Letterwinners on spring sports teams at Hope College have been announced by athletic director Ray Smith and senior women's administrator Eva Folkert.

 Letterwinners on spring sports teams at Hope College have been announced by athletic director Ray Smith and senior women's administrator Eva Folkert.

The spring season culminated a successful year of intercollegiate athletics as Hope College won the Commissioner's Cup for having the best cumulative men's and women's program in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA). Hope also finished first in the MIAA men's and second in the MIAA women's all-sports standings.

It marked the 26th time in school history that Hope has won the coveted MIAA Commissioner's Cup, the most of any member school.

Thirteen athletes lettered all four years in their respective spring sport. They were: Kenneth Bart of Jenison (baseball), Deanna Clouse of Jackson (women's tennis), Erik Frost of Midland (men's tennis), Martha Graham of Midland (women's track), Kelly Kraft of Brown City, (softball), Justin Kribs of Jenison (baseball), Eric MacKenzie of Alpena (baseball), Allison Miller of Hopkins (softball), Kyle Morrison of Niles (men's track), L. Aaron Quimby of Quincy (baseball), Joel Teft of Grand Rapids (men's track), Kara VanAssen of Jenison (women's track), Christiana Watkin of Holland (women's track).

2004 Baseball Letterwinners


2004 Softball Letterwinners


2004 Men's Tennis Letterwinners


2004 Women's Tennis Letterwinners


2004 Men's Track Letterwinners


2004 Women's Track Letterwinners