Dr. Hans Krabbendam, a scholar from the Netherlands, will present the address "Dutch-American Identity Politics: The Use of History by Dutch Immigrants" at Hope College on Thursday, Sept. 18, at 4 p.m. in the Maas Center auditorium.
The public is invited. Admission is free.
The lecture is sponsored by the A. C. Van Raalte Institute, a historical research center focusing on Dutch-American immigration history of the 19th and 20th centuries. Refreshments will be available prior to the lecture.Krabbendam is the assistant director of the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg, the Netherlands. He has published several articles on Dutch immigration history and edited nine books on European (Dutch)-American relations. He is president of the Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies.
He studied Dutch-American history at Leiden University, earning a master's degree. He specialized in Dutch immigration history at Kent State University in Ohio and earned another master's in 1989. In 1995 he received a Ph.D. from Leiden University. His dissertation dealt with the life of a famous Dutch-American and was titled: "The Model Man: A Life of Edward W. Bok, 1863-1930."
Kraabendam is one of two visiting research fellows affiliated with the Van Raalte Institute this fall. The other, Dr. Lynn Japinga of the Hope religion faculty, will give a lecture later in the year.
The Maas Center is located on Columbia Avenue at 11th Street.