Jim and Ginger Jurries will be key honorees at the 2003 West Michigan National Philanthropy Day Awards Celebration, sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), West Michigan Chapter. The awards event will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 14, at the Hope College Haworth Inn and Conference Center and is a part of National Philanthropy Day, celebrated by over 100 AFP chapters across the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
"National Philanthropy Day celebrates the endless daily contributions individuals and organizations across the world make to countless causes and missions. We want to honor those people active in the philanthropic community who have enriched our world," said Lon Swartzentruber, president of the West Michigan Chapter. "This day is the perfect platform to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has made possible."
Jim and Ginger Jurries, receiving the 2003 Distinguished Philanthropist Award, share a deep commitment to building community in the Lakeshore area through their gifts and volunteer activities. Both graduates of Hope College, they have given back to their alma mater by establishing four different student scholarships and providing leadership gifts to Hope's "Legacies" campaign for the Peale Science Center and DeVos Fieldhouse. Jim and Ginger have spearheaded a volunteer effort to build the Fieldhouse as well.
They have also given leadership support to the Priority Campaign and Living Stones Campaign at Holland Christian Schools. Jim and Ginger have served several other organizations including the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area, Northwestern College in Iowa, Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, The Boys and Girls Club, Rest Haven, Project Charlie, Hospice of Holland, Evergreen Commons and the Lakeshore Pregnancy Center.
Others honored for their outstanding commitment to philanthropy during National Philanthropy Day Celebration include: The Harold and Grace Upjohn Foundation, receiving the Exemplary Grantor Award; David Frey, advisor, BankOne, receiving the Executive Leader Award; Patti Huiskamp, community volunteer, receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Award; The Dance Marathon of Hope College receiving the Youth in Philanthropy Award; Mary Louise Avery, director, Clark Foundation, receiving the Benjamin Franklin Award; Hospice of Holland receiving the Chapter Award; and Sister M. Aquinas Weber, OP, retired chancellor of Aquinas College, receiving the President's Award.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents more than 25,000 fundraisers in 165 chapters throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education, and certification programs. The Association fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession. The AFP West Michigan Chapter represents more than 155 charitable fundraisers in the local area. AFP was formerly the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE).
The National Philanthropy Day activities will run from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., although those interested in attending may register for the awards luncheon alone. Registration information may be obtained by calling Deb O'Donnell at (616) 742-2383.