The annual Summer Seminars at Hope College this year will examine topics ranging from banned books, to disabilities, to the continued relevance of causes of the Civil War.
The seminars will run Monday-Friday, July 26-30. This year's five courses are "Banned Books: Political, Social, Religious, and Sexual Censorship," "Who Put the 'Dis' in Disability?," "The Other Bible," "The New American Civil War: The Constitution, Race, and the Challenge of the 21st Century," and "Third World, Second Sex."
The seminars will meet concurrently from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the air-conditioned Van Zoeren Hall on the Hope campus. Refreshments will be provided during mid-morning breaks.
All of the courses are available for undergraduate credit or on an audit basis, and most are available for graduate credit, depending on the needs of the enrollee. Class sizes are limited to 15 students per course.
"Banned Books: Political, Social, Religious, and Sexual Censorship" will consider censorship, from what it says about society to how it ultimately can help boost a publication's popularity. Controversies on titles ranging from the Harry Potter books, to Salmon Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" to Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" and others will be examined. The course will be taught by Dr. William Pannapacker, assistant professor of English and Towsley Research Scholar.
"Who Put the 'Dis' in Disability?" will explore both learning disabilities and physical disabilities. The seminar will include simulations of disabilities and examine both the needs of those with disabilities and how they function and adapt. The course will be taught by Dr. Lynn Snyder, associate professor of education.
"The Other Bible" will explore books that were left out of the Protestant Bible but were nonetheless cherished as sacred by some ancient Jews and Christians, such as "Jubilees," "The Life of Adam and Eve," "The Gospel of Thomas" and "The Revelation of Peter." The course will be taught by Dr. Phil Munoa, associate professor of religion.
"The New American Civil War: The Constitution, Race, and the Challenge of the 21st Century" will examine how major concerns of the era of the Civil War - including limited resources, the pressures of technology, the fight for political voice and racial antagonisms - continue. The course will be taught by Dr. Fred Johnson, assistant professor of history.
"Third World, Second Sex" will examine the role of gender in developing societies. Topics will include different religious traditions and their impact on the status of women, and the relationship between gender and the impact of globalization on the economy. The course will be taught by Dr. Annie Dandavati, associate professor of political science.
Enrollment for each seminar costs $200 for those who wish to audit, $315 for one hour of undergraduate credit or graduate credit, and $630 for two hours of undergraduate credit. Pre-registration is advised, although final registration will be on Monday, July 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. in Van Zoeren Hall.
Those interested in attending a seminar should call the Hope College Registrar's Office at (616) 395-7760.