/ Center for Ministry Studies

Discern Your Call to Ministry

Join a network of students considering further study beyond Hope College at a theological seminary, a university divinity school, graduate program in religion or Christian-focused graduate degrees.

  • Are you discerning a possible call into a field such as Christian education, parish nursing or church-based relief work?
  • Have you ever thought about becoming a pastor, music minister, missionary, priest, youth minister or worship leader?
  • Has a professor inspired you to consider graduate work in theology or religious studies so that you might one day teach theology, religion or biblical studies?

The options and information listed below are for anyone who is considering a career in or connected to the church.

Lilly Scholars Program

This program recognizes some of the best and brightest students that Hope College has to offer for the future leadership of the church and the academy. Students are invited to apply to become Lilly Scholars if they have a strong GPA and at least some interest in the possibility of pursuing graduate work in theology, ministry or a related field. This work can be at a theological seminary, a university divinity school or in some cases, in other kinds of graduate programs.

Find out more 

Christian Grad School and Ministry Fair

Held on Hope's campus in mid-October, the Christian Grad School and Ministry Fair allows students to interact with graduate school and seminary representatives to learn about their Christian-based programs and scholarships. This event is free to students and representatives. Representatives must pre-register and are limited to space availability. Contact us at cms@hope.edu for more information or a link to register online.

Check out Hope's calendar for details 

Travel Reimbursement

The Center for Ministry Studies has limited funding specifically dedicated to helping Hope students in their junior or senior year visit seminaries, divinity schools and other graduate programs in religion, marriage and family counseling, and psychology. 

Find out more 

Stay Connected

Students involved in any of our programs are automatically added to our contact list to stay informed of upcoming opportunities. If you aren't receiving our communications and would like to, please sign up online or contact us at cms@hope.edu.

You will be informed about:

  • Recruiters from seminaries and divinity schools who are visiting Hope or who have set up special weekends for prospective students to visit their campuses
  • Scholarship opportunities and hints for securing the funds for graduate work in religion and theology
  • Money that is being made available right here at Hope College to help support you in your process of discernment
Pursuing Ministry Beyond Hope

Check out a variety of resources related to post-graduate theological education and scholarships:

Students leaning on table Ministry and Christian Grad School Fair