Diana Breclaw and Glinda Rawls have joined the staff of the Student Development Office at Hope College.

          Breclaw is director of student activities, and
  Rawls is assistant director of multi-cultural life.  Each
  began work on Thursday, July 1.
          "I'm very excited about the opportunity to have
  both Diana and Glinda join our staff this year," said Dr.
  Richard Frost, who is vice president for student development
  and dean of students.  "I think that they are going to learn
  a lot about the college, since they are each new to the Hope
  community, but I think in equal measure they are going to
  give a lot back to the college.  And most importantly they
  are going to enrich our students' lives both personally and
          Breclaw fills a vacancy in an existing position.
  As director of student activities, she will guide a program
  of student-led, co-curricular activities that range from the
  "Anchor" student newspaper, to the Social Activities
  Committee that plans campus-wide events, to the college's
  fraternities and sororities, to the traditional Pull tug-of-
  war and Nykerk Cup competition.  She is also staff
  coordinator of the college's "New Student Orientation"
          Rawls is in a newly-created role.  As assistant
  director of multicultural life, she will help coordinate
  programs geared toward multi-cultural understanding, and
  will work with the college's organizations of color, such as
  the Hispanic Student Organization, Black Coalition and Hope
  Asian Perspective Association.  She is also resident
  director for Scott Hall, which will house the college's new
  Phelps Scholars Program this fall.
          Breclaw was previously assistant director of
  student activities at Elmhurst College in Illinois for two
  years.  She worked with a variety of student organizations,
  including the college's fraternities and sororities, in
  addition to planning several campus-wide events.
          In addition, she was residence life coordinator at
  Elmhurst College for the past three years.  For the past two
  years she had also coordinated summer conference housing at
  the college.  During 1996-97 she also coordinated
  international student services.
          She served in several capacities while doing
  graduate work at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
  She was advisor of the Children's Miracle Network Dance
  Marathon during 1995-96, and coordinator of community
  service during 1994-95.  She also taught courses on
  university success, career and life planning, and personal
          She was house director for one of Bowling Green's
  sororities for two years, from 1994 to 1996, and during the
  spring semester of 1996 was residence life programming
  coordinator at the university.
          She graduated from Texas Christian University in
  Fort Worth, Texas, in 1994 with a bachelor's degree in
  English and sociology, and in 1996 completed her master's in
  college student personnel at Bowling Green State University.
          Rawls previously held a variety of positions while
  pursuing her master's degree at Grand Valley State
  University in Allendale.  Since August of 1998, she had been
  an assistant in academic advising and student services in
  the School of Education at the university.
          During the 1997-98 school year, she was an
  assistant residence hall director at Grand Valley, and
  during the summer of 1998 she was the graduate assistant
  coordinator of Parent Orientation at the university.  In the
  fall of 1998, she taught a freshman seminar through Grand
  Valley's Academic Resource Center, and was a judicial
  coordinator and international student assistant through the
  Dean of Students Office.
          She graduated from De Paul University in Chicago,
  Ill., in 1997 with a bachelor's degree in communication, and
  in April completed a master of education degree, with an
  emphasis on college student affairs leadership, at Grand
  Valley State University.