseball), Brian Morehouse (women's basketball) and Tom Smith (women's golf).
Faculty honored for serving as officers of professional organizations included: Paul A. DeYoung (physics and engineering), Stuart W. Fritz (kinesiology), James M. Gentile (biology, and dean for the natural sciences), Janis M. Gibbs (history), Donald A. Luidens (sociology), William F. Polik (chemistry), John T. Quinn (modern and classical languages) and J. Jeffery Tyler (religion).
Recognized for receiving honors and awards were: Marc B. Baer (history), Christopher C. Barney (biology), Timothy L. Brown (Hinga-Boersma Dean of the Chapel), James M. Gentile (biology, and dean for the natural sciences), Stephen I. Hemenway (English), James A. Herrick (communication), Jillian E. McLeod (mathematics), William F. Polik (chemistry), Gregory Rappleye (English), R. Richard Ray Jr. (kinesiology), Jack Ridl (English) and Roger L. Veldman (physics and engineering).
Several faculty and staff members were recognized as recipients of grants and fellowships, including: Priscilla Atkins (Van Wylen Library), Leah Chase (biology and chemistry), Elizabeth Colburn (Upward Bound), Paul A. DeYoung (physics and engineering), Timothy M. Evans (biology), Lee Forester (German), Anthony Guardado (Van Wylen Library), Kelly Jacobsma (Van Wylen Library), Joseph H. Kaloust (physics and engineering), David Klooster (English), Brent Krueger (chemistry), Virginia McDonough (biology), Barbara Mezeske (English), Graham F. Peaslee (chemistry, and geological and environmental sciences), Michael D. Seymour (chemistry), Deborah Sturtevant (sociology and social work) and Roger L. Veldman (physics and engineering).