/ Human Resources


Monthly Challenge

Every month, your goal will be to complete two or more activities in each wellness dimension. Winners will be selected at the end of the month for a prize!

Challenge trackers are due on the last day of each month, and prizes will be awarded the first week of the following month.

Fill out your monthly challenge tracker

The four dimensions of wellness are:

  • Physical: Choosing healthier lifestyle choices such as regular exercise and a balanced diet to optimize your quality of life, to prevent chronic diseases and conditions, and to improve vitality.
  • Mental: Realizing your own potential, coping healthfully with the normal stresses of life, working productively and fruitfully, and giving back to your community.
  • Financial: Establishing your own sense of financial security and freedom of choice, in the present and in the future.
  • Spiritual: Finding purpose in life through connections with yourself, others, culture, nature or a power greater than yourself.