Staff of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Jevon Willis
Director of Center for Diversity and Inclusion616.395.6760
willis@hope.eduKeppel House 129 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Assistant Director
Margo Walters
Assistant Director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion616.395.7867
walters@hope.eduKeppel House 129 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3698
Nicole Dykstra
Office Assistant616.395.6760
dykstran@hope.eduKeppel House 129 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Polly Khorn
Program Coordinator616.395.7806
khorn@hope.eduKeppel House 129 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dean Emeritus of International and Multicultural Education