Several Hope College residence halls are hosting activities open to the community in conjunction with Halloween.

Voorhees Hall will host a haunted house in its
basement on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 8 p.m. until midnight.
Admission is $3, reduced to $2 for those wearing costumes.
Only those 12 years of age or older will be admitted to the
haunted house. Parental accompaniment is preferred for
those under 16 years of age.

A total of nine residence halls will be open to
young trick-or-treaters on Tuesday, Oct. 31, from 6 p.m. to
8 p.m. The participating halls are College East, Cook,
Durfee, Dykstra, Gilmore, Kollen, Lichty, Phelps and Van
Vleck. Children from the community are invited to visit and
admission is free, although they must be accompanied by an

College East is located on 14th Street between
Columbia Avenue and the railroad tracks.
Cook Hall is located on 10th Street between
College and Columbia avenues.
Durfee Hall is located on 10th Street between
College and Columbia avenues.
Dykstra Hall is located on Ninth Street at
Columbia Avenue.
Gilmore Hall is located on 10th Street at Columbia
Kollen Hall is located between 12th and 13th
streets on Columbia Avenue.
Lichty Hall is located on 13th Street between
College and Columbia avenues.
Phelps Hall is located on 10th Street at Columbia
Van Vleck Hall is located in the middle of campus,
south of Durfee Hall between College and Columbia avenues.
Voorhees Hall is located on 10th Street at College

Much of the candy for the trick-and-treaters is being donated by Hope students living in the residence halls. Local businesses and organizations who are also donating candy for the trick-or-treating include: A.D. Bos Co., Holland Peanut Store, Lifesavers Company, and the Kletz snack bar and the Office of Student Development at Hope.