A total of four Hope College piano students received cash awards following the annual Bach Competition held at the college at the conclusion of the spring semester.
The winners chosen were: Sara Bolkema of Flushing, who recently completed her sophomore year; Kerilyn Harkaway of Saline, who recently completed her sophomore year; Sarah Herman of Sylvania, Ohio, who graduated in May; and Jill Pinter of Belleville, who recently completed her freshman year. In addition, Carol Guess of Fort Wayne, Ind., who recently completed her freshman year, received honorable mention.
The purpose of the annual competition is to stimulate interest in the keyboard music of J.S. Bach, and to foster the systematic study of his music from the Inventions to the Preludes and Fugues and other extended works. The competition is underwritten each year by Dr. Anthony Kooiker, professor emeritus of music at Hope, and has been held 12 successive years.
The adjudicator was Joan Conway, professor emerita of music at Hope. The prizes totaled $250.