Variant Editions
- Abridged Editions
Unabridged editions are preferred over abridged editions. However, when the original unabridged edition is no longer available, or if the abridged edition has literary value, an abridged edition may be considered for purchase.
- Bibliographic Equivalents
The library will only purchase one imprint of a book if it is published simultaneously in more than one place (for example, British and U.S. editions). If a new edition or foreign edition varies substantially, it may be considered for purchase.
- Paperbacks
Hardback books are preferred, but due to price differences, paperbacks are frequently selected. Mass market paperback purchase is discouraged, unless it is the only available edition.
- Reprint Editions
A reprint edition of a monograph is a new printing with substantially unchanged text. When selecting a reprint as the primary copy, several factors are considered:
- Price
- Content
- Reputation of the publisher
- Archival quality of paper
- Specific edition requested
- Spiral/Looseleaf Bindings
Hardcover editions are preferred for purchase. However, if a spiral or looseleaf binding is the only available format, it may be purchased.
- Translations
Translations from foreign languages into English may be purchased.
(Last revised October 2007.)