Hope College staff members were recognized for service during the college's 22nd annual service award celebration, held in conjunction with a luncheon at the college's Haworth Inn and Conference Center on Friday, June 14.
Hope College staff members were recognized for service during the college's 22nd annual service award celebration, held in conjunction with a luncheon at the college's Haworth Inn and Conference Center on Friday, June 14.
Six employees who retired during the past school year were: James Becksvoort, physical plant; Ann Farley, office of the dean for the arts and humanities; Claudina Figueroa, physical plant; Gordon Hulst, physical plant; Ann Mason, human resources; and Susan Williams, registrar's office.
Honored for 35 years of service were William Anderson (finance/development) and Tom Renner (public relations).
Recognized for 30 years of service was Dawn VanArk (library).
Employees honored for 25 years of service were: Kenneth Aaldrink (physical plant), Laurie Brock (admissions), Rick Middlecamp (physical plant) and Cheryl McGill Schairer (office of the dean for the social sciences).
Recognized for 20 years of service were: Dale Austin (career services), James Bailey (physical plant), Karen Barr (admissions), Elizabeth Colburn (Upward Bound) and Katherine Mervau (president's office).
Fifteen-year honorees were: Abraham Anaya (computing and information technology), Karen Barber-Gibson (modern and classical languages), Steven Bareman (computing and information technology), Bradley Bouwkamp (computing and information technology), Ronald Evink (physical plant), Tod Gugino (chemistry), Sharon Hoogendoorn (registrar's office), Sandra Ray (physical plant), Gloria Shay (registrar's office), E. Louise Shumaker (student development), Judyth Thomas (theatre), Douglas VanDyken (business office) and Kristen Witkowski (computing and information technology).
Honored for 10 years of service were: Paul Anderson (theatre), Russell Goeman (transportation), Garrett Knoth (admissions), Christopher Schultz (physical plant), Sally Smith (political science) and Jack VanSlooten (transportation).
Marking five years of service were: Ellen Awad (student development), Rowene Beals (economics, management and accounting), Gayle Bleeker (physical plant), Linda Bos (health services), Lori Bouwman (campus ministries), James Brown (physical plant), Timothy Brown (campus ministries), Kurt DeVette (DeWitt Tennis Center), Darlene Dirkse (physical plant), Timothy Drost (physical plant), Mary Eagin (education), Louis Gonzales (physical plant), Anna Horn (physical plant), Beth Ann Hunt (physical plant), James Marcus (transportation), Kevin Mendels (computing and information technology), Lori Mulder (human resources), Bruce Rietman (physical plant), Christal Saffee (health services), Joyce Twining (financial aid), Margie Wiersma (computing and information technology), Mary Wilson (president's office), Chad Wolters (public safety) and Stephanie Wolters (public safety).