General Library Policies
Food and Drink
Library users may enjoy snacks and beverages in the Van Wylen Library. However, food and drink pose a potential risk to library collections, equipment and furnishings. We therefore ask that you act responsibly when consuming food and drink in the library.
- Beverages may be brought into the library if they are in a covered drink container such as a covered coffee mug or sports cup
- Please limit aromatic and messy foods (pizza, salads, soup, etc.) to the Cup & Chaucer lounge area; groups and classes may arrange to bring food into the Granberg Room
- Be considerate of other library users and Hope custodial staff
- Clean up after yourself
- Report spills immediately to the Circulation Desk
- Dispose of trash properly
Smoking and Tobacco
Per Hope College policy, use of tobacco in any form inside the building is prohibited, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes and e-cigarette/vaping products. Chewing tobacco is also banned in the library. In compliance with the College Smoking Policy, there must be a 25-foot buffer between smokers and all buildings, vents and doorways.
(Last revised July 2023.)