The Distinguished Lecture Series in Sports Medicine at Hope College will focus on concussions on Thursday, April 3, at 7 p.m.
The presentation will be made at Mary Free Bed Hospital, 235 Wealthy, S.E., in Grand Rapids. Dr. Stephen Bloom of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine Specialists will present "Developing Objective Return to Play Criteria Following Concussions in Sport."
The public is invited. Admission is free.
According to Bloom, 20 percent of the brain injuries that occur in the United States can be attributed to athletics. His address will include how to recognize symptoms, criteria for when an athlete can be returned to play and treatment options for athletes with chronic symptoms.
The Distinguished Lecture Series in Sports Medicine is designed for health care professionals with an interest in physically active patients, and is intended for students, educators and clinicians alike. It is co- sponsored by Holland Community Hospital, GRSportsCenter and the college.