A one-day conference at Hope College designed for area clergy will focus on "Scripture and the Moral Life."
The conference will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 18, and will run from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the college's Haworth Inn and Conference Center. The event will feature eight presentations by members of the Hope religion faculty based on books or articles they have published recently, on topics such as the Bible and ecology, the Bible and feminism, the use of scripture in capital punishment, and the way that the Bible can liberate the disenfranchised in U.S. society.
The event is sponsored by the college's department of religion and by the Christian Reformed Church-Reformed Church in America (CRC-RCA) Action Committee. It is designed as a continuing education opportunity for local clergy, an opportunity to think together about important topics in ministry, and an occasion for area clergy to become better acquainted.
Scheduled activities include four morning presentations and four afternoon presentations, with lunch in between.
The morning presentations will be "Electronic Exegesis," by Barry Bandstra; "Useful... for Training in Righteousness," by Allen Verhey; "Biblical Wisdom and Ecological Vision," by Steve Bouma-Prediger; and "Feminism and the Bible" by Lynn Japinga. The afternoon presentations will be "Reading the Bible from the Margins," by Miguel De La Torre; "A Case Study in the Use of Scripture: Capital Punishment," by Steve Hoogerwerf; "'Abide in Me': The Christian Life in John," by Wayne Brouwer, who is also senior pastor with Harderwyk Ministries; and "Re-covering a Woman's Head with Authority," by Jenny Powers.
The registration fee for the conference is $15, including lunch. Area clergy interested in registering may contact the college's department of religion by calling (616) 395-7750 during weekday business hours.
The Haworth Inn and Conference Center is located facing College Avenue between 9th and 10th streets.