A drive for "school gear" for kindergarten through 12th grade students is being sponsored by the Hope College chapter of the Mortar Board national collegiate honor society.
The drive is running Monday-Friday, Dec. 2-6, and is being conducted on behalf of students in the Holland Public Schools. The organizers are seeking new or gently used hats, mittens, gloves, backpacks, coats, scarves and sweaters. Donated items may be dropped off in the lobby of the college's Van Wylen Library. They will be delivered to the school system on Friday, Dec. 6. Mortar Board recognizes college seniors for their achievements in scholarship, leadership and service; provides opportunities for continued leadership development; promotes service to colleges and universities; and encourages life-long contributions to the global community.
The national organization was founded in 1918. The 40-member Alcor Chapter has existed at Hope since the 1936-37 academic year, and became a part of the national Mortar Board organization in 1961.
The Van Wylen Library is located on College Avenue at 10th Street, and the lobby is on the building's south side. During the week of the drive, the library will be open from 8 a.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday.