Hope College will host the annual Chemistry REU Research Symposium on Thursday, July 21, at the science center.
Approximately 35-40 researchers from the University of Michigan's chemistry REU program will join about 40 summer research students from Hope's department of chemistry for oral presentations in the morning and a poster session from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the science center's atrium.
The public is invited to the poster session. Admission is free.
Through the symposium, institutions such as Hope, the University of Michigan, Bowling Green State University and Michigan State University have combined their end-of-year chemistry research symposia for undergraduate researchers. Hope has participated in the event for approximately the past decade, and this is the college's second year as host.
The National Science Foundation is supporting approximately 64 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) sites in chemistry around the nation. Hope and the University of Michigan are the only two sites in Michigan funded in chemistry this year.
With six awards this summer, Hope holds more NSF-REU grants than any other liberal arts college in the country. In addition to chemistry, Hope has NSF-REU grants this year in biology, computer science, the geological and environmental sciences, mathematics, and physics and engineering. This year is the 14th consecutive year that at least four Hope departments have had NSF-REU support.