Ekdal J. Buys of Holland, former chairman of theHope College Board of Trustees, died on Wednesday, March 27,2002. He was 86.
Buys was born on June 7, 1915, and graduated from GrandRapids Central High School in 1933.
He graduated from Hope with a history major in 1937. Hisco-curricular activities as a student included Blue Key, the YMCAcabinet, the debating team, the Pull tug-of-war and the FraternalSociety. He was a multiple letter winner in football and track,and co-captained the 1936 football team and held the college'sshot put record for 33 years.
He served on the Hope College Board of Trustees from 1955 to1966, and chaired the board from 1961 to 1966.
He had since served as an honorary trustee, and had remainedactively involved in the life of the college. He was a foundingmember of the college's Second Century Club. He playedleadership roles in a variety of fund drives and projects,including chairing the college's "Build Hope" capital campaign in the early 1970s.
"Ek Buys was a giant among the Hope College constituency asa student-athlete and member of our trustees," said Hope CollegePresident James E. Bultman. "He has made an indelible mark onthe fabric of Hope College. He will be greatly missed."
Buys received an honorary degree from Hope in 1966. Thecollege named the athletic fields near Holland Municipal Stadiumin his honor in 1982. In October of 1994, the college's AlumniH-Club presented him with its "Hope for Humanity" award inrecognition of his service to others and consistency ofcommitment.
Buys was chairman of the board emeritus of the investmentbanking firm Buys-MacGregor-MacNaughton-Greenwalt and Company, anorganization he founded in 1955. He began his investment careerwith John R. Schermer & Co. in Grand Rapids, leaving the businessfor a few years while serving as an officer in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Theater during World War II. During his businesscareer he served on various state and national boards relating tohis profession.
A long-time leader in community and church affairs inWestern Michigan, Buys had served local congregations and thedenomination of the Reformed Church in America through the years. He had been president of the Board of North American Missions ofthe RCA, and active with the Pine Rest Foundation and WesternTheological Seminary. He was a member of Hope Church in Holland.
Survivors include his wife, Mina Becker Buys, a 1936 Hopegraduate; two sons, Dr. Ekdal Buys Jr. of Tucson, Ariz., a 1962Hope graduate, and Dr. Christian Buys of Grand Junction, Colo., a1966 Hope graduate; grandchildren; and great-grandchildren.
There will be a private interment service on Friday, March29. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 7 at Hope Church in Holland.
Arrangements are being made by the Notier-Ver Lee-LangelandFuneral Chapel of Holland.
The family requests that memorial gifts be given to the BuysAthletic Fields Improvement Fund at Hope College.