Five nationally known presenters are scheduled to deliver the latest brain research information and discuss its impact on learning during the Midwest Brain and Learning Institute, to be held at Hope College on Monday-Thursday, June 25-28, at the Haworth Inn and Conference Center.
Educators, social workers, psychologists and health care professionals are encouraged to attend. Registration is underway.
The goal is to increase participants' understanding about topics such as system change in education, responding to neuroscience foundations of learning, diverse brains/diverse learners, and brain research implications for the classroom. Participants will be part of "learning clubs" organized around like interests/jobs. The clubs will meet daily to process their responses to that day's keynote session, as well as have the opportunity to meet other experts in breakout sessions.
Featured presenters include Dr. Gerald Tirrozi, Dr. Christian Jernstedt, Dr. Joe Gusman, Dr. David Sousa and Dr. Sig Zielke.
Dr. Gerald Tirrozi is executive director of the National Association of Secondary School Principals and former assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education with the United States Department of Education.
Dr. Christian Jernstedt is professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College, adjunct professor of community and family medicine at Dartmouth Medical School and director of the Center for Educational Outcomes of the C. Everett Koop Institute.
Dr. Joe Gusman is adjunct professor of language and literacy at the University of California-Sacramento, and instructor at the Multiple Intelligences Institute of the University of California- Riverside.
Dr. David Sousa is an international education consultant, and author of "How the Brain Learns" and "Learning Manual for How the Brain Learns."
Dr. Sig Zielke is a psychologist and researcher with the Behavioral Healthcare Hospitals
of Indiana.
Those interested in registering for the event should contact Dr. Leslie Wessman of
the Hope education faculty at (616) 395-7738 or Registrations will be taken through Tuesday, May 15, for $395. Early bird registration
runs through Sunday, April 1, for $350. Group discounts are also available.
The Institute is sponsored by Hope College, the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District and the Ottawa Area Intermediate School District.