An art auction organized by students at
Hope College is designed to support the second annual "Dance
Marathon" fund-raiser on behalf of local children.
The auction will be held at the Haworth Inn and
Conference Center on Thursday, Feb. 22, from 7 p.m. to 9
p.m., with bidding beginning at 7:30 p.m. The auction will
feature child-centered art, including works by children
assisted by DeVos Children's Hospital and by a variety of
artists from across the country.
The auction is described as "semi-formal." A $5 donation will be appreciated.
The Dance Marathon itself is a 24-hour marathon of
non-stop dancing organized by Hope students to raise funds
for DeVos Children's Hospital through the Children's Miracle
Network, and will run Friday-Saturday, March 9-10. The
participants will include Hope students as well as members
of the college's faculty and staff. Some 75 students danced
last year, and at least as many participants are anticipated
for this year's Dance Marathon.
The student organizers have been preparing for the
event since the fall semester. Last year, Hope's Dance
Marathon raised $23,328, nearly five times more than the
amount raised by any other liberal arts school of Hope's
size in a school's first year sponsoring one of the events,
according to Children's Miracle Network