There have been three appointments and five reappointments to the Hope College Board of Trustees.
Newly chosen to serve on the board are: Theodore S. Etheridge III of West Olive; Dr. Lorna Hernandez Jarvis of Holland; and the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Van Engen of Glendora, Calif. All have been elected to four-year terms.
Those re-elected to four-year terms are: Max D. Boersma of Holland; Dr. David E. Cole of Ann Arbor; Lynne R. Hendricks of Grandville; Peter H. Huizenga of Oak Brook, Ill.; and Nancy Lane of Columbus, Ohio.
Retiring from the board are the Rev. Dr. Gregg A. Mast of Albany, N.Y., and Dr. Caroline Simon of Holland.
J. Kermit Campbell of Traverse City continues to chair the board. Joel G. Bouwens of Zeeland was elected to a second, two-year term as vice chair, and Hendricks continues to serve as secretary.
Theodore Etheridge, who is a 1972 Hope graduate, is president and chief executive officer of the SVH Group in Holland. A fourth-generation printer, Etheridge joined his family printing business in 1972 and was appointed president/CEO in 1979. When the company joined Wace Group in 1989, he was named head of the Wace US Print Division. Etheridge and his business partner purchased the SVH Group, a high-end manufacturer of commercial printing and packaging, in 1999.
Etheridge's involvement in the life of the college has included chairing the Holland/Zeeland Business and Industry Campaign in 2001, and serving as vice-chair of the "Hope in the Future" capital campaign for the Grand Rapids region during the 1990s.
In addition to donating printing services to many local organizations, his volunteer activities have included serving on the Pine Rest Foundation Board, Operation Smile Board, Grand Rapids Christian School Foundation Board and LaGrave Avenue CRC Council. He also served as president and program chair for the Grand Rapids Ad Club. The Advertising Federation of Grand Rapids presented him with its Silver Medal in 1994 for his outstanding professional and community contributions.
Etheridge and his wife, Barbara, who is a member of the Class of 1973, have two daughters, Allison Houlihan, a member of the Class of 1997, and Lindsay Etheridge, a member of the Class of 2000.
Lorna Hernandez Jarvis is an associate professor of psychology at Hope, where she has been a member of the faculty since 1993.
In January she received the college's "Ruth and John Reed Faculty Achievement Award," which recognizes a member of the Hope faculty who is a superior teacher and has also contributed significantly in some other area of professional life. Recognized for her advocacy of multi- cultural awareness, she was a member of the task force that developed the college's cultural diversity general education requirement, and was one of the first faculty to teach the college's "Encounter with Cultures" course. Her numerous activities outside the classroom have included initiating the college's Latina film series.
Hernandez Jarvis, whose primary field is cognitive psychology, holds her bachelor's degree from the University of Akron, and her master's and doctorate from Kent State University. She completed her graduate work immediately before coming to Hope.
She and her husband, Bruce, have two children, Victor and Corinne.
Charles Van Engen, who is a 1970 Hope graduate, is the Arthur F. Glasser Professor of Biblical Theology of Mission in the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he has been on the faculty since 1988. He was president of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America during 1997-98.
From 1985 to 1988, he served as the Assistant Professor of Missiology at Western Theological Seminary. He was previously a missionary for the RCA for 12 years, working with his wife, Jean, a Hope classmate, in Chiapas, Mexico.
Van Engen is the author or editor of more than 20 books. He has preached, taught and spoken extensively on mission in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America, Asia and the United States. He and Jean are the founders of Latin American Christian Ministries Inc., to provide leadership development opportunities within the Latin American continent.
Van Engen holds a master of divinity from Fuller, and Doctorandus and Ph.D. degrees from the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Hope presented him with a Distinguished Alumni Award in 1998. He also delivered the college's 1998 Baccalaureate sermon.
The Van Engens have three children: Amelia Van Engen Spivey, Anita Van Engen Bateman, a member of the Class of 1998, and Andrew, a member of the Class of 2003.