Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger of the Hope College religion faculty has co-authored two chapters of a new book that examines environmental stewardship from a faith perspective.

The book, "Living the Good Life on God's Good Earth," invites readers to express their calling as caretakers of God's good earth in their daily living, from the clothes that they wear, to the food that they eat, to the work that they do, to how they spend their leisure time. Each of the 10 chapters includes discussion questions for small groups and resources for further reading.

Bouma-Prediger co-authored the first chapter, "Christian Theology and Creation Care," with Bret Stephenson of Baylor University and the final chapter, "Seeking Shalom," with John R. Wood of King's University College.

Bouma-Prediger is the John H. and Jeanne M. Jacobson Professor of Religion at Hope.

His numerous publications include four books concerning ecology and theology: "For the Beauty of the Earth"; "Evocations of Grace: Writings on Ecology, Theology, and Ethics," which he co-edited with Peter Bakken; "The Greening of Theology: The Ecological Models of Rosemary Radford Ruether, Joseph Sittler, and Jurgen Moltmann"; and, with Virginia Vroblesky, "Assessing the Ark: A Christian Perspective on Nonhuman Creatures and the Endangered Species Act." "For the Beauty of the Earth," won an "Award of Merit" from "Christianity Today" in the theology/ethics category of the magazine's "2002 Book Awards" program, and in December 2000 "Evocations of Grace: Writings on Ecology, Theology, and Ethics" was one of only five books named "editor's picks" book of the year by "Christian Century."

Bouma-Prediger has been a member of the Hope faculty since 1994. He was invited to deliver the college's Commencement address by the graduating Class of 1998, was elected the recipient of the college's "Hope Outstanding Professor Educator" (H.O.P.E.) Award by the graduating Class of 1999, and was chosen by the college's students to receive the "Favorite Faculty/Staff Member" award during Homecoming in 2001.

"Living the Good Life on God's Good Earth" has been published by Faith Alive Christian Resources, and was edited by David Koetje of the Calvin College biology faculty. Copies may be obtained through the Hope-Geneva Bookstore, located on the lower level of the DeWitt Center.