Hope College operates in a continuous improvement cycle for the benefit of our students by assessing student learning outcomes and making improvements based on results.
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Student learning from across their program courses, general education courses and
cocurricular experiences leads our students to five common learning outcomes. These
common learning outcomes are the skills and knowledge students will have achieved
when they complete their Hope College degree. The overarching student outcome is our
mission “to educate students for lives of leadership and service in a global society
through academic and cocurricular programs of recognized excellence in the liberal
arts and in the context of the historic Christian faith.” Assessment of learning at
all levels ensures students achieve these outcomes.
Academic programs, general education and cocurricular programs each developed an assessment plan. These plans include schedules of assessment for each student learning outcome and for review of assessment results. Annual reports of completed assessments are entered into the Hope College Assessment Portal.
- Assessment Leadership
Assessment is guided by the college Assessment Committee, a standing committee of the Academic Affairs Board, in collaboration with the senior director of assessment and accreditation who reports to the provost.
Committee functions include:
- Educating the campus community about assessment and its importance
- Assisting academic departments and administrative units with developing assessment plans and using assessment instruments
- Assisting academic departments and administrative units with interpretation of assessment results and implementing plans to improve teaching and learning based on those findings
- Developing and periodically reviewing instruments to assess the outcomes of the general education program
- Monitoring the various assessment plans and when needed recommending changes to the Academic Affairs Board
- Assessment Committee Membership
Assessment Committee members serve in rotating appointments to increase participation in assessment activities. Staff members are appointed by their vice president for the period of their appointment, providing continuity while the faculty and student members serve in rotations.
Committee membership includes:
- Senior director of assessment and accreditation (chair)
- Eight faculty members — two from each division for three-year terms
- Two students appointed by Student Congress for one-year terms
- One staff member from Institutional Research
- One staff member from the Office of Development and Alumni Engagement
- One staff member from the Student Development Office
- Faculty director of General Education