The Knickerbocker Theatre at Hope College has announced a change to the schedule for its fall film series.
The second film in the series will now be "Travelers and Magicians," which begins on Monday, Nov. 7, instead of "Mad Hot Ballroom." The series, which continues through Friday, Dec. 2, will conclude its run with "The War Within" as previously announced.
"Travelers and Magicians" will run on Monday-Thursday, Nov. 7-10, and Monday-Friday, Nov. 14-18, at 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. nightly. The Wednesday, Nov. 16, showing will be at 9:15 p.m. only.
"Travelers and Magicians" is the first feature film to be filmed in the Himalayan region of Bhutan. The film's protagonist, Dondup, finds his village and job boring and simple, and dreams of life in the West. As he travels from home, however, he finds that custom and tradition follow him, and he gains additional insights from a monk who tells him a fable that parallels his own journey.
The final film in the series is "The War Within," showing Friday-Saturday, Nov. 25-26, and Tuesday-Friday, Nov. 29-Dec. 2, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. It is the story of Hassan, a Pakistani engineering student in Paris who is apprehended by Western intelligence sources for terrorist activities. Imprisoned and tortured, Hassan is provoked to action and joins a terrorist cell planning action in the United States. Taking refuge with an unsuspecting childhood friend and his family living in the United States, Hassan is torn between his religious beliefs and his feelings for his friend and his new American life.
The film is not rated and is in English.
The series opened with the Italian film "Keys to the House," scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 29, Monday, Oct. 31, and Tuesday-Friday, Nov 1-4, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. nightly.
Tickets for films at the Knickerbocker are $6 for regular admission and $5 for senior citizens, and may be purchased at the door. Updated information may be obtained by calling the Knickerbocker Information Line at (616) 395-7403.
The Knickerbocker Theatre is located at 86 East 8th Street in downtown Holland.