Hope College holds more grants for summer student research from the National Science Foundation's "Research Experiences for Undergraduates" (NSF-REU) program than any other liberal arts college in the country.

 Hope College holds more grants for summer student research from the National Science Foundation's "Research Experiences for Undergraduates" (NSF-REU) program than any other liberal arts college in the country.

          Hope holds a total of five of the awards for the
  summer:  in biology, chemistry, computer science,
  mathematics, and physics and engineering.  It is the ninth
  consecutive year that at least four Hope departments have
  had NSF-REU support.
          Nationwide, only 11 other institutions, all of
  which are universities, hold at least as many of the grants
  as Hope, and of those only five universities hold more.
  Other than Hope, the only recipients of three or more of the
  grants are universities or research institutions.
          More than 200 institutions, including not only
  colleges and universities but also museums and independent
  research organizations, hold NSF-REU grants this year.
          Through Hope's grants, undergraduate students from
  both Hope and elsewhere will conduct research on a full-time
  basis with Hope faculty members for eight to 10 weeks this
  summer, and will receive stipends as well as support for
  housing, travel and other expenses.  They will join students
  whose summer research at Hope is supported in other ways.
          The department of biology's grant is supporting 10
  students working with nine faculty members for 10 weeks.
  Some of the projects include the regulation of enzyme
  production in yeast, the effects of hormones on water
  balance and mammary gland development, the effect of
  hybridization on species definition in plants and the role
  of birds in the spread of swimmer's itch.  The three-year,
  $156,000 grant is being administered by Dr. Virginia
  McDonough, who is an assistant professor of biology, and by
  Dr. Christopher Barney, who is professor of biology and
  chair of the department.
     The department of chemistry's grant is supporting eight
  students working among 11 faculty for up to 10 weeks.  The
  research projects include PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray
  Emission) analysis of environmental samples, synthesis of
  polymers and studies of atmospheric compounds.  The three-
  year, $139,119 grant is being administered by Dr. Joanne
  Stewart, professor of chemistry.
          The department of computer science's grant is
  supporting eight students working with four faculty for 10
  weeks.  The five projects include "Supporting Classroom
  Interaction Using Handheld Computers," "Enabling Remote
  Displays on Handheld Computers with Jini," "Smart(?) Lego
  Robots" and "Comparing Methods for Timetable Construction
  and Student Course Scheduling."  The three-year, $146,700
  grant is being administered by Dr. Herbert Dershem,
  professor of computer science and chair of the department,
  and Dr. Michael Jipping, associate professor of computer
          The department of mathematics's grant is
  supporting six students working with two faculty members for
  eight weeks.  The projects include "Modeling Population
  Dynamics with Difference Equations" and "Generating One-
  dimensional Rings."  The four-year, $120,000 grant is being
  administered by Dr. Timothy Pennings, associate professor of
  mathematics and chair of the department.
          The department of physics and engineering's grant
  is supporting eight students working with seven faculty for
  10 weeks.  The seven projects include "Biomechanical Studies
  of Balance Recovery in the Elderly," "Nuclear Reaction
  Studies with Radioactive Particle Beams," "Development of
  Laboratory Projects for Non-Engineers" and "Enhancing
  Commercial Aircraft Survivability."  The two-year, $90,251
  grant is being administered by Dr. Peter Jolivette,
  professor of physics.