Hope Summer Repertory Theatre opens the popular family musical, "Once Upon a Mattress" on July 25 on the DeWitt mainstage at 8:00 p.m. Based on the children's story "The Princess and the Pea," by Hans Christian Anderson, the musical tells the adventures of Princess Winifred the Woebegone, Prince Dauntless, and wicked Queen Aggravian.
Hope Summer Repertory Theatre opens the popular family musical, "Once Upon a Mattress" on July 25 on the DeWitt mainstage at 8:00 p.m. Based on the children's story "The Princess and the Pea," by Hans Christian Anderson, the musical tells the adventures of Princess Winifred the Woebegone, Prince Dauntless, and wicked Queen Aggravian.
Equity Artist Brandy McClendon ("Wizard of Oz," "Game of Love and Chance") uses her comic talents as Princess Winifred, while Equity Artist Cat Maddox ("Charley's Aunt," "Guys and Dolls") matchers her as Queen Aggravian, with Josh Brandenburg ("World Goes 'Round," "Footloose") as Prince Dauntless.
Nobody can be married until Prince Dauntless finds a bride. The only problem is the queen does not want just anyone to marry her son, and she does not want him to marry quickly. Each potential princess must pass a series of tests, but no one has yet managed them all. But since it is a fairy tale, well, you can count a happy ending!
Another quality cast fills out the roles, including Equity Artist David Colacci ("Rumors," "Billy Bishop, "Guys and Dolls"), Christine Paterson ("Guys and Dolls," "World Goes 'Round"), and Jason Kae.
Families will not want to miss this fairy tale classic that plays on July 25, 26, 28, 31 and August 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9.
Tickets are also available for the musical favorite, "Guys and Dolls," the comedy "The Game of Love and Chance," the riveting drama, "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial," September 11 based play, "The Guys," the cabaret show, "The World Goes 'Round," and the Children's Performance Troupe's productions of "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" and "Androcles and the Lion."
The ticket office is located in the DeWitt Center, on the Hope College campus, at the corner of 12th Street and Columbia Avenue in Holland. Prices range from $8-$25 for musicals, and $8-$18 for plays. Season coupons, ranging from $42-$60 are also available. Ticket office hours are 10 a.m-5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays, and one hour before all show times. Tickets may also be purchased by calling 616-395-7890.