Shana McCrumb

Associate Professor of Biology Instruction
Profile photo of  Shana McCrumb

Shana McCrumb began teaching introductory biology labs at Hope in fall 2013. She currently teaches labs in the introductory biology series and Organisms and Environments 3rd–6th Grades (biology content and teaching strategies for elementary education majors).

Shana is the former associate director for ExploreHope Academic Outreach, which provides STEM outreach through various programs, including school field trips to Hope, Saturday workshops and the very popular Summer Camp program. Her responsibilities varied from mentoring and managing staff to curriculum development and management of the camp’s accreditation by the American Camps Association. She believes summer camps are fun, fast-paced and very rewarding in that they fulfill her desire to work closely with college students to provide science outreach education to students of all ages, backgrounds and experience. She served Summer Camps for nine years and reflects on her experience fondly.

Shana’s focus is on curriculum development and teaching. Her area of expertise is understanding her students’ educational needs and how to best fulfill them. Originally, Shana was trained as an organic chemist in the environmental laboratory business. Through this career, she honed her lab skills; she enjoys working in the lab with hands-on materials and learning.

Shana’s favorite activity is camping, especially along the Lake Michigan shoreline. She loves Michigan! On a weekly basis she enjoys hiking, mountain biking or snow riding. She is happiest when she can get outside in the woods. She also likes everything about science: reading it, watching it, experiencing it, doing it… she especially likes to share her love of science and nature with others. Shana also loves playing Rummikub with anyone who will join her.

Profile photo of  Shana McCrumb
Shana McCrumb

Phone Number616.395.7226

A. Paul Schaap Science Center 1047 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Biology Department
A map showing the location for  Shana McCrumb A. Paul Schaap Science Center 1047 35 East 12th Street Holland MI 49423