A visiting theatrical troupe will present the play "Huis Clos" (No Exit) by the French Existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre at Hope College on Friday, Oct. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the studio theatre of the DeWitt Center.
Tickets are $15 each, and are on sale at the college's Hope-Geneva Bookstore.
The play will be presented by the "Theatre de la Chandelle Verte," a French theatrical troupe based in the United States.
According to Christine Iaderosa, the play's director, "Sartre's philosophy emerges intensely in this play. The three characters, trapped in Hell for eternity, help us understand the value of free will, choice and responsibility. We all make choices that determine our destiny and, ultimately, Sartre suggests that we cannot blame government, society, or others for our choices."
"The 'Theatre de la Chandelle Verte' believes that, in this new millennium, 'Huis Clos' asks urgent questions about choice and responsibility," she said. "There could be no better or more opportune time to perform this play than now."
The performance is co-sponsored by the college's French Cultural Studies Colloquium and department of theatre.
The DeWitt Center is located on Columbia Avenue at 12th Street. Both the Hope-Geneva Bookstore and the studio theatre are located on the building's lower level. The bookstore is open through Friday, Oct. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.