Policy for Previewing Materials
Non-reference library materials which are suggested for purchase and cost more than $500 will be ordered for preview if possible or requested through MeL.
Acquisitions staff will notify the liaison librarian responsible for that individual department’s request. The liaison librarian will work with the faculty member regarding the request and previewing procedures. If previewing is not possible, then the materials will not be cataloged and processed until they have been examined by the selector. Once the materials are received by the library, the selector will be notified. The selector will then determine whether or not the materials meet their needs and expectations for use. Once the decision has been made, the materials will either be cataloged and processed or returned to the vendor. If the materials are not previewed by the selector in a timely manner, the materials will be returned unless other arrangements are made.
$500 will serve as a guideline since there might be materials that cost less we might want to preview and there might be materials costing more which we would not need to preview.
(Last revised September 2009.)