Faculty Writing Camp
This summer, enjoy a solid week dedicated to writing in the company of other faculty writers. Applicants must commit to five consecutive days of writing on their own projects. We will work together from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, with an hour break for lunch.
Your options for Summer 2022
- May 16–20
- June 6–10
Each camp session is limited to twelve campers. We run three sessions every year; however, demand is often heavy, so please apply as soon as you can. Priority will be given to new campers, but repeat participants are welcome and encouraged to apply.
The sessions are facilitated by faculty professionals in writing instruction. Additional
Writing Camp activities may include private consultations, opportunities to workshop
with colleagues, and writing tips and techniques.
Articles and Other Resources about Writing
- Boyle Single, Peg. (2010). Demystifying the Dissertation: Perfectionism — II. Inside Higher Ed.
- Creamer, Elizabeth G. (2005). Promoting the Effective Evaluation of Collaboratively Produced Scholarship: A Call to Action. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 102, 85-98.
- Hope College Faculty (2011). Video Interviews with Faculty Members Speaking about Their Own Experiences of the Process of Writing.
- June, Audrey Williams (2008). Job Coaches Help Get Professors Back on Track. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55.5.
- Lambie, Glenn W., Sias, Shari M., Davis, Keith M., Lawson, Gerard, & Akos, Patrick (2008). A Scholarly Writing Resource for Counselor Educators and Their Students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 86, 18-25.
- Myers, David (2007). Teaching Psychological Science Through Writing. Teaching of Psychology, 34, 77-84.op
- Toor, Rachel (2010). The Habit of Writing. The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 11, 2010.