/ Human Resources

Pro-Dev Day

On Monday, February 10, the Office of Human Resources will host a professional development conference for Hope employees.

The goal of this daylong event is to empower our colleagues with tools, skills and knowledge that will strengthen our collective efforts and also provide frequently requested information.

Like other professional development conferences, this event will feature a lineup of breakout sessions and general sessions on a selection of topics. The event will take place in the Martha Miller Center, making it easily accessible to employees. All are welcome, and participants may attend one, some or all sessions. Please RSVP so that we can plan accordingly.

Why during Winter Break? We planned the conference to occur when offices are a little quieter and staff may have more availability. Understandably, some individuals may be off campus that day. If you’re not able to join us, don't fret — we are already thinking ahead to the next one!

If you have any questions, please contact frey@hope.edu.