Dr. Manthia Diawara will present the address "Narratives of Return" as a Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar at Hope College on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 4 p.m. in room 102 of VanderWerf Hall.

          The public is invited.  Admission is free.
          Diawara is professor of comparative literature and
  film, as well as director of the Africana Studies Program
  and the Institute of Afro-American Affairs at New York
  University, and is an expert on African-American, ethnic and
  multi-cultural studies.
          His premise in "Narratives of Return" will be that
  every exile lives for the moment of return.  He will explore
  issues including what happens to identity during the time of
  exile, whether exiles can return home and resume their
  original identity in society, and the return of the children
  of the African diaspora to Africa.
          A native of Mali, Diawara studied in France and
  the United States, receiving a doctorate from Indiana
  University.  He later taught at the University of
  California-Santa Barbara and the University of Pennsylvania.
          He has published widely on film and literature of
  the Black Diaspora.  He is the author of "Black-American
  Cinema:  Aesthetics & Spectatorship" (Routledge, 1993) and
  "African Cinema:  Politics and Culture" (Indiana University
  Press, 1992).  His most recent book is "In Search of Africa:
  The African-American Dream of Modernity" (Harvard University
  Press, 1998).  He is the director of "Rouch in Reverse" and
  co-director of "Sembene Ousmane:  The Making of African