Awards for academic achievement during the current school year were presented to Hope College students during the college's annual Honors Convocation on Thursday, April 27.
Awards for academic achievement during the current school year were presented to Hope College students during the college's annual Honors Convocation on Thursday, April 27.
The awards presented for achievement in specific
areas of study are as follows:
Art -- Art Department Purchase Award, senior Joel
S. VanderKamp of Midland; the Herrel George Thomas Memorial
Scholarships, freshman Leslie E. Aronson of West Bloomfield,
sophomore Lauren A. Hermes of Arlington Heights, Ill.,
junior Sopheap S. Sam of San Jose, Calif., and junior
Jennifer R. Hoover of Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; the Holland Area
Arts Council Scholarship, sophomore Casey C. McMahon of
Fennville; the Stanley Harrington Art Scholarship, sophomore
Nathan E. Klay of Holland; the John Montgomery Wilson Award
in Art History, senior Carrie L. Berlin of Eastpointe.
Biology -- The Biology Book Award, freshman Jody
A. Murray of Grant; the Wolterink Prize in Biology, junior
Olga Motorna of Kiev, Ukraine.
Biochemistry -- The Undergraduate Award for
Achievement in Biochemistry, sophomore Benjamin J. Downie of
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Chemistry -- First-Year Chemistry Book Awards,
freshman Karen M. Clark of Midland and sophomore Katherine
A. Ramsey of Holland; Organic Chemistry Book Award to the
Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry, sophomore Karen E.
Hahn of Midland; Junior Chemistry Journal Award, junior
Jordan R. Schmidt of Eagan, Minn.
Communication -- The A.A. Raven Prize in
Communication, senior Lucas R. Smith of Mt. Pleasant; the J.
Ackerman Coles Award for Scholarship in Communication
Studies, senior Elizabeth J. Anderson of Malta, Ill.
Computer Science Department -- The Russell J.
Kraay Awards in Computer Science, sophomore Sarah Dieter of
Colorado Springs, Colo., junior Joshua A. Krikke of
Hudsonville, and junior Daron J. Vroon of Jacksonville, Fla.
Dance -- The Florence Cavanaugh Dance Awards,
senior Philip N. Leete of Vienna, Va., and senior MaryBeth
F. Marchionda of New Baltimore.
Economics and Business Administration -- The
Deloitte & Touche Junior Accounting Book Awards, junior Sara
L. Bosscher of McBain and junior Betsy L. VandenBerg of
Beverly Hills; the Award for Outstanding Junior Economics
Student, junior Kirsten E. Slotten of Grand Ledge; Baker
Scholars, sophomores Elizabeth R. Husa of Hudsonville,
Andrea C. Korstange of Grand Rapids, Morgan H. Llewellyn of
Fremont, Andrew M. Oosterheert of Grandville, and Joel D.
Schick of Adrian.
Education -- The Elizabeth Vanderbush Awards in
Education, junior Laura A.
Evans of Livonia, junior Kristin A. Koenigsknecht of St.
Johns, and junior Amanda J. Krempa of Milford; the Elizabeth
Vanderbush Scholarships, junior Kimberly S. Grotenhuis of
Holland and junior Edwin A. Gall of Saline.
English -- The Stephenson First-Year Writing
Prize, sophomore Matthew A. VanderHyde of Comstock Park;
Erika Brubaker Awards for Promising Achievements in the
Study of Literature, junior Allyson K. Boggess of Walworth,
N.Y., junior Laura K. Donnelly of Holland, sophomore Erin E.
Hoopes of Chestertown, Md., junior Heather M. Johnson of
Indianapolis, Ind., junior Aaron M. Keck of Lansing, junior
Andrew L. Lotz of Sioux City, Iowa, sophomore Rachael S.
Pridgeon of Montgomery, junior James R. Schirmer of White
Cloud, sophomore Michelle A. Schoob of Joliet, Ill., junior
Kirsten E. Slotten of Grand Ledge, junior Noah D. Tucker of
Columbia City, Ind., and junior Charles J. White of Grand
Rapids; William Eerdmans Poetry Prize, junior Jennifer E.
Frayer of Indianapolis, Ind.; William Eerdmans Prose Prizes,
high school student Anna J. Cook of Holland and junior
Timothy A. Lepczyk of Traverse City.
Geology -- Ancient Mystic Order of the Trilobite
Awards, freshman Nathan M. Moore of Manistee and Brian P.
Yurk of Schoolcraft; the Faculty Book Award, junior Jeffrey
D. Wilcox of Saline; the Michael Visscher Memorial Book
Award, sophomore Shauna J. Little of Kalamazoo; the Reinking
Memorial Scholarship, junior Yasemin I. Tulu of Holland.
History -- The Phi Alpha Theta Freshman Book
Award, freshman James D. Plasman of Downers Grove, Ill.; the
Phi Alpha Theta Sophomore Book Award, sophomore Kristy L.
Truax of Wilmington, Del.; the Robert L. Melka Memorial
Award, sophomore Andrew P. Brosseit of Lawton; the Metta J.
Ross History Prizes, junior Louis T. Canfield of Whitehall,
junior Melissa S. LaBarge of Holland, junior Whitney E.
Schraw of Boyne City, and Elizabeth L. Seramur of Highland.
Kinesiology -- The Miner Stegenga Award, senior
Jennifer A. Ernst of Westerville, Ohio; the Alvin W.
Vanderbush Student Athlete Award, senior Todd Bradley Tester
of Traverse City; the Susan Allie Physical Education Award,
senior Tara J. Blacquiere of Caledonia; the Kathleen Ann
White '76 Memorial Scholarship, senior Kathryn A. Herweyer
of Kalamazoo; and the Human Kinetics Junior Book Award in
Athletic Training, junior Sheri L. Hartman of Plainfield,
Mathematics -- The John Kleinheksel Mathematics
Awards, freshman Karen M. Clark of Midland, freshman Lee M.
Kiessel of Suttons Bay, and sophomore Richard D. Smith of
Athens, N.Y.
Modern and Classical Languages -- The Classics
Prize, senior Matthew J. Mahaffey of Montezuma, Iowa; the
Delta Phi Alpha Book Prize, sophomore Anna-Kristina Kohls of
Shawano, Wis.; the Linda D. Palmer Memorial Award in French,
senior Jennifer Sue Smith of Holland; the Martin N. Ralph
Memorial Award in Spanish, senior Kathryn Elizabeth Schmidt
of Fort Wayne, Ind.; the Edward J. Wolters Classics Award,
junior Joel S. Ward of Oolitic, Ind.
Music -- The Grace Marguerite Browning Scholarship
in Voice, junior David T. VanDerLaan of Lombard, Ill.; the
Robert W. Cavanaugh Scholarship in Voice, sophomore Sarah R.
Proulx of Ionia; the Delta Omicron Scholarship (Alpha Chi
Chapter), junior Jennifer A. Baker of Hoffman Estates, Ill.;
the Junior-Senior Instrumental Scholarship, sophomore Lauren
L. Kruse of Holland and junior Douglas J. Mulder of Holland;
the Junior-Senior Scholarship in Piano, junior Laura K.
Donnelly of Holland; the Eleanor J. Palma Memorial Award,
junior J. Paul Jacobs of Grand Haven; the Jean Anderson
Palmer Memorial Award in Piano, sophomore Sarah E. Herman of
Sylvania, Ohio; the Claryce Rozeboom Memorial Scholarship in
Organ, junior Krista A. Shinew of Somerset, Pa.; the Donald
Weener Memorial Award, sophomore Susan R. DeKam of
Nursing -- The Junior Award, junior Lauren L.
Piotrowski of Troy; the Sophomore Pre-Nursing Award,
sophomore Katie R. Nykamp of Battle Creek.
Philosophy -- The Charles E. Lake Junior Prize in
Philosophy, junior Aaron M. Keck of Lansing; the Charles E.
Lake Memorial Prize for Philosophical Promise, sophomore
Erin E. Hoopes of Chestertown, Md.; the Charles E. Lake
Memorial Prize for Promise in Philosophy, freshman Nora T.
Staal of Israel.
Physics -- The Freshman Physics Book Award,
freshman Lee M. Kiessel of Suttons Bay.
Political Science -- The Political Science
Department Book Awards, sophomore Ruth A. Cortright of
Fennville, sophomore Christopher J. deAlvare of Holland,
senior Joy L. Eisenga of McBain, sophomore Whitney E.
Hadanek of Charlotte, senior Jonathon Hill Kopchick of Grand
Rapids, senior Brian Kent Paul of Bad Axe, freshman James D.
Plasman of Downers Grove, Ill., sophomore Tiffany M. Ripper
of Holland, sophomore Elizabeth E. Schofield of Niles,
freshman Sarah E. Sturtevant of West Olive, sophomore Brian
D. Sutter of Midland, junior David Van Opstall of
Hudsonville, sophomore Christopher B. Winkler of Boyne City,
and senior Jennifer Lyn Yonker of Orland Park, Ill. The
Renze Lyle Hoeksema Prizes in Political Science, junior
Louis T. Canfield of Whitehall, junior Radoslav R. Iliev of
Sofia, Bulgaria, and sophomore Jessica L. Zimbelman of
Psychology -- The Arthur John Terkeurst Psychology
Scholarship, junior Brianne L. Fry of St. Joseph; the C.
James Stringer Jr. Memorial Award, junior Karen L. Wittstock
of Grosse Pointe Park.
Religion -- The Religion Scholarship Award,
sophomore Jodi L. Boom of Coopersville; the Van Ess
Scholarship Awards, sophomore Amy E. Avery of Macomb, junior
Angela M. Baldino of Lima, Peru, junior Brett M. Bebber of
Littleton, Colo., junior Christy L. Boes of Grand Haven,
sophomore Jodi L. Boom of Coopersville, junior Daniel J. Bos
of Holland, junior Melissa M. Coll of Grand Ledge, junior
Joseph J. Gavin of Lakeport, junior Jami K. Grant of Holt,
junior Nathan C. Hart of Holland, junior Daniel G. Lannin of
Elgin, Ill., junior Rebecca L. LaRoy of Kalamazoo, junior
Jennifer L. Linton of Kijabe, Kenya, junior William M.
Powers of South Haven, sophomore Derek B. Root of Holland,
junior Lori A. Schilling of Walhalla, junior Elizabeth L.
Seramur of Highland, junior Joshua J. Tibbe of Newaygo,
sophomore Jennifer S. Traxler of Easton, Pa., and sophomore
Rebecca M. Wiechman of Whitmore Lake.
Theatre -- The Theatre Department Sophomore Award,
sophomore Jeremy M. Lydic of Eldridge, Iowa; the Theatre
Department Junior Awards, junior Anne K. Pott of Hamilton
and junior Michelle R. Rynbrandt of Clio.
Dean for Arts and Humanities' Awards -- high
school student Anna J. Cook of Holland and 2000 graduate
Paul Andrew VanderLaan of Holland.
Beckman Scholarships -- sophomore Karen E. Hahn of
Midland and sophomore Aranh Pen of Holland.
Dean of Students Peter Bol Award -- senior
Elizabeth Rachel Gibbs of Grand Haven.
Dean of Students Race Issues Paper Contest Award -
- freshman Kathryn S. DeHaan of Grand Rapids. Dean of
Students Race Issues Paper Contest Honorable Mentions --
junior Sara Lamers of St. Johns and junior Lisa Doorlag of
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships -- junior Steven
E. Molesa of Troy and junior Jordan R. Schmidt of Eagan,
Jurries Family Vienna Summer School Awards --
junior Amy R. Donley of Rockford and sophomore Lora J.
VanUffelen of Holland.
Theune Family Award -- senior Cathleen Marie
Jaworowski of Grand Rapids.
Paul Norman Timmer Memorial Award -- junior
Whitney E. Schraw of Boyne City.
Gene van Tamelen Prize for Creativity in the
Sciences -- senior Christopher David Cappa of Naperville,
Mary van Tamelen Prizes for Creativity in the Arts
-- senior Angella Paulette Huddleston of Romeoville, Ill.,
and senior Patricia Jean Rhiew of Farmington Hills.
Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Teachers --
junior Daniel J. Lappenga of Holland.
Women's Issues Organization -- The Gender Issue
Paper Contest Award, senior Erin Ruth Selmer of Seymour,
The Post Jewelry Chapel Choir Awards to the
following seniors: Meredith Ann Arwady of Kalamazoo,
Brandon C. Beebe of Northville, Jill Susanne Bennink of
Holt, Paula Kay Champion of Wamego, Kan., Rebecca Joy
DeVries of Fishers, Ind., Joy L. Eisenga of McBain, Gregory
Michael Frens of Grand Rapids, Seth Daniel Gardner of Battle
Creek, Jeremy James Hylen of Charlotte, Sandra Elizabeth
Kops of Whitehall, Renee Michelle Meyer of Mt. Vernon, Iowa,
Patricia Jean Rhiew of Farmington Hills, David Jon Schout of
Holland, Kathryn Amy Shelley of Saginaw, and Rebecca Joy
Zwart of Wyoming.