/ Student Development

Student Handbook 2017–2018

Hope College Student Handbook contains established standards for conduct, policies and procedures designed to build a strong transparent, collaborative, ethical and just community of learners.  

Every Hope College student is expected to read, understand and abide by all campus policies, procedures and College expectations outlined in the Student Handbook. The handbook contains student organization policies, campus resources, residence life and housing policies and procedures, and the student code of conduct to support your educational journey.

If you have questions about the Student Handbook, please contact the Student Development Office, 616.395.7800.

Table of Contents

  1. Hope College Community
  2. Virtues of Conversation in the Hope College Community
  3. Life on Campus
    1. Academic Success Center
    2. Boerigter Center for Calling and Career
    3. Center for Diversity and Inclusion
    4. Counseling and Psychological Services
    5. Health Center
    6. Mail and Print Services
    7. Student Employment
    8. Student Life
  4. Residential Life and Housing
    1. Residential Life Housing Policy
    2. Hostile Living Environment Response Policy
    3. Housing Terms and Conditions
    4. Housing Agreement - Example
    5. Living with your roommate and roommate agreement
    6. Work Orders
    7. Lock Outs
    8. Recycling
    9. Room Condition
    10. Common Area Condition Report
  5. Hope College Judicial System
  6. Student Behavior and Policies
  7. Hope College Policies and Procedures
    1. Bicycle Usage Policy
    2. Campus Demonstration and Disorderly Policy
    3. Campus Security, Safety and You
    4. Classroom Recording Policy
    5. Code for Academic Integrity
    6. Computer Usage and Responsibilities
    7. Dining Services and Board Policy
    8. Emergency Contact Policy
    9. Entering Emergency Contact Information into KnowHope Plus
    10. Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    11. Loss of Student Eligibility for Federal Aid due to Drug Conviction
    12. Medical Marijuana Policy
    13. Missing Student Policy
    14. Policy on Racial and Ethnic Harassment
    15. Policy Statement on Sexual Assault or Harassment and Grievance Procedure
    16. Small Unmanned Aircraft System Policy (Drone)
    17. Smoking Policy
    18. Student Load
    19. Student Organizations Travel Policy
    20. Timely Warning/Emergency Notifications

The Hope College Community

Community refers to a group of individuals that share a common purpose and goal. It is a group who lives, works, and interacts respectfully, with consideration of the unique qualities of the others within the community. Often diverse, this group commits to a shared experience by negotiating strategies for a healthy and productive environment, where the needs of both the individual and the group are nurtured and enhanced.

When you become a member of the Hope community, either by enrolling in classes or as a faculty or staff member, you assume the responsibility of creating an atmosphere that is conducive to education and scholarship by observing the standards that have been defined. Being a member of the Hope College community has many rewards found in the quality of education, numerous co-curricular activities and vibrant Christian character. You will reap the benefits of belonging to such a community, but are expected to uphold the values and respect the individuals who also belong to this community.

Throughout this handbook, you will find helpful information about our community. Whether you live on-campus or off-campus, it is important that you are a positive influence on the campus and in the surrounding community. Hope College has established standards for conduct in order to protect the rights of every student and to ensure a community of respect. The College strives to make this campus a place where members can study, work, and reside, and where people are treated with respect.

Furthermore, all residents of the campus are an integral part of the community and, as such, will assume an active role in developing and monitoring an atmosphere which promotes success for all members. As a community member, your rights and responsibilities must be balanced with the needs of your neighbors.

Hope College aspires to be an institution which cares and engages learning to make a difference.

Virtues of Conversation in the Hope College Community

Hope College provides, with recognized excellence, an undergraduate liberal arts education vitally informed by the historic Christian faith. Thus, Hope seeks to be an educational community in which all individuals are, as a matter of deeply held principle, treated with the respect due them as God’s creatures. As an academic institution, we are also firmly committed to the exploration of a wide range of ideas, some of which will not garner wide agreement within the community.

When disagreement and controversy ensue, as they surely will at times, how do we conduct our institutional conversations? We believe the following virtues of conversation are both biblically warranted and consistent with our educational mission. We recommend them to the Hope community as a means of ensuring that our conversations with one another are consistent with both our convictions regarding the worth of people and with our educational mission. These qualities of a liberally educated individual may become especially important when the pressures of controversy and disagreement might incline us to disregard them.

Humility recognizes the limitations of any one person’s knowledge, and thus makes it possible to learn from the insights of others. Humility says no to the price that prevents open communication, thus encouraging a willingness to consider carefully others’ opinions and perspectives. Humility does not mean, however, endorsement of every view encountered.

Hospitality is the virtue of welcoming the stranger—who might really be anyone whose ideas, beliefs, or morality might seem different, confusing, or discomforting. Even more, it is the virtue of receiving others into our presence and offering a safe place for people to express ideas unlike our own.

Patience is the willingness and the fortitude to stay engaged, calmly persevering, with the knowledge that waiting is not merely doing nothing, but is a persistent determination that reveals and stretches our ability to understand.

Courage is the boldness to accept risks associated with honest advocacy of one's position. Courage requires the strength to freely speak ones’ convictions even when one’s opinions may be considered dangerous or unpopular. Courage also involves the ability to listen openly as others articulate beliefs that are different from your own.

Honesty is determined commitment to discovering and speaking the truth by members of the community. Fidelity to what is the case and an unwillingness to mislead are hallmarks of honesty. Honesty fosters an open environment that encourages growth and leads to real progress.

Life on Campus

Hope College is committed to providing many resources and co-curricular activities that are essential for students. Experiences where students are challenged, supported, and cared for as it relates to the liberal arts, community membership, understanding and experiencing faith in action, and living and learning in a diverse community.

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides students with group and individual opportunities to become successful, active learners. We assist students in developing productive, independent, and collaborative learning techniques that will contribute to their academic and personal growth. To learn more about the Academic Success Center and the resources they provide, please visit https://hope.edu/admin/acadsuccess/ or stop into the office which is located on the 2nd floor of VanZoeren Hall, room 261, immediately adjacent to the Van Wylen Library entrance.

Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

The Boerigter Center for Calling and Career specializes in providing the resources and services students need for career planning, selecting a major, securing an internship or a job. The staff partners with students to assist them with resume building, networking opportunities, interviewing, internship programs, and employment or graduate school searches. To learn more about the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career and the programs and services they offer, please visit https://hope.edu/offices/boerigter-center/

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion serves as a haven of support and celebration of racial/ethnic diversity and academic excellence, providing educational and developmental opportunities aimed at preparing all member of the campus and community to thrive in a diverse and global world. To learn more about The Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Multicultural Student Organizations, or upcoming events, please call 616-395-7867 or visit https://hope.edu/student/multi/index.html

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and psychological services are oriented towards working with students to reach their full personal and academic potential. These services may include counseling groups, psycho-educational groups, individual short-term counseling, crisis intervention, and one-time consultations. All services are confidential and free to degree seeking enrolled Hope students. To learn more about Counseling and Psychological Services, please call 616-395-7945 or visit https://hope.edu/admin/counseling/

Health Center

Health Center offers both director medical care, prevention and educational services to assist students in achieving their academic and personal life goals by promoting and maintaining the health of our students and the Hope community. To learn more about the Health Clinic, please visit https://hope.edu/admin/healthcenter/ or for an appointment call 616-395-7585.

Mail and Print Services

Hope College provides both mail and print services to students, faculty and staff. Mail service provides the collection and distribution of mail to students and departments across campus. They also provide a variety of options for mailing packages, both domestic and international, including United States Postal Service, UPS and FedEx. Print Services offers a variety of services from photocopying/print to booklets and personal orders. To learn more about Mail and Print Services, please visit https://hope.edu/print-mail/index.html

Student Employment

At Hope College, we understand the importance of providing job opportunities for students. On-campus employment enhances a students’ academic experience and provides invaluable life and work experiences for future career goals. Students are encouraged visit Handshake (hope.edu/handshake) to search for on-campus and off-campus employment along with internship opportunities. To learn more about Handshake, please contact the Boerigter Center office, 616- 395-7950.

Student Life

The Office of Student Life provides opportunities to participate actively in the life of the College through student organizations, groups and events you can plug into, serve with, play in, root for and grow with. Student Life will assist with helping you get connected into the campus life. Opportunities include:

  • Exploring the more than 60+ student groups
  • Volunteering opportunities through Volunteer Services
  • Coffeehouse, a weekly showcase of student musicians and performers
  • Trips to regional points of interest, including Chicago and Detroit
  • Films, improv and comedy shows, slam poetry and other performances
  • Traditional collegiate events like Pull, Nykerk, Homecoming Hoedown, and Winter Fantasia
  • Outdoor events, including the Drive-In Movie and Spring Fling

If interested in learning more about Student Life, student groups, or campus events, please visit https://hope.edu/student/life/

Residential Life and Housing

In recognizing that active learning is a process that continues beyond the classroom, the Department of Residential Life works collaboratively with the academic mission of Hope College to provide holistic learning. We strive to create positive residential communities that will intentionally challenge and support the growth of all students in the context of the Christian faith. Residential Life fosters the development of students by providing opportunities for intellectual conversation, encouraging physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, and cultivating the respect of all people.

Residential Life Housing Policy

All degree-seeking students at Hope College will live in college-owned or controlled housing unless granted annual permission to live off-campus or to commute daily from their parent’s home.

The Hope College vision statement includes a commitment to the residential nature of the college experience. All students live on-campus for three academic years. The majority of students live in a residential hall setting during the first two academic years. The College understands the need for independence in preparation for life after graduation and, therefore, has created living opportunities for students to reside in cottages and apartments after living in the residential hall setting for their first two years, as well as allowing senior students to live off-campus. Degree-seeking students are those students who are pursuing an academic degree from Hope College. Students who are considered part-time status may request on-campus housing.

Degree-seeking students who are married will be exempt from this requirement provided they follow the application procedure. Proof of marriage will be required. Exceptions to the Housing Policy may be granted to students who have earned 75 credits by January 31 prior to the academic year for which the exception is sought or those students who will be 23 years of age or older at the start of the academic year for which the exception is sought. (Note: The College reserves the right to alter the minimum number of credits required for the exception; changes will be publicized in a timely manner.) Exceptions also may be granted for extreme medical or psychological reasons. Documentation from qualified medical and/or mental health professionals will be required.

Questions about this policy may be directed to Dr. John Jobson, Associate Dean of Students or Kristyn Bochniak, Director of Residential Life and Education, 616- 395-7800.

Hostile Living Environment Response Policy

This policy is intended to be utilized in situations where a hostile environment has been created within the assigned college housing. A “hostile environment” is defined as a situation in which one or more individuals in a living unit intentionally creates tension between roommates, making the residential environment unlivable for personal, academic and/or psychological reasons.

When a hostile environment occurs, the Residential Life staff will respond taking the following appropriate

A. A Residential Life staff member will meet with the student or students causing the disruption. Expectations of appropriate roommate behaviors will be stated and discussed at that time.
B.  Mediation of conflicts will be initiated by the Residential Life staff.
C.  Roommate contracts, which should have been completed in the beginning of the semester, will be revised to address issues of concern.

If the behaviors which have caused the hostile environment continue, Residential Life staff have the option to move the student or group of students causing the disruption to another room assignment and/or charging that student or group of students for the cost of the open space(s).

The policy also is applicable to situations in which a student or group of students intentionally discouraging a potential roommate from moving into the available space(s) in the housing assignment.

Questions about this policy may be directed to Dr. John Jobson, Associate Dean of Students or Kristyn Bochniak, Director of Residential Life and Education, 616-395-7800.

Housing Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions regarding college housing must be met by all Hope students and their guests. These terms may be altered only upon written approval by the Dean of Students. The terms and conditions are enacted for the safety and security of the Hope College community.

The administrative area of the college is responsible for seeing that these terms and conditions are met, and infractions are thereby handled administratively. If a student violates any of the above conditions, the Resident Director (or appropriate staff member) will meet with the student to discuss verbally the policy that has been violated and a letter of warning will be sent from the Student Development Office. A second violation will result in the student being charged with failure to comply with the request of a college official and the incident will be handled through the judicial process.

If at any time that Resident Director feels other action is needed, he/she may refer the matter to the judicial process or the Resident Director’s supervisor. As with any administrative decision, if any student feels as though he/she has been treated unfairly, those concerns should be addressed in written from to the Director of Residential Life and Education.

Aerials, Antennae and Cable TV

Aerials, antennae, and satellite reception equipment may not be erected on any building, placed outside of windows, or used in any other manner that does not meet safety standards. It is against the law to splice or tamper in any way with cable television lines or in any other manner intercept cable television signals.

Air Conditioners

Because of their power requirements, room air conditioners may not be installed by students. Students who have a medical reason for having an air conditioner in their room will need to present medical documentation to the Associate Dean of Students. If permitted, the air conditioner must be provided by the student and installed by the College’s Physical Plant.


The City of Holland prohibits the use of any basement for habitable space as defined in the city housing code for living areas, sleeping areas, or student areas unless it meets all code requirements for such space. Basements may not be used as living space (bedrooms, living rooms, game rooms, etc.) unless they are equipped with emergency egress windows.

Basements may be used as storage at your own risk. Any damage done to items due to facilities issues (i.e. broken water pipe, loss of electrical or waste back-ups) is not the liability of the College. No items may be place within 15 feet around the furnaces and hot water heaters. No items may be placed in front of basement doors or the building’s mechanical area access doors. No locked spaces may be accessed by students.


Students who are assigned to live in residential facilities must complete check-in procedures when they enter each semester. Student entering residential facilities prior to the designated opening date and term, or students who have not received permission from the Student Development Office to enter residential facilities will be subject to the removal of belongings from the room and other disciplinary action.


Students withdrawing from housing during the academic year must complete checkout procedures within 48 hours of submitting a withdrawal form or receiving off-campus or commuter permission. Students leaving campus housing without following proper check-out procedures will be subject to removal of belongings from room, appropriate charges (cleaning, storage, etc.), and fines (improper check-out, etc.) This could include fines associated with not returning keys and/or access cards.

Christmas or Seasonal Decorations

Christmas or other seasonal decorations may not be hung in hallways or stairwells or on the exterior of buildings and windows. Because overloaded circuits and excessive paper create a fire hazard, this includes electrical lights, candles, and hall or doorway paper decorations. Live Christmas trees, branches, and wreaths are prohibited on campus. All Christmas decorations must be removed before students leave for Christmas break. Residential Life and the Occupational Health and Fire Safety Department reserve the right to request that decorations be removed.


For health and safety reasons, cooking is not allowed in residence hall facilities, except where kitchen facilities are provided. Larger residence halls have kitchens that are available for the preparation of snacks by the residents of the residence halls. These kitchens, however, are not to be used for the preparation of meals on a regular basis.


As students are responsible for the items in their rooms, charges will be made for damage to college furniture, equipment and rooms. Each student is responsible for what occurs in the room to which he/she is assigned.

Electrical Extension Cords

No extension cords may be permitted to extend the length of a surge protector and no extension cords plugged into the surge protector to extend its distance to an electrical device. Taping down electrical cords, extension cords, or placing them under rugs or carpets is prohibited.

Decorative strands of lights are permitted with an Underwriter’s Laboratories label or listing (UL). DO NOT exceed the number of permissible stands plugged in together in one circuit (typically 3 strands) or extend their length with any extension cords to reach an electrical outlet.

Electrical Appliances

No electrical appliances with exposed heating elements are permitted in college residence facilities. A short list of approved appliances is stated below. All appliances must be in good working order and UL approved. If appliances are in poor condition or being irresponsibly used, they will be removed or repairs required immediately. Most household appliances, including microwave ovens, may not be used in student rooms because of fire hazard related to electrical drain or overload. Appliances using significant amounts of power or a large number of appliances in a student room must be approved by the Director of Campus Safety. Refrigerators of more than five cubic feet are prohibited. The College may add or remove authorization of an item based on additional information or risk. *Allowed in cottages and apartments only.



UL approved iron Microwave*
Hot pot Toaster*
Hair dryer Space heater
Curling iron Halogen floor lamps
Clothes steamer Toaster ovens*
Hot air popcorn popper George Foreman - type of grills*
Coffee pot Waffle Maker
Desk halogen lamps Induction Cooktops


Students may not remove furniture from lounges, study rooms, or student rooms. Students doing so may be charged with theft. Also, all college property (including headboards of beds) must remain in the students’ room. Students also may not place non-patio furniture on the porches of college property.


The right of a student to live in reasonable privacy takes precedence over the privilege of his or her roommates, suitemates, apartment mates, or housemates to entertain guests. In no event are guests allowed to remain more than three nights. Guests of the opposite sex are not allowed overnight guest privileges. Hope College students are responsible for their guests and are subject to disciplinary action (including payment of any damages) if their guest violates college policies. At Hope College events, students and their guests are expected to behave respectfully and in the spirit of the occasion.

Hallway Decorations

Small name tags and memo boards are the only items which may be hung in hallways or stairwells or on room doors. Announcements may be posted on bulletin boards.

Keys and Codes

Students who lose keys and/or ID cards must have them replaced within 72 hours. A charge will appear on your account if access cards are not returned and in good condition. New ID cards may be obtained at Campus Safety, 616-395-7770.

Lock Outs

Students are responsible for making sure that their residence is secure and carry their keys/ID cards with them in order to prevent being locked out. If a student is locked out, a Residential Life staff member or Campus Safety may assist them. Each student is allowed two lock outs per semester. Students may be fined $50 for every lock out that occurs thereafter.


Student may not place additional locks or create any entry way obstacle in any Hope facilities.

Meeting/Gathering Areas

College cottage and apartment settings do not meet minimum guidelines needed to allow areas to be termed “places of assembly.” As a result, no more than 49 individuals may be in a housing unit at any time. The college discourages event meetings/gatherings of less than 49 people if safety issues are still a concern due to the structure/design of the building.

Personal Property

The college is not responsible for items lost, stolen, or damaged in student rooms, storage areas, or elsewhere on campus.

Room Responsibility 

Resident rooms must be in the same condition upon departure as they were upon arrival. Room damages or decorating violations will be assessed and charged against the resident(s) responsible. If a responsible party does not come forward, the damage bill will be split among all residents of the room.

Pictures, posters, and other materials must be hung with blue painters tape only. Nails, tacks, screws, glue, plastic hooks, and other adhesives may not be used on walls, ceilings, wardrobes, woodwork, doors, or furniture. Any damage done by adhesives (including blue tape) will be assessed as repairable damage to the residents.

Alterations (including but not limited to painting) to a room/apartment/cottage or to any college property within a room/apartment or common area is prohibited.

Sharps Disposal Policy

In order to protect all students, visitors, and housekeeping staff on campus any students using needles are expected to dispose of such items in an appropriate manner. The recommended method to properly discard of needles is to place used needles in a red bio-hazard sharps container and bring the container to the Student Health Center for further disposal. Red bio-hazard sharps containers are available to any student requesting one (free of charge with no questions asked).

The institution recognizes that in certain situations a bio-hazard container may not be readily available. In this instance students are directed to recap used needles and place in a plastic puncture resistant container (such as an empty detergent bottle) and tape the lid securely. This is not the preferred method of disposal since these container are puncture resistant not puncture proof. These containers should also be brought to the Health center to be labeled with a biohazard sticker and checked to be intact and secure. These containers should NOT be place in regular trash receptacles on campus. Students may also opt to take used needles home with them for further disposal.

Any student coming from home with their own “sharps disposal system” that differs from the above recommendations will need to have this system cleared through the Health Center prior to use.


Smoking is not allowed in any campus facility, including student housing. Refer to Smoking Policy

Fire Safety

See Student Behavior Policy 8.0


There is no solicitation allowed inside or outside the residential facilities. This includes student rooms as well as hallways and lobbies. See Student Behavior Policy 13.3

Videocassettes and Videodiscs (DVD)

Federal law restricts the use of VHS tapes or DVDs to private showings and prohibits their public performance.


Waterbeds are prohibited in college housing.

Window Screens

Screens are to be kept in place at all times. Students will be fined $100 if the screens are removed.


Students may not use additional wiring (not provided by the college) in residential facilities. Extension cords are discouraged as much as possible unless the cord is being used to connect a single appliance to an outlet. Cords must be UL approved, and breaker power stripes are encouraged; they must not be spliced, taped, frayed, or routed under carpeting or across hallways or doorways. Dimmer switches and ceiling fixtures may not be installed. Telephone lines must also not create a tripping hazard and cannot be routed across doorways or hallways.

Housing Agreement

This Housing Agreement is between Hope College, hereinafter called “College,” and the undersigned student, hereinafter called “Student.” By signing this Housing Agreement, Student agrees to occupy a furnished residential housing unit to be assigned by the College (the “Unit”) upon the following terms and conditions. Hope College may accept this Agreement by giving possession of the Unit. Giving Student possession of the Unit shall be deemed as good and binding an acceptance of this Agreement as execution of the same by Hope College. If the Student is a minor, the agreement is with the undersigned parents and/or guardians.


1. TERM: The term of this Housing Agreement (the “Term”) shall be from 12:00 pm, August 26, 2016, or the execution hereof, if earlier, to 5:00 pm, December 16, 2016, or 24-hours after the last semester exam, whichever comes first, and 12:00 pm, January 7, 2017 to 5:00 pm, May 5, 2017, or 24-hours after the last semester exam, whichever comes first.

2. OCCUPANCY: Student is granted a nonexclusive license to use the furnished residential unit assigned by the College, or such other unit as the College may assign or reassign (the “Unit”) during the Term, subject to all provisions of this Housing Agreement. This license is a personal and is neither assignable nor transferable. Student acknowledges that Student’s use of the Unit may be in common with that of another student, sometimes referred here in as “roommate.” If Student desires to occupy the Unit for periods beyond the Term of Housing Agreement (for example, during Christmas break), Student shall pay such fees and execute such supplemental housing agreements as the College may require. Any such occupancy shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Housing Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constructed as an obligation of the College to offer housing outside the Term. Students may be reassigned if deemed necessary by the Dean of Students or his/her designee.

3. HOUSING FEE: In consideration of the use of the Unit for the Term, Student agrees to pay the housing fee published by the College. If Tenant refuses a roommate that the College places in a room that is large enough to accommodate an additional person, Tenant agrees to pay 150% of the published housing fee.

4. MAINTENANCE, ROOM CONDITION AND DAMAGES REPORT: Student shall submit to College a Room Condition Report within forty-eight hours of delivery of possession of the Unit, in such form as the College may provide, and upon termination of possession as provided by the College rules and regulations. Students shall maintain the Unit and adjacent facilities in a clean, sanitary, and nonhazardous condition throughout the Terms and return those areas to the College in the same condition as received, reasonable wear and tear expected. In the event the Student fails to return the Unit and adjacent facilities in the condition provided for herein, then Student shall pay to College on demand the reasonable cost for repairing such damages. The Cost of repairing the damages to adjacent facilities may be assessed proportionately among all students residing in a residential facility or portion thereof, when appropriate. Student grants to College the right to deduct or offset such damages from any deposits or credit balances Student may have with the College.

5. PERSONAL PROPERTY: The College does not insure and is not responsible for the loss or theft of, or damage to the personal property of Student or others located in this Unit or on property belonging to the College. Student, by executing this Agreement, releases and discharges the College from any and all claims Student has or may have as a result of the loss or theft of, or damage to personal property of the Student. Student is advised to insure valuable personal property against loss or damage. Any personal property of Student which remains on College property for more than ten (10) days following termination of occupancy by the Student shall be deemed abandoned and the College shall be entitled to bill the student for the removal of the abandoned items or to retain such property or the proceeds thereof as compensation for its cost of storing, handling and/or disposing of such personal property.

6. GUESTS: Student will be responsible for violation of College rules and regulations by Student’s guests. Guests shall only use the Unit in accordance with the College rules and regulations and no guest shall remain overnight without the approval of the College. (Please refer to the statement on Guests in the Student Handbook for more information. This information is available online in the Housing Terms and Conditions,” or obtaining a paper copy from your Resident Director, or in the Student Development Office.)

7. CANCELLATION: This Agreement may be cancelled by the College under the following circumstances:

a. Student’s failure to participate in registration, or remain an enrolled student in good standing with the College.
b. Student’s failure to pay College enrollment or other deposits by the date designated by the College.
c. Student’s failure to pay housing fee within seven (7) days of the date specified in paragraph three.
d. Student’s failure to take occupancy of the Unit by September 5, 2016 or to retake occupancy for the spring semester by January 14, 2017.
e. Student’s violation of College Rules and Regulations.
f. Student’s failure to occupy the Unit for ten (10) consecutive days on which classes are scheduled.

In the event the College terminates this Agreement, Student may be billed for the entire academic semester within which Student leaves housing and assessed a $100.00 liquidated damage fee. The Student hereby agrees that it is responsible for the liquidated damage fee to cover the College’s cost resulting from the Student’s failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement; said fee is accepted as liquidated damages caused by such circumstances because the actual damages will be difficult or impossible to determine. Termination of this Agreement shall not release the Student from the Student’s obligations to occupy college housing if required by the College rules and regulations.

8. RIGHT OF ENTRY: The parties agree that the College shall have access to the Unit without notice during normal working hours for cleaning, inventory, repairs, service and inspection. Further, Residential Life staff and/or Hope College Campus Safety Officers may enter the Unit at any time for the investigation of possible violation of College policies, rules, regulations or violations of federal, state and local laws and regulations, or to respond to emergencies or make repairs necessary to prevent further damage to College property. The investigation of possible violations may include, but is not limited to, asking questions, looking around in both shared and private areas, and possibly seeking assistance from police agencies, if needed. The investigation may take place with or without the Student present.

9. UNIT ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement does not promise or guarantee Student assignment to a particular apartment, cottage, or room. The College will attempt to fulfill the Student’s roommate request but cannot guarantee that this request will be fulfilled. The College will assign roommates on the basis of information provided on the Hope College Application/Agreement. In the case that a vacancy occurs in a Unit, student agrees to accept an assigned roommate or move to another room at the request of the College. Where there is a vacant space the room must be maintained by the Student in a manner that will allow another roommate to move in immediately. The College reserves the right to re-assign the Student(s) based upon the inability to be an effective roommate and a positive member of a community.

10. TELEPHONES/COMPUTER/COMPUTER ACCESS: Telephones, computers, and/or computer access shall be used only in accordance with the College policies. Any charges for telephone usage shall be in addition to housing fee provided for in Paragraph three of this Agreement.

11. NOTICES: All notices to Students shall be deemed to be delivered personally to the Student if and when placed in the Student’s assigned campus mailbox or sent to the student’s Hope College email address. The College may, but is not required to, give notice to the Student by mailing such notice to the Student, with postage prepaid, addressed to the address given to the college as the Student’s permanent address. Such notice shall be deemed given five (5) days after posting. Notices to the College shall be the individuals in charge of Housing, Attention: Housing Office, and shall be deemed to be duly given if delivered during normal business hours to the individuals in charge of Housing or, if mailed, five days after posting, with postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Hope College, Housing Office, 141 E. 12th Street, Holland, MI 49423.

12. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Student agrees to comply with all College rules and regulations, in addition to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. College rules and regulations means all regulations, policies, terms, and conditions found in the Hope College Handbook and other Hope College publications in effect at the time and duly approved by Hope College. .

By signing below, the Student acknowledges: Student has carefully and thoroughly read this Housing Agreement, Student has received a copy, Student agrees to all the terms and conditions of the same, and Student agrees to the conduct set forth in the Hope College Student Handbook.

_______________________         _______________________
Signature of Student                                 Date
_______________________         _______________________
Student Name (print)                               Campus Residence

PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN (to be completed if the student is under 18)
We, the undersigned parents/legal guardians of ________________________________ (Student) certify that we have read the Housing Agreement signed by the Student and agree to the terms and conditions of this Housing Agreement; further, jointly and severally we agree to make all payments called for in Housing Agreement.

______________________           _______________________
Father/Guardian                                       Address
______________________           _______________________
Mother/Guardian                                     Address

Living With Your Roommate

1. To thine own self be true. If you are a messy person who likes listening to music at all hours, don’t be ashamed to admit it. Just make sure that these things are discussed in your roommate agreement.

2. Speak up. Get to know your roommate. Don’t be afraid to tell your roommate if his or her actions bother you.

3. Silence is golden. You shouldn’t be afraid to discuss things with your roommate, but you’ll probably be better off if you don’t tell your roommates about all of their little annoying habits. Think long-term.

4. Plan ahead. Decide how you are going to handle financial obligations, (e.g. supplies, groceries) ahead of time so there won’t be a misunderstanding when it’s time to pay. Establishing boundaries is fine as long as both roommates are aware of them.

5. Establish a guest policy. Decide whether it’s acceptable to bring a boyfriend/girlfriend or friends back to the room. Also discuss what times visitors are welcome.

6. Do unto others…whether you like your roommate or not, treat him or her with the consideration with which you’d like to be treated.

7. Give a little. You don’t have to subvert your personality to get along with another person but be prepared to compromise.

If you find yourself struggling with your roommate, contact your Resident Assistant or Resident Director right away. They are here to help! Do not make any room changes yourself as the decision to move is not yours. The final decision of any room change comes from the Resident Director.

Getting to Know Your Roommate

Setting expectations and clear communication are the foundations to building a strong and healthy relationship with your roommate. To ensure these important conversations take place, all students living in college housing are required to complete a Roommate Agreement. Please use the following discussion guide as the first step in the Roommate Agreement process.

Getting started…

  • Why did you choose Hope College?
  • What is your family like?
  • How would you describe your friends back home? How would they describe you?
  • What is unique about your hometown?
  • What has been your biggest accomplishment in your life?

Getting a little deeper…

  • What are you hoping to major in?
  • What extracurricular activities do you plan to take part in at Hope this year?
  • What is your favorite kind of music?
  • What is your favorite kind of food?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • What really interests or excites you?
  • What do you like to do to alleviate stress?
  • What are your pet peeves?

Getting a little more personal…

  • What are your views or opinions on religion?
  • What are your views or opinions on alcohol?
  • How do you let others know what and how you are feeling?
  • What angers you?
  • How would you describe your general mood? How or when does that change?

Personal habits & preferences…

  • What do you need in order to study well?
  • What do you need in order to sleep well?
  • How do you feel about sharing each other’s things? What is off-limits?
  • How clean do you want the room to be?
  • How do you want to arrange the room?
  • How warm or cold do you like it in the room?
  • How do you feel about guests in the room? Significant other?

Roommate Agreement

Why do we need one?

Setting clear expectations and having healthy communication are important in building a strong relationship between roommates. To encourage these important conversations and provide a building block for discussions down the road, residents are required to complete a roommate agreement. The roommate agreement is kept for review and changes as needed by the roommates throughout the year. Residential Life staff is available to assist with any roommate disagreements or to help process situations that may come up in a room throughout the year.

Within the first week or so of classes, your RA will hand out these agreements. Please talk about the following areas together and write your thoughts in the spaced provided. Please be honest, thoughtful and specific about your feelings and what you have agreed upon. If you feel that you need assistance in filling out this agreement, please talk to your RA or RD. Residential Life staff expects each resident to be as honest as possible, (not just what you think your roommate(s) wants to hear) as this will help prevent issues from occurring. Your RA will collect all roommate agreements.


How do we agree to communicate with each other when there is a problem or concern in the room? What do we feel comfortable talking about or not talking about? If someone calls or stops by, how will we take messages? How late or early is appropriate for others to call our room? Any other thoughts?

Sleeping Environment

How much sleep do we need on a nightly basis? What are our class schedules? When do we think we will get up/go to bed? How do we think our schedules will affect our sleep habits? How do we feel about noise, lights, typing, etc., while sleeping? Any other thoughts?

Studying Environment

What are our schedules like? What are noise tolerances when studying? How much do we anticipate studying in the room? Any other thoughts?

Cleaning, Cleanliness, and Use of Space

How often and how thoroughly will we clean the room? Who will do what to clean? What are our expectations with general cleanliness of the room and personal belongings (messy, casual, spotless, etc.)? How often will we remove trash? How do we divide the storage space or floor space? Any other thoughts?

Use of Personal Items/Security

What items can be shared with/without permission? What items may not be used by the roommate(s)? What will we do with items bought together for the room? What is our stance on other’s access to our room and items? Do we agree/disagree about locking our doors during the day/night? Please note: the College STRONGLY encourages all residents to lock room doors when not in the room during the day/evening or when in the room sleeping at night – please carry your room key when you are out of the room! Communication between roommates can prevent lockouts from occurring (e.g. if you or your roommate is showering, what do you agree to do - leave the room unlocked, or carry keys to bathroom, etc?) Any other thoughts?

Guests and Visitation Hours

How often can guests come over/be in the room? When are good/bad times for guests? Does there need to be an advanced warning or discussion? What are expectations about guests of the opposite gender? Please note Hope College policy is that the opposite sex is allowed between 8am-12am on weeknights, and 10am-2am on weekends. Any other thoughts?

Work Orders

If you need something repaired in your place of residence, contact your Resident Assistant so he or she can place a work order with Physical Plant. If you find the problem is not fixed within a week let your Resident Assistant know so they can follow up.

Emergency situations, such as no heat, no hot or cold water, no power, natural gas odor, roof leak or flooding, contact a Residential Life staff member or Student Development (x7800) immediately! After 5:00pm, call Campus Safety, 616-395-7770.

Lock Outs

If you are locked out of your room or out of the building, contact a Residential Life staff member. If it is during the day, contact Student Development to assist you, 616-395-7800; during the evening contact Campus Safety, 616-395-7770. You should always lock your door and carry your keys and student ID/access card with you. This is for your protection and safety. After two lock-outs in a semester, you may be fined $50.00 for each lock-out!

If you lose your keys, contact a Residential Life staff member as soon as possible.  If you lose your ID/Access Card, contact Campus Safety as soon as possible.  If someone has access to the building, you and your community could be a risk.  The cost to replace these items is as follows (pricing subject to change):

  • $10 per key that has to be replaced
  • $20 per key card/access card that has to be replaced
  • $30 to re-key a lock (replacement keys additional)
  • $40 to change a code


Each residential facility has recycling bins. Ask your Resident Assistant where the bins are located in your residential facility. You can recycle the following items (please rinse and flatten all items):

  • Pop cans
  • Cans
  • Newspaper and magazines
  • Office paper, notebook paper, junk mail - please use the bins located in hall computer labs
  • Non-corrugated cardboard, such as cereal and pop boxes (the boxes should be folded)
  • Glass containers - do not recycle glass if it is broken
  • Plastic - number 1 and 3 only

Room Condition

Learning to accept the responsibility for one’s actions is part of the educational process provided at a residential college. When you check-in to College-owned housing, you and a member of the Residential Life Staff will go over the Room Condition Report, which is used to assess the condition of the room. Carefully review the report and note any damage(s). If something in your room is damaged throughout the year, it will be noted on this report when you check out, and any repair charges will be assessed to your account and billed to you. All college owned furniture must remain in your room. Furniture cannot be stored or removed from the residence hall.

Common Area Condition Report

Each residential facility has a common area that all residents are responsible for maintaining. In the residence halls this may be a lounge or kitchen area. In cottages and apartments, this includes living rooms and kitchens. Each of these areas is assessed at the beginning of each school year. Damage that occurs in public areas of the residential buildings is considered general hall damage, unless it is deemed appropriate to charge identified residents for the damage. All students residing in a residence hall, cottage, or apartment that incurs general damage are responsible for repair costs in the event that responsible persons are not identified. It is your responsibility as a member of your community to ensure that the facilities in which you live are maintained. If you are aware of damage, report it to your Resident Assistant or Resident Director immediately. Also, make them aware of anyone you know who may have contributed to the damage.

The more we all work together to maintain the residence halls, apartments, and cottages, the more appealing and attractive our housing remains. This also allows for monies to be spent improving the facilities rather than constantly repairing them.

Hope College Judicial System

The Hope College judicial system exists to respond to alleged violations of campus policies and regulations by individuals or student organizations. Although not a formal court of law, the judicial system provides students with the right to know what charges have been brought against them, the right to know who brought the charges, and the right to a fair hearing. If a student or student organization is found responsible for violating a policy or regulation, a sanction will be imposed which intends both to instruct the student or student organization as to their role in the community, and to discourage further violations of college policies or regulations. A finding of responsibility is determined by preponderance of the evidence (or more likely than not.)

As a consequence of being found “responsible” for violating Hope College policy(s), students’ permission to participate in off-campus study programs, mission trips, or college-sponsored trips may be affected. Additionally, students’ on-campus living options may be restricted and request for exceptions to the Housing Policy may be denied.

Student behavior problems which are referred to the Student Development staff are dealt with by the college Student/Faculty Judicial Board or an administrative hearing officer (e.g. Residential Life Coordinator, or another member of the Student Development Staff). The customary referral process is as follows and as is outlined on the following page. Please note that although “student” is used, the following also applies to student organizations.

  1. A referral is made by a member of the Hope College community, including students, Residential Life staff, Campus Safety officers, faculty, or staff by completing a Documentation Form found on the Student Development website.
  2. A law enforcement officer may make a referral by submitting either a Documentation Form or other form documentation that is suitable for use in civil or criminal court proceedings.
  3. Individuals who are neither a member of the college community or law enforcement officers, who wish to file a complaint against a student, should contact Hope College Campus Safety. The Dean of Students, or the Associate Dean of Students, or their designee may approve the participation of those who are neither a member of the Hope College community nor law enforcement officers as witnesses in the college judicial process.
  4. Once a student has been named in an allegation of college policy they will receive an email notification to meet with a Judicial Officer for a Judicial Review based upon the availability of the Judicial Officer and the student’s academic schedule. Failure to meet for the Initial Judicial Review will result in the student being charged with 5.1, Failure to Comply. The case will be processed and a decision made without the student’s input.

The Judicial Review is when the student will be informed as to the charges being brought against them, the judicial process and their rights. The student will be asked to plead responsible or not responsible to the charges. If a Student/Faculty Judicial Board hearing is either chosen by the student or deemed necessary by the Judicial Officer, the student will be informed at this time.

In cases where there is shared jurisdiction between the Greek Judicial Board and the Student/Faculty Judicial Board, the Associate Dean of Students and the presidents of Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council will discuss where the case should be heard, or if it should be heard by both boards (since they serve different jurisdictions). If a decision cannot be reached, the group may consult with the Dean of Students.

Questions about this policy may be directed to Dr. John Jobson, Associate Dean of Students, 616-395-7800.

Judicial Process Flowchart

Judicial process flow chart

Judicial Review

The Judicial Review is a meeting in which the student and the judicial officer will discuss the incident and the alleged violations. During the judicial review, the student will be informed of the specific policy/policies that they are alleged to have violated, review the supporting documentation, provide input as to how the case may be resolved (either administratively or a formal hearing before the Student Faculty Judicial Board.), and enter a plea (responsible/not responsible) to each of the allegations.

Administrative Hearing

  1. The judicial officer hears the case and decides if the student is responsible or not responsible. The accused student may present witnesses. This will typically be accomplished by the judicial officer and the respondent meeting with the witnesses. Additionally, the individual(s) reporting the incident and/or witnesses listed in the documentation may be contacted.
  2. The judicial officer will inform the student of the decision by letter. If the decision is to recommend suspension, the recommendation is forwarded to the Dean of Students since a judicial officer does not have the authority to impose such a sanction.
  3. In addition to the student in question, the student's Resident Director shall be notified of the outcome.

Student/Faculty Judicial Board

The Student/Faculty Judicial Board is composed of students (one of whom serves as a Judicial Board Coordinator) and faculty members. Student Judicial Board members are selected through an application and interview process coordinated by the Advisor to the Board.

Students who are on Probation Level II or Withheld Suspension may not serve on the Board. The Advisor to the Board will serve as a resource to the Board, but without voting power. This Advisor will be designated by the Associate Dean of Students. In the event that all board members are not available at the scheduled time of the hearing, the hearing may be held by those board members in attendance.

Judicial hearings are open only to Board members, the Board’s Advisor, the respondent, his/her advisor, his/her witnesses, and the complainant(s), and any witnesses for the complainant(s). The Board has the right to separate witnesses. A simple majority vote of the members present at the hearing is required for a decision.

  1. The student will have scheduled a hearing with the Student/Faculty Judicial Board within five (5) working days of the Judicial Review.
  2. The respondent and the complainant who authored the incident report will be present. Each may present witnesses to the Board.
  3. The Board will make a decision as to the student’s responsibility for the charges and determine appropriate sanctions. If the decision is to recommend suspension, the recommendation is forwarded to the Dean of Students since the Student/Faculty Judicial Board does not have the authority to impose such a sanction.
  4. The Board will inform the student of the decision by letter.
  5. In addition to the student in question, the student’s Resident Director shall be notified of the outcome.


Students have the right to appeal all disciplinary decisions that are made in Judicial Reviews or by the Student/Faculty Judicial Board. There are two means of appeals for students; one is the Student Standing and Appeals Committee and the second is the Dean of Students. Appeals to the Student Standing and Appeals Committee are only for disciplinary decisions or unsatisfactory academic progress that results in the suspension or expulsion of a student. All other decisions are appealed to the Dean of Students. Both the Student Standing and Appeals Committee and the Dean of Students will review appeals on four criteria:

  1. The evidence did not warrant a finding of responsibility.
  2. The sanction was too severe.
  3. Due process was not followed.
  4. New information is now available that was not known at the time of the judicial process.

An appeal process is NOT simply another hearing but a review to establish the appeals merit. Appeals are not automatically granted on the basis of the letter submitted by the student. Establishing the appeals merit is the burden of the student.

Appeals to the Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students:

  1. A letter must be submitted stating the rationale for appeal to the Dean of Students within seven (7) working days of notification of the disciplinary action. (*Note: Students who wish to file an appeal are required to use the form that is linked to their decision letter unless special arrangements are made.)
  2. The Dean of Students will review the request for appeal to determine if there is sufficient justification to grant a hearing on the appeal.
  3. If the Dean of Students believes there is sufficient justification in the request for appeal, a meeting may be scheduled within five (5) working days of the receipt of the request to review the appeal. Both the student making the appeal and person(s) who made the decision may be included in a meeting.
  4. The Dean of Students will deliberate in private and can make the following decisions: overturn the entire decision, uphold the decision but modify the sanction, or uphold the entire decision. Upon reaching a decision the Dean will notify both parties in the appeal.
  5. A formal letter from the Dean of Students, stating his/her decision, will be sent to the student. The decision of the Dean of Students is final.

Appeals to the Student Standing and Appeals Committee:

  1. A letter must be submitted stating the rationale for appeal to the Vice President for Admissions within seven (7) working days of the students’ notification of the suspension or expulsion. (*Note: Students who wish to file an appeal are required to use the form that is linked to their decision letter unless special arrangements are made.)
  2. The Student Standing and Appeals Committee will review the request for appeal to determine if there is sufficient justification to grant a hearing on the appeal.
  3. If the Student Standing and Appeals Committee believes’ there is sufficient justification in the request for appeal, a meeting will be scheduled to review the appeal. Both the student making the appeal and person(s) who made the decision will be present to discuss the appeal. Upon reaching a decision the Committee will notify both parties in the appeal.
  4. A formal letter from the Student Standing and Appeals Committee, stating its decision, will be sent to the student within five (5) working days of the appeal meeting. The Student Standing and Appeals Committee decision is final.

Student Judicial Records

The only people with access to a particular incident report include Judicial Officers (e.g. Residential Life Coordinators), the Associate Dean of Students and the Dean of Students; member(s) of the College community whom the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students determine has a need to know; Student Development support staff; the student’s Resident Director; and the person who filed the complaint. General judicial records will be released to other interested groups or individuals only if the student allows such disclosure in writing. All student records are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); a copy of this Act is available from the Registrar’s Office. To view the complete Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) please go to the following website: www.hope.edu/about/policies (insert link)

Note: Hope College will make disclosures without consent upon request to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

Summary Suspension

Summary Suspension is when the college asks a student to leave the campus community immediately for behavior or conduct that is unacceptable. The authority to place a student on Summary Suspension is vested in the President. The President has authorized the Dean of Students or the Dean of Student’s designee to utilize this authority.

Summary Suspension may be instituted for students whose conduct is seriously endangering the health, safety, or morals of the student or persons within the college community. Summary Suspension also may be instituted when the student’s behavior impairs the proper functioning of the college including, but not limited to, the classroom and living community. A judicial allegation must be part of the summary suspension and the suspension will remain in effect until an outcome has been reached through the college judicial process.

Summary Suspension decisions may be made in consultation with the student, appropriate college faculty/staff, and the student’s parent or guardian. Students will be notified of summary suspension decisions in a timely manner and, when appropriate, both in-person and in writing.

Student Judicial Rights

  1. The right to a written statement of the charges in order for him/her to prepare a defense.
  2. The right to have a faculty, staff or student body member present to serve as an advisor during the hearing. The advisor may only speak with the accused student, and may be asked to leave by the Board or Judicial Hearing Officer if his/her presence is perceived as one of interference.
  3. The right to know who brought the charges and knowledge of evidence against oneself.
  4. The right to provide witnesses and evidence in one's own behalf.
  5. The right to decline to make self-incriminating statements or appear at a hearing. Silence or non-presence is not to be interpreted as evidence against oneself.
  6. The right to a timely decision. This decision will be given in writing and, depending on the situation, in-person or via telephone.
  7. The right to not be tried twice for the same offense in the same judicial system.
  8. The right to appeal the decision based on any of the following reasons:
    1. The evidence of responsibility did not warrant a finding of responsibility;
    2. The sanction was too severe;
    3. Due process was not followed;
    4. New information is now available that was not known at the time of the judicial process.
  9. The right to have access to the record of the hearing in order to present a case in the appeal. The record will remain in the custody of the college. In the case of Student/Faculty Judicial Board the hearing will be recorded. A recording of the hearing with a Judicial Hearing Officer can occur at the student's request.
  10. The right of disclosure. Decisions in judicial hearings are based on "preponderance of evidence." Information regarding a student's past conduct may be presented at the hearing for the determination of appropriate sanctions should he/she be found responsible for the present complaint. His/her past conduct may not be used, however, in determining violations. All proceedings are confidential.


Sanctions are for both administrative decisions and those by the Board include, but are not limited to, the following:

Primary Sanctions

Letter of Warning: An official letter of warning is placed in the student’s judicial file.

Probation Level I: Probation set for a specific length of time. If a student is found in violation of any College policy during that time, a more serious sanction will be imposed.

Probation Level II: Probation set for a specific length of time. Students on Probation Level II may be removed from leadership positions in student organizations. Any student found in violation of this level of probation will have a more serious sanction imposed, usually withheld suspension.

Withheld Suspension: The most serious form of discipline, short of suspension. This sanction means that if a student is involved in a violation of any College policy during the stated period of time, he/she may be immediately suspended from the college.

Suspension: A set length of time when a student may not be involved in any aspect of the college. This includes courses, housing and campus activities. A student may apply for readmission at the end of the suspension period.

Expulsion: A student is dismissed from the College permanently.

Secondary Sanctions (in addition to primary sanction levels)

360 Proof: This is an online alcohol education program and will be completed by the student.

Community Restitution: A student works in the surrounding community for a nonprofit organization which is recognized by the college as a proper placement. The student is expected to complete the assignment within a specific amount of time.

Failure to complete an assignment by the date indicated will result in the following:

  • Any remaining hours will be doubled
  • If already expired, the probationary status will be extended
  • A hold will be placed on the students' account prohibiting him/her from registering for additional classes.

These sanctions will remain in effect until the community service hours have been completed.

Parental Notification: According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the college may notify the student’s parent or guardian if the student is found responsible for an alcohol or drug violation. Parental notification is to be used as a tool to assist the student in addressing the issue concerning alcohol or drugs. The following process will be used when notifying parents of incidents. Parental notification can only occur through the Director of Residential Life and Education, Associate Dean of Students, or the Dean of Students.

  1. The student will be given the opportunity to contact their parent or guardian themselves within a time frame given by the Director of Residential Life and Education, Associate Dean of Students, or the Dean of Students.
  2. After the student has contacted their parent or guardian to inform them of the incident, the student will again meet to discuss the notification and confirm the action.
  3. If the student does not contact their parent or guardian within the time frame given, the Director of Residential Life and Education, Associate Dean of Students, or the Dean of Students will contact the parent or guardian unless special reasoning can be presented.
  4. To view the complete Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  please go to the following website: www.hope.edu/about/policies (insert link)

Fines: Fines are assessed in response to disciplinary incidents and are deposited in the general fund of the College. The following fines have been established to provide consistency. The College is not limited to these fines but uses them as a guideline. They are in addition to any restitution which may arise from the same incident. Students requesting to replace a fine with community service hours may be granted that request.

  • gaining access to a roof $50
  • housing pets (fine and/or cleaning charges) $50
  • unauthorized alteration of college property $50

Restitution: A student may be held responsible for repair, cleaning or replacement costs associated with the violation he or she is found responsible for violating.

Withheld Removal from Housing: This sanction means that if a student is involved in a violation of any college policy during the stated period of time, he/she may be immediately removed from college housing.

Housing: A student’s current and future housing status may be changed if such an action is deemed beneficial for either the college or the student.

Loss of Meal Privileges: In the case of food fights or disruption of food service operation, meal privileges may be revoked with no restitution.

Referral for Alcohol/other Drug Assessment: A student experiencing a problem with alcohol and/or other drugs may be referred for an assessment, and required to participate in an alcohol/other drug education program.

Educational Sanction: The administrative hearing officer or board may decide to issue a sanction, within reason, that will be beneficial in assisting the student to understand the impact of their behavior on the community. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Writing a research paper or reflective piece relevant to the violation.
  • Meeting with a faculty or staff member to discuss items relevant to the violation.
  • Develop an action plan to deter further violations.
  • Develop a program or publicity campaign relevant to the violation.

Failure to Complete Sanction: Students who fail to complete any part of their sanction (e.g., community service hours, fine, and alcohol assessment) by the prescribed date may be subject to either one or a combination of the following options:

  • A Student Development hold flag will be placed on their records. This hold does not allow a student to register for classes or graduate. It may also affect their opportunity to have priority in the housing process.
  • Community service hours will be doubled.
  • A fine may be placed on their account.
  • Additional charges of failing to comply with the request of a college official could be filed.

Withhold College Services: All services, including wages, registration, charging, reserving rooms or transportation, and any other services will be withheld until the student complies with the sanction.

Student Behaviors and Policies


The Policies at Hope are agreements among the members of the College community. The Campus Life Board, composed of students, faculty, and staff, has the responsibility of making recommendations concerning standards that govern student behavior. Hope’s policies are designed to enhance the campus environment and are provided in a spirit of consideration for others. The college will strive to support students as persons and affirm their self-worth and dignity in matters of policy enforcement. Our goal is to help all students grow and mature socially as well as academically and spiritually.

Although some of these standards are more strict than found in society as a whole, campus residences accommodate many more people in close quarters than other living environments in society. Thus, some regulations have been established to assist in providing an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and offers restrictions designed to enhance the quality of campus life.

General Information

Either individual students or a student organization can be charged with violating policies.  For the sake of clarity only individuals are typically referred to in the policies, but all policies do apply to student organizations as well. Charges against an individual for a particular event do not preclude charges being filed against an organization for the same event.

Students charged with violating any college regulation will have the opportunity to present their version of events through the campus judicial system.

Students are also responsible for their guest’s actions; all guests are expected to abide by college policies. Students are subject to disciplinary action (including payment of damages) if their guest violates college policies.

Students may also be responsible for violating a regulation if they attempt to commit or are accessory to any act which will violate college regulations.

1.0 Alcoholic Beverages

Hope College upholds state and local laws regarding the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The concepts listed below are for your consideration:

  1. Michigan's drinking age is 21; therefore, most college students cannot drink alcohol legally.
  2. Alcohol use inhibits individuals from functioning at full capacity.
  3. Alcohol abuse has a negative impact upon the learning environment of the college.
  4. Peer pressure may intimidate and compel persons to change their behavior to go along with the crowd.
  5. Alcohol use has the potential for leading to alcohol abuse.
  6. There is a high correlation between alcohol use and sexual assault.

While the college affirms that the decision to drink or not drink is a matter of individual choice, it has established the following regulations regarding the use of alcoholic beverages in order to maintain an atmosphere supportive of its educational purpose:

1.1    The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on college property, in college housing units, at college events, or in college vehicles are prohibited. Any alcohol, which is found on-campus or in campus residence facilities, will be confiscated and disposed of by the Residential Life Staff or Campus Safety.

1.2    The use of college or organizational monies to purchase alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

1.3    Alcoholic beverages may not be used to promote an event.

1.4    The possession of alcoholic beverage containers is prohibited in campus housing units; this includes collectable empty or full alcohol containers and dispensing paraphernalia.

2.0 Assault and/or Harassment

Hope College encourages and aspires to be a Christian community in which all its members feel welcome and respected. In order to affirm and inspire this idea, the following policies are in place. (In the event of an alleged sexual harassment, see page 37 or alleged discriminatory behavior, see page 42 of the Student Handbook).

2.1    No person shall threaten, harass, haze, abuse, or assault any member of the faculty, staff, or member of the student body. Any action or situation, regardless of intention, whether in-person or technology-mediated (e.g., web post, text, etc.), whether on or off college premises, which results or has the potential of resulting in physical, psychological, or emotional harm, discomfort, or distress to a member of the Hope College community may be regarded as such.

2.2    No person shall perform any action demonstrating lack of respect for the dignity of another person.

2.3    No person shall abuse, threaten, harass, or exhibit behavior which intimidates any complainant, respondent, counsel, witness, or judiciary member prior to, during, or after a judicial hearing.

3.0 Computer Usage

No individual or group shall interfere with the normal process of the central computing system. This includes, but is not limited to, illegal activities and/or violation of policies agreed upon when creating an account with the Computing and Information Technology Office (CIT).

Hope College does not condone the infringement of copyright or the violation of any intellectual property rights. No equipment or facilities of the college are to be used for the infringement of any copyright or other proprietary right or to facilitate any such violation. No such use is authorized by the college. Any person determined to have engaged in the violation of intellectual property rights using the equipment or facilities of the college will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

4.0 Campus Demonstrations and Disorderly Behavior

Hope College believes it is important that all members of the community have the opportunity to express themselves about events, decisions, or actions with which they may agree or disagree. The expectation and spirit for the Hope College community is to allow free and respectful expression. Because of our commitment to free expression, peaceful campus demonstrations and assembly by the members of the Hope community are permitted subject to the limitations described in this policy.

The opportunity to protest or raise concerns should always be balanced with the right of the individual to participate in his/her education free from disruption or obstruction; accordingly the following are actions that will result in a judicial process:

  • Violence towards a person or structure or the threat of violence
  • Occupancy of a room, space, building, or area at the exclusion of others who have a legitimate reason to be present
  • Unreasonable prevention of progress of an educational activity or College event
  • Preventing a person or persons from participating in an educational activity or College event
  • Blocking or obstructing the access to a facility or event
  • Damage to College or personal property

The campus of Hope College is private property and supports demonstrations or assemblies by students who are currently enrolled at Hope College. Hope College reserves the right to ask people who are not members of the Hope community to leave.

Participation in an assembly or demonstration does not free a participant from observing other rules and policies which may be applicable to his/her conduct.

5.0 Disorderly Conduct

5.1    Failing to comply with the policy, or request of a college official or residential life staff member when he or she is performing the functions of his/her position is prohibited.

5.2    Entering or attempting to enter any athletic contest, dance, social gathering, or other such event without the proper credentials for attendance (ticket, I.D., or invitation) or in violation of the reasonable qualifications for attendance as established by the sponsor is prohibited.

5.3    No student hall engage in inappropriate behavior in any area where food is being served (i.e., throwing of food or utensils, leaving the eating area in disarray).

5.4    No student shall attempt to use an I.D. other than his/her own to gain entrance to the dining area. Students are also not allowed to transfer their I.D. to someone else.

6.0 Drugs

Hope College upholds state and municipal laws regarding illegal drugs. The Hope College policy relating to medical marijuana can be found on page 17.

6.1    Hope College prohibits the use, possession, sale, manufacture, production, administrating, dispensing, and prescribing of any illegal drug, or the misuses of prescribed drugs.

6.2    Possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited. Drug paraphernalia generally refers to any items used in connection with controlled substances. A full definition of what constitutes drug paraphernalia can be found in sec.333.7451 of the Michigan Penal Code.

7.0 False Testimony or Dishonesty

7.1    Lying, misrepresentation, giving false testimony, and/or failing to present proper identification to any College official or at any College proceeding is prohibited.

7.2    Dishonesty is including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Cheating, fabrication, falsification, forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity, or other forms of dishonesty personally.
  2. Furnishing false information to any college official, faculty member, or office.
  3. Acting as an agent of the college without authorization.

7.3    The unauthorized use of another person’s credit card, charge card, debit card, secured card smart card, or any other instrument of credit.

8.0 Fire Safety

Hope abides by all city and state fire safety laws. The smoking policy can be found on page 37. Hazardous conditions not anticipated by specific reference in the Fire Safety Policy are prohibited. If such conditions are identified, opportunity will be provided to correct them before any disciplinary action is taken. To reduce the potential danger of fire, the following actions are strictly prohibited:

8.1    Activating a fire alarm when there is not a fire emergency. This may endanger the lives of emergency personnel who must respond to the scene.

8.2    Tampering with, moving or discharging fire extinguishers unless there is a true fire emergency.

8.3    Using open flames, including kerosene lamps, candles, incense, charcoal or gas grills, or other similar items, in or around college housing units. In addition, candles (lit or unlit) and smoking any items such as pipes, cigarettes, or cigars is prohibited in college housing units. Gas grills may be used outside if reserved and approved through Creative Dining Services.

8.35    No person shall use or possess electrical appliances in college residential units that are prohibited in the Housing Terms and Conditions. This does not apply to approved electrical appliances for kitchen areas.

8.4    Covering or blocking smoke detectors.

8.5    Failing to promptly leave a campus building when a fire alarm sounds.

8.6    Storing flammable or combustible gases or liquids such as gasoline, propane, oil, kerosene, charcoal starter fluid, turpentine, or oil based paints in College housing units.

8.7    Tampering with fire safety equipment, setting off false alarms or engaging in other activities that may endanger the lives of others or threatens damage to college property. This also includes tampering with or attaching items to any component of the smoke detection or alarm system.

8.8    Propping open or disabling a fire door or any door with a closing mechanism.

8.9    Blocking, even partially, any means of egress, or affixing anything to an egress door or window.

8.10    Failing to actively and continually monitor any food that is being cooked or reheated.

9.0 Firearms, Weapons or Fireworks

9.1    No person shall possess and/or use live ammunition, fireworks or explosives on campus. Fireworks are defined as substances which are prepared for the purpose of creating  visual or audible effects by combustion, explosion, or detonation.

9.2    No person shall possess or discharge any firearm, air rifle, bow and arrow, paint ball gun, or other dangerous weapon expelling a projectile.

9.3    No person shall possess any dagger, dirk, saber, stiletto, nun-chucks, and knife having a blade over three inches in length, brass knuckles, blackjack, sap, sling shot, or any other dangerous weapon.

9.4    No person shall possess a portable devise or weapon (Stun Gun) designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill. This includes all devices from which an electrical current, impulse, wave or beam may be directed.

9.5    No person shall possess an altered or replicated dangerous weapon, which, in the manner used or displayed, may create fear.

10.0 Gambling and other Illegal Financial Activities

Hope College prohibits unlicensed gambling and other financial activities of an illegal nature.

11.0 Visitation Hours

Visitation hours govern the visiting privileges of members of the opposite gender in the living units. These hours exist to help create a safe, private and quiet atmosphere in which students live.

Visitation hours are as follows:

Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 12:00am Friday 8:00am – 2:00am
Saturday 10:00am - 2:00am Sunday 10:00am – 12:00am

When the academic calendar includes scheduled breaks that fall on weekdays not preceding academic school days, the Friday and Saturday visitation hours will apply.

No person shall be in a living unit with someone of the opposite gender outside of the visiting hours listed above. These hours are in effect for the entire year, including scheduled breaks in the academic year. The only areas that are not included are the following areas: residence hall basement common areas, lobbies and stairwells; and cottage and apartment common areas such as living rooms and kitchens. However these areas may not be used as sleeping areas outside of the above cited hours.

Young children who may be visiting a student of the opposite gender may stay with the resident unless the child is ten-years old or older. In that situation the student will need to make housing arrangements for the child with someone of the same gender as the child.

12.0 Health Service/Insurance

No student shall ignore, avoid, delay, or otherwise disobey a request for treatment or other medical procedure from the Health Clinic. The request will be based on the Health Clinic’s judgment and/or guidelines from the Public Health Agency. Failure to comply with the above guidelines will results in withholding all services including wages, registration, charging, room reservation or transportation and other services until the student complies with the request of procedure.

13.0 Individual Responsibilities and Community Rights

Being a residential college, Hope seeks to build a community of respect for all individuals. In order to ensure that all students achieve their goals while at Hope College, the following individual responsibilities and community rights must be upheld by all members of the community. The residents of the primary community have access to their environment. Other community members are welcome to join, as long as they are respectful of the community standards, which have been developed in each residential facility. The following standards support the residential community.

13.1    No person shall cause or otherwise contribute to unreasonable noise within, or in areas immediately surrounding, residence facilities. There are twenty four hours consideration hours (noise should be kept at a minimal level) in the residential facilities. The general policy for all residential facility quiet hours is a minimum of 11:00pm – 10:00am. Each community may set additional quiet hours for their community within these guidelines. This is to eliminate persons interfering with the attempts of others to study or sleep during these posted quiet hours. During exam periods, quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day.

13.15    Hope College students are responsible for the actions of their guests.

13.2    No person shall infringe upon the rights of the primary residents of the residential area. This is to preserve the residential college philosophy by having an inclusive environment, but also considerate of the privacy and safety of the residents of a particular facility. If it is determined that a person is infringing upon the primary rights of the residents, the person may be asked to leave by a college official.

13.3    Solicitation in campus facilities, such as DeWitt Cultural Center, is not allowed without prior permission obtained through Student Development. Solicitation permission will not be granted inside or outside of residential facilities.

13.4    No person shall interfere with the free access of another to and from his/her own room, suite, apartment, work area, or office in a residence facility.

13.5    No person(s) shall play any athletic games or similar recreational program in a common area of a residence hall or academic building not designated for this purpose without proper authorization.”

13.6    No persons shall engage in action which endangers themselves or others. This includes interfering with the safe and/or clean environment of others.

13.7    No person shall allow an animal, bird, or other pet to reside in a residential facility. (Service Animals and/or Emotional Support Animals with proper medical documentation and approval, are exceptions.)

13.9    No person shall be in the presence of a person(s) violating a policy or regulation.  If a person(s) is in such a situation, he/she must: 1) immediately leave the situation, or 2) confront the situation and inform an appropriate residence life staff member.

13.95    Students must adhere to regulations and policies as set forth in all official Hope College publications (e.g., Student Handbook, Catalogue, Campus Safety Parking brochure).

14.0 Misuse of College Keys, Punch Codes, or Card Access

Punch code refers to the code system on the individual room doors. Access codes and pin numbers refer to the code system for residential units as a whole.

14.1    No unauthorized student shall have possession and/or knowledge of college keys, punch codes, or card access. This includes master keys/cards/access codes, or the possession and/or knowledge of another person’s key/card/ or access code.

14.2    No student or staff shall use college keys/access cards/punch codes outside of the responsibilities of their position. See Acknowledgments of Access Capabilities form for guidelines.

14.3    No student may make known his/her punch code or access numbers to residential facilities nor shall a student allow other people to use access cards and/or pin numbers to enter residential facilities.

15.0 Property

15.1     Malicious or unwarranted destruction or damage to property belonging to Hope College or to a member of the Hope College Community is prohibited (e.g., buildings, equipment, grounds, personal be longing, and computer files).

15.2    No objects can be displayed outside of college residences without the prior permission of the Dean of Students. This includes posting material in the areas immediately surrounding residences, hanging items, outside of windows, or in any way placing items on residences.

16.0 Theft

Taking or selling property of Hope College or other students, faculty, or staff without permission of the owner is prohibited (including unauthorized use of another’s telephone access code and tampering with parking permits).

17.0  Unauthorized Entry

17.1    The unauthorized entry into, or use of, college facilities or property under its administration or control is prohibited (e.g. building, computer files). This includes the roof of any building (including Kollen Hall decks), in order to prevent accidents and leaks. In addition to other disciplinary action, a $50 fine will be assessed to anyone who gains access to a roof.

17.2    Unauthorized entry into or use of college premises or property, or remaining in any area on college premises, which is officially closed or restricted.

18.0 Violations of the Law

Students must understand that their actions in the surrounding community also affect the Hope College community. The College is committed to being a positive contributor to the surrounding community, and behavior by students on and off-campus can affect the positive relationship that is sought. Hope College has high standard for members of the student body, and violating local, state or federal laws does not meet those standards. Further, the College regards off-campus activities, including but not limited to, College-sponsored events, as an integral part of a student’s academic, personal, spiritual, and professional growth.

Court proceedings are distinctly separate from the College’s judicial process.  Decisions made by civil and criminal courts regarding the alleged misconduct of students will have no bearing on the College’s judicial proceedings. Civil, state, and/or federal legal process and the college judicial process may simultaneously address acts of student misconduct. The College reserves the right to impose sanctions in addition to those that are the result of civil, state, and/or federal processes. The College will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies when they are investigating alleged criminal activities, and the College will not interfere with the adjudication of any possible charges. The College does not provide legal advice nor retain legal counsel on behalf of a student, but it stands ready to serve in a supportive role to students in difficulty.

Student conduct that occurs on-campus that may be in violation of local, state, and/or federal law may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency for possible action. Such referrals ordinarily will take place in serious circumstances including but not limited to: a pattern of repeated criminal conduct has been established, a victim demands prosecution, significant damage to college property has occurred, the offense involves driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or the offense involves a felony. The College will follow a policy of equity and equal treatment for all students subject to policy decisions or rule enforcement.

18.1    Violations of local, state, and/or federal laws and statutes by any student will be considered violations of all-campus policies, whether the incident occurs on or off the campus.

18.2    The College may discipline a student for acts of  misconduct that are not committed on College property if the acts arise from College-related activities that are being conducted off the campus; or  if the acts undermine the security and/or safety of the College or surrounding community, the integrity of the educational process, or pose a serious threat to self or others.

The judicial process for handling alleged violations cited by a Hope College employee or other law enforcement agencies is the same process outlined in the “Judicial Procedure for the Hope College Judicial System”.

The court’s decision will have no bearing in such a situation. It is important for the student to understand that the criminal case and College judicial process are two separate processes.

Summary Suspension

Summary Suspension is when the college asks a student to leave the campus community immediately for behavior or conduct that is unacceptable. The authority to place a student on Summary Suspension is vested in the President. The President has authorized the Dean of Students or the Dean of Student’s designee to utilize this authority.

Summary Suspension may be instituted for students whose conduct is seriously endangering the health, safety, or morals of the student or persons within the college community. Summary Suspension also may be instituted when the student’s behavior impairs the proper functioning of the college including, but not limited to, the classroom and living community. A judicial allegation must be part of the summary suspension and the suspension will remain in effect until an outcome has been reached through the college judicial process.

Summary Suspension decisions may be made in consultation with the student, appropriate college faculty/staff, and the student’s parent or guardian. Students will be notified of summary suspension decisions in a timely manner and, when appropriate, both in-person and in writing.

Hope College Policies and Procedures

Bicycle Usage Policy

Hope College supports the use of bicycles by students, faculty, staff, and visitors from the Holland community for traveling to and around our college campus. As one of the most efficient forms of travel, bicycle use supports Hope’s Sustainability Project as we commit to being “responsible stewards of the earth entrusted to use by God”. (For more information on this initiative, you can visit the Sustainable Hope site at green.hope.edu)

As part of ensuring a safe and productive bicycle environment, this bicycle usage statement has been established for the Hope College campus.


All bicycles owned by students, faculty, and staff that are used on campus must be registered with the City of Holland as mandated by city ordinance. Registration can be completed at the Hope College Campus Safety office (open 24/7; 178 E. 11th Street) or at the Holland Department of Public Safety (open 8a-5p, Monday-Friday; 89 W. 8th Street).

There is no cost for a bicycle license, and under the current system, it does not expire. When you fill out the registration form, you will need to know the serial number of your bicycle, as well as its make, model, and other identifying information. The serial number is on the frame; it is commonly found below the chain foot/pedal area, under the seat, or under the handlebars.

The license will need to be affixed to the frame of your bicycle; Campus Safety recommends placing it on the bicycle frame’s seat tube.

Parking and Storage

Bicycles operated on the campus must be parked at a bicycle rack, or in a designated storage facility when it is not in use. Campus Safety recommends that you always lock your bicycle to the bicycle rack.

Bicycles may not be left in any non-designated area, including, but not limited to, secured to fire hydrants, trees, parking signs, fences, benches, stairwells, ramps (including handicapped ramps), light posts, or in the egress path of any building. Any bicycle found in violation of this usage statement may be removed by Campus Safety. Campus Safety is not responsible for any damage or destruction to locks during this process. Bicycles that are removed will be held at the Campus Safety office for 14 days. If the bicycle is not claimed during that time, it will be turned over to the Holland Department of Public Safety.

Bicycles may not be stored in buildings except in an appropriate storage unit in a residential hall. These storage units are only available for students who are living in the respective building on-campus; contact Residential Life staff for more information.

Summer storage is not available for student bicycles. At the conclusion of each academic year, all bicycles left on exterior bicycle racks will be removed and donated.


If your bicycle is lost or stolen while on campus, contact the Campus Safety Department immediately. Based on the circumstances, Campus Safety may recommend that you file an additional report with the Holland Department of Public Safety for the best chance of recovery.

If your bike is stolen from an off-campus location, contact the Holland Department of Public Safety directly at 800-249-0911.

Individuals operating bicycles on the Hope College campus must obey all Michigan vehicle laws that apply to bicycles, including MCL 257.656 - 257.662. These are available at legislature.mi.gov.

Campus Demonstration and Disorderly Behavior Policy

Hope College believes it is important that all members of the community have the opportunity to express themselves about events, decisions, or actions with which they may agree or disagree. The expectation and spirit for the Hope College community is to allow free and respectful expression. Because of our commitment to free expression, peaceful campus demonstrations and assembly by the members of the Hope community are permitted subject to the limitations described in this policy.

The opportunity to protest or raise concerns should always be balanced with the right of the individual to participate in his/her education free from disruption or obstruction; accordingly the following are actions that will result in a judicial process:

  • Violence towards a person or structure or the threat of violence
  • Occupancy of a room, space, building, or area at the exclusion of others who have a legitimate reason to be present
  • Unreasonable prevention of progress of an educational activity or College event
  • Preventing a person or persons from participating in an educational activity or College event
  • Blocking or obstructing the access to a facility or event
  • Damage to College or personal property

The campus of Hope College is private property and supports demonstrations or assemblies by students who are currently enrolled at Hope College. Hope College reserves the right to ask people who are not members of the Hope community to leave.

Participation in an assembly or demonstration does not free a participant from observing other rules and policies which may be applicable to his/her conduct.

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Dean of Students office at 616-395-7800.

Campus Security, Safety and You-Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics

Hope College annually prepares a brochure “Hope College Campus Security, Safety and You”. This brochure includes a statement of security measures, the annual crime statistics and is in compliance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. Copies of the report may be obtained at Campus Safety, Student Development, Human Resources and the Admissions Office.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is a landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, that requires colleges and universities to disclose information in a timely manner about crime on and around their campuses. It also requires colleges to print and make available a report of specific categories of crimes on campus and in areas close to campus on an annual basis.

Questions about this information may be directed to Jeff Hertel, Director of Campus Safety, 616-395-7770. The full report can be viewed at: https://hope.edu/admin/campsafe/annual_security_report.html

Classroom Recording Policy

The audio, still photo, and video recording of classroom lecture, discussion, laboratory, studio, and other activities by analog, digital, or future recording technology is governed by this classroom recording policy.

In brief, students must ask for and obtain permission to record from the instructor and may not distribute such recordings.  Instructors will inform the class if recording has been permitted.

This classroom recording policy strives to recognize current norms and practices, promote student learning, differentiate between public and private space, create a safe classroom environment, respect individual privacy, provide for informed consent, consider potential consequences from distribution of such materials, and be consistent with the institutional values of Hope College. Details of the policy follow.

Student wishing to record classroom activities must request permission from the instructor before doing so. The instructor will have sole discretion to determine if recording will be allowed (see ADA exception below). Instructor permission may be granted by means of a permission form, email, orally (not recommended), or by statement in the course syllabus. Permission may be denied similarly.

If permission has been granted to any student to record classroom activities, the instructor must inform all students and other course participants that recording may occur.

Student classroom recordings are to be used solely for the personal academic study and review of the student. With the explicit permission of the instructor, classroom recordings may also be used with other students enrolled in the same course. Any further sharing or distribution of student classroom recordings is expressly prohibited. Alleged violations will be subject to College disciplinary proceedings as described below.

Students may record classroom activity as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. In such cases, the student must obtain approval from the Academic Success Center and inform the course instructor. The instructor will then allow such recording and inform other students that recording may take place, though not identify the individual making the request.

Violations of this policy will be subject to appropriate grade and non-grade sanctions. The instructor should meet with the student to determine the facts of the case. The instructor may choose to impose no sanction or lower a student’s grade on an assignment. Under special circumstances such as documented harm to a classmate or to the instructor, a failing grade for the course may be assigned. The instructor may also recommend non-grade sanctions to the Provost. In any case, all violations of the policy shall be documented by the instructor and communicated to the Provost (with a copy to the student). The Provost will keep such records until the student graduates. The student has the right to appeal the instructor’s recommended sanction to the Provost. The Provost will uphold, modify, or reject the recommendation of the professor, and will communicate the decision to the student. The student may appeal the Provost’s decision to the Student Standing and Appeals Committee.

Computer Usage and Responsibilities

Hope College is committed to providing the resources and support necessary to encourage effective use of all campus computer facilities and network. Our network is a privilege, not a right. This privilege is embodied in the responsible use of resources, including network bandwidth, CPU time, and disk space. It is important that everyone be aware of their individual obligations and what constitutes proper use and behavior.

This is not a policy statement. There are existing policies within the Hope College Student Behavior Policies, the Hope College Faculty Handbook, and the Hope College Employee Handbook that can be applied. The purpose of this statement is to emphasize that such policies and law apply directly to computer usage.

Therefore, users are warned not to take part in any of the activities outlined below, as they may be in direct or indirect violation of the local, state, federal laws, and/or college policies. Definitions for these terms are provided on the frequently asked questions page of the Computing and Information Technology (CIT) website (www.hope.edu/cit).

Illegal Access Libel
Copyright Violation Harassment
Sexual Harassment Negligence/Misuse
Privacy Violation Fraud
Theft Denial of Service

Users are also reminded that casual interactions on social media sites could be interpreted as participation in the above activities. The College also strongly discourages the viewing of pornography and the practice of spamming. In cases where a system or network is in jeopardy, the user’s access may be suspended before a referral is made. In these cases, CIT will make every attempt to contact the user who is affected.

What should you do if you are aware of suspicious activity? Any suspicious activity may be reported to CIT at cit@hope.edu or 616-395-7670.

Questions about this policy may be directed to Computing and Information Technology, 616-395-7670 or cit@hope.edu

Code for Academic Integrity at Hope College


As it seeks to fulfill its mission, the Hope College community assumes each of its members will operate with integrity and honesty, with a sense of personal responsibility, and with mutual trust and concern toward others in all facets of the life of the college. In order to apply this principle to academic life in a fair and consistent manner, the following policies have been adopted to clarify the expectations regarding conduct, and to establish a set of procedures for dealing with situations which violate these expectations.


Academic integrity is based on the principles of honesty and individual responsibility for actions. As these principles are applied to academic life at Hope College, it follows that a student will not:

  • Give, offer, or receive aid on examinations other than that specifically allowed by the professor.
  • Do course work in a manner that is inconsistent with the standards of conduct set forth by the professor.
  • Falsify or fabricate data. This has particular applications to laboratory work and research.
  • Engage in conduct that destroys another person's work or hinders another in his or her academic endeavors. This has particular application to computer files, library resources, and laboratory or studio work.
  • Knowingly represent the work of others as his or her own. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the dishonest presentation of the work of others as if it were one’s own. Writers, speakers, musicians, artists, or computer programmers - whether students or professionals - commit plagiarism when they present, without acknowledgement, all or part of another person’s work as if it were their own. Because plagiarism violates the expectations of trust and honesty necessary for academic work in an ethical community, it is a serious offense. In addition, plagiarism undercuts the basic purposes of higher education by short-circuiting the process of inquiry, reflection, and communication that leads to learning.

Duplicate submission is also a violation of academic integrity, because every assignment presumes that a new inquiry and effort will produce new learning, and submitting a paper already written for another occasion subverts this learning. Submitting the same original paper for credit in more than one class in the same semester, without the expressed permission of both instructors involved, is not acceptable. Using the same paper or closely similar material from one semester to fulfill a requirement in another semester is normally not allowed without specific permission from the instructor. If students receive the same or similar assignments in a different course, they should consult with the professor about alternate


With the aim of maintaining and promoting integrity in the community and in a spirit of helpful concern, every member of the community is encouraged to address any perceived violations of integrity directly by confronting the appropriate party.

The following procedures have been defined to ensure that apparent violations are handled in a prompt and just manner.

  1. If a faculty member observes an apparent violation of academic integrity, the faculty member should arrange an informal, private meeting with the student within one week. At that meeting, the faculty member will discuss his or her suspicion with the student and inform the student of the options below and of the student’s right to appeal any action taken by the faculty member.
    1. If the student has an explanation which is acceptable to the faculty member, the case may be closed with no written record or further action.
    2. If the matter is not resolved, the faculty member may impose a sanction. The penalty imposed should reflect the seriousness of the violation. In the case of a major violation, the faculty member may assign a failing grade for the event (test, paper, performance, etc.) or for the course. Sanctions for minor violations may include downgrading the work or assigning additional work to replace the work in question. The faculty member may also recommend to the Provost that additional non-grade sanctions be imposed. In the event that any sanctions are imposed by the faculty member, the incident and action taken must be reported in writing to the Provost with a copy to the student within one week of the informal meeting.
    3. If a sanction has been imposed, the student has the right to file a written appeal to the Provost with copy to the faculty member. This appeal must be filed within one week after the student receives notification of the sanction. The Provost will then review the incident and resolve it to the satisfaction of both parties or refer it to the Student Standing and Appeals Committee (SSAC).
    4. If the incident is referred to the SSAC, the SSAC may act on the basis of the written record, or may invite the parties to submit additional information. If the student is found to be not responsible, the faculty member will be notified and any academic sanction imposed against the student will be nullified.
    5. If the student is found responsible, the Provost will decide whether to impose a non-grade sanction. The Provost will take into account the faculty’s recommendations, any related record in the Provost’s office, and recommendations from the SSAC or the Dean of Students.
    6. If additional non-grade sanctions are imposed by the Provost, the student may appeal these sanctions to the SSAC.
  2. All proceedings will be conducted with strict confidentiality by all those involved in the matter. Records of alleged violations resulting in innocent findings will be promptly destroyed. In cases where responsibility is established, reports from the faculty member and the SSAC will be retained by the Office of the Provost for the duration of the student’s academic career at Hope College. The record will also allow the recording of the student’s defense. All related reports shall be destroyed upon graduation. The records of a student suspended or expelled for a violation will be retained for three years before being destroyed. All provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act shall apply regarding release of information from these records.
  3. Specific reference to these procedures shall be made in the college catalog. These procedures shall be presented in full in the Student Handbook and the Faculty Handbook. Course syllabuses should contain a reference to these procedures and detail their applications for that particular course.
  4. Faculty are encouraged to create environments conducive to fostering integrity by all. This means that proctoring examinations may be necessary in some instances, but it also calls for positive action on the part of the faculty member to remove undue temptation.
  5.  The Administrative Affairs Board will maintain its charged oversight of the conduct of the SSAC and will also take overall responsibility for encouraging and maintaining an atmosphere supporting academic and social integrity.

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Provost Office at 616-395-7970
The full policy can be viewed at: https://hope.edu/catalog/current/regulations/index.html.

Dining Services and Board Policy

Dining Services strive daily to provide the best possible experience for our students, guests and alumni. Our staff is continually seeking new products, methods, tools and training which allows us to offer a residential dining, retail and catering program like no other. You will be treated with respect and integrity. We will listen to your needs and find ways to meet them. To that end, we will do our very best to remain exceptional in our field and integrated with all of the other departments on campus.

Students living in residential halls are required to have a minimum of a 10 meal plan with the College Dining Services. The 21 meal plan is the best value and recommended for all new students. Students living in off-campus residences or in College operated apartments and cottages often choose to have a meal plan, but it is not required. An enhanced meal plan is available for these students called the 7+ meal plan. It provides 7 meals per week (meals may be used in Phelps Dining Hall, the Cook Servery, and the Kletz snack bar) plus one snack and one beverage per day at many locations on campus including two coffee shops and all concessions. Eating in Cook Hall is generally reserved for students living in Cook Hall, cottages, apartments, off-campus or those with special permission. Use of the meal plan in the Kletz is limited to residents of the cottages, apartments, those who reside off-campus, or live in residential halls and have earned 70 or more credits.

Returning students may change their meal plan only during the first week of class of fall and springs semester. First year students may change their meal plan only during the first two weeks of fall semester and the first week of spring semester. If a student wishes to cancel a meal plan or change the number of meals other than during the designated periods, he/she may pick up an appeal form in the Dining Services Office in Phelps Hall. This appeal will be reviewed by the Director of Dining Services and the Dean of Students.

Questions about Dining Services or to view dining menus please visit https://hope.edu/dining/index.html or call 616- 395-7930.

Emergency Contact Policy

The issue of student safety and well-being is very important to the Hope College community. For this reason, we ask that students help us by supplying (and regularly verifying) Emergency Contact Information (ECI).

Hope College will use Emergency Contact Information (ECI) to contact students or other trusted contacts when there is a sudden unforeseen crisis that can cause physical or environmental damage, and requires immediate action.

  • A critical medical situation in which the person’s wellbeing is at risk; a serious or life threatening injury, a serious car accident, or a serious illness.
  • A potential threat to the person’s safety or security when participating in a College sponsored activity.
  • A serious and threatening situation on campus.

Students are strongly encouraged to enter themselves as an Emergency Contact in order to receive emergency text messages to their cell phones. Additionally, students are encouraged to enter contact information for at least one parent or guardian to be contacted in case of emergency. Finally, students are allowed to share separate contact information for a person they would like contacted should there be a concern about their whereabouts. This may or may not be the same person listed as the Emergency Contact person.

Questions about the Emergency Contact Information Policy may be directed to the Dean of Student’s office at 616-395-7800.

Entering Emergency COntact Information in KnowHope Plus

New Students Entering Information for the First Time

  • Log into plus.hope.edu
  • Click on Personal Information
  • Click on Update Emergency Contacts
  • Each student should have at least (2) entries (more is better):
    1. Enter information for yourself with a cell phone number:
      • Click New Contact
      • Enter "1" for Order
      • Select Self for Relationship
      • Enter Name, Address, Cell phone number
      • Click Submit Changes
    2. Enter information for at least one parent/guardian:
      • Click New Contact
      • Enter "2" or "5" (etc.) for Order
      • Select Relationship
      • Enter Name, Address, Cell phone number
      • Click Submit Changes
  • Students have the ability to supply emergency contact information for a "Missing Person Contact." This person can be different from the parent/guardian contact and will only be contacted if there is a concern about the student's whereabouts.

Continuing Students Updating Information

  • Log into plus.hope.edu
  • Click on Personal Information
  • Click on View Emergency Contacts
  • Each student should have at least 2 entries (more is better):
    1. one for yourself with a cell phone number (relationship = self)
    2. at least one parent/guardian
    3. Students have the ability to supply emergency contact information for a "Missing Person Contact." This person can be different from the parent/guardian emergency contact and will only be contacted if there is a concern about the student's whereabouts.
  • If the information is correct:
    • Click on your Contact (your name)
    • Click on the Submit Changes button at the bottom
  • If the information is missing or incorrect:
    • Click on the Contact Name that needs to be changed
    • Change, add or delete the appropriate information
    • Click on Submit Changes button at the bottom

Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act

General Guidelines Governing Keeping of Student Records

Records are kept in the various offices of the College in the interest of its students and alumni. It is the intention of the College that the data entered and the documents are kept in each student files as well as any subsequent release of information contained within it should be determined by what is in the best interest of the student. Hope College determines to reflect this attitude in its records-keeping policies and consequently has adopted the following guidelines for the creation and maintenance of student records in its offices.

The College supports the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and this statement of policy incorporates the rights accorded and the privacy guaranteed the student by this Act.

Records information is classified in two categories, public and confidential. Public or directory information includes the following data:

Name Local and permanent address
Telephone number Teacher certification
Name of parent or guardian Degrees and dates of degrees
Date of attendance Awards and honors received
High School attended  

Unless the student requests in writing that such public information be withheld, public/directory information is available to anyone. It should be noted, however, that the College does try to exercise some restraint in the release of public information and tries to ensure that such information is not released indiscriminately, without regard for the student’s welfare. All other information collected and stored on a student is considered to be confidential. The confidentiality of this information is guaranteed to the student and will be released only upon the written consent of the student.

To view the complete Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) please go to the following website: https://hope.edu/offices/registrar/policies-resources/ferpa.html

Loss of Student Eligibility for federal Aid due to Drug Conviction

The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 include a student eligibility provision related to drug offenses. A student is ineligible for federal student aid if convicted, under federal or state law, of any offense involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment in which federal student aid was received. Federal aid can be grants, student loans, and/or college work study. The period of ineligibility begins on the date of conviction and lasts until the end of a statutorily specified period. The student may regain eligibility early by completing a drug rehabilitation program or if the conviction is overturned.

Section 484, Higher Education Act of 1965, detailing the suspension of eligibility for drug-related offenses and rehabilitation, follows:

Suspension of Eligibility for Drug-Related Offenses

  1. In general - A student who has been convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance shall not be eligible to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance under this title during the period beginning on the date of such conviction and ending after the interval specified in the following table:

    If convicted of an offense involving:

    The possession of a controlled substance the ineligibility period is:

    • First offense: 1 year
    • Second offense: 2 years
    • Third offense: Indefinite

    The sale of a controlled substance the ineligibility period is:

    • First offense: 2 years
    • Second offense: Indefinite
  2. Rehabilitation - A student whose eligibility has been suspended under paragraph (1) may resume eligibility before the end of the ineligibility period determined under such paragraph if -
    1. the student satisfactorily completes a drug rehabilitation program that -
      1. complies with criteria prescribe in the federal regulations; and
      2. includes two unannounced drug tests; or
    2. the student successfully passes two unannounced drug tests conducted by a drug rehabilitation program that complies with the criteria prescribed in the federal regulations; or
    3. the conviction is reversed, set aside, or otherwise rendered nugatory.
  3. Definitions - In this subsection, the term “controlled substance” has the meaning given the term in section 102(6) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C.802(6)).
    • This subsection was added by section 483(f) of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (H.R. 6).

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Office of Financial Aid, 616-395-7765.

Medical Marijuana Policy

Medical marijuana which is prescribed for healing purposes is prohibited at Hope College even though there may be state laws which permit its use.

Background: Hope College received federal funding through Title IV in the form of student financial aid (grants, loans, and work-study programs) and through federal research grants.  As a condition of accepting this money, Hope College is required to certify that it complies with the Drug-Free Schools, and Communities Act (DFSCA) (20 U.S.C. 1145g part 86 of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Regulations). The federal government regulates drugs through the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. A 811) which does not recognize the difference between medical recreational use of marijuana. Thus to comply with the Federal Drug Free School and Communities Act and avoid losing federal funding, Hope College must prohibit all marijuana use, including medical marijuana, and provide sanctions for its use.

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Dean of Students Office, 616-395-7800.

Missing Person Policy

A student at Hope College will be considered missing:

If after 24 continuous hours a student’s location is not known and with reasonable inquiry cannot be determined where they are.


A student is missing, when their behavior is contrary to an established pattern or there are unusual circumstances that may have contributed to their absence.

Official notification procedures of missing persons:

  1. Any individual on campus who has information that a residential student may be a missing person should notify Campus Safety or a Residential Life staff member as soon as possible.
  2. Campus Safety will gather all essential information about the residential student from the reporting person and from the student’s acquaintances (description, clothes last worn, where student might be, who the student might be with, vehicle description, information about the physical and mental well- being of the student, an up-to-date photograph, class schedule, etc.) Appropriate campus staff will be notified to aid in the search for the student.
  3. If the above actions are unsuccessful in locating the student or it is apparent immediately that the student is a missing person (e.g. witnessed abduction), Campus Safety will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency within 24 hours to report the student is a missing person and the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction will take charge of the investigation, regardless if the student has a confidential contact person, is above 18, or is in emancipated minor.
  4. No later than 24 hours after determining that a residential student is missing, the Dean of Students or designee will notify the appropriate parties (for students 18 and over) or the parent/guardian or designated missing person contact (for students under the age of 18) that the student is believed to be missing.
  5. Each Hope College student that lives in an on-campus student housing facility has the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing. To register a person to be notified, student should  log on to the secure area on KnowHope Plus (plus.hope.edu), access the Personal Information section, select Update Emergency Contacts, and input the contact information for that person and changing the relationship selection to “Missing Person Contact.” Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information and contact the individual.

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Dean of Students office at 616- 395-7800.

Policy on Racial and Ethnic Harassment

Questions about this policy may be directed to Sara Dorer, Title IX Coordinator,616-395-6818. The full text can be viewed at https://hope.edu/deanintlmulti/racial_policy.html.

The College is committed to fostering an environment in which all persons have an equal opportunity to work and to pursue learning freely, whether in group settings or in close relationships between individual students, faculty, and staff. This entails an obligation to protect the dignity, safety, and self-respect of all students,
faculty, and staff. As an academic community valuing the moral teaching of Jesus Christ, Hope College is committed to the belief that each individual is of unqualified worth. God values each person, female and male, as a unique work of divine creation. Therefore, the College condemns coverts and overt acts that interfere with this commitment and will not tolerate any form of discrimination.

Hope College is committed to maintaining a hospitable educational and residential campus that permits students to pursue their goals without substantial interference from discrimination. Diversity of view, cultures, and experiences are critical to the academic commitment of Hope College. Differences enrich the intellectual lives of all, and it increases the capacity of the institution to best serve the educational needs of students.

Hope College is strongly committed to academic freedom and free speech.  Hope also is an educational community in which all individuals are, as a matter of deeply help principle, treated with the respect due them as God’s creatures. When disagreement and controversy ensue, as they will at times, we expect that the virtues of humility, hospitality, patience, courage, and honesty be the benchmarks of the conversation.

This policy strives to ensure both academic freedom and freedom from discrimination. Respect for all persons and freedom of inquiry are at the center of both academic freedom and an environment devoid of discrimination. Nothing in this policy should be construed to limit the scholarly, educational, or artistic content of written, oral or other presentations or discussions. Academic freedom (see Faculty handbook B12) should be extended to all members of the academic community.

Description and Explanations


1.0    This policy pertains to any behavior or act that discriminates against an individual based on race, ethnicity, culture, or national origin.

1.1    Generalized discriminatory remarks or behaviors. This involves demeaning remarks or actions serving no scholarly, artistic, or educational purpose that are made directly or indirectly at individuals or groups because of their race, ethnicity, culture, or national origin.

1.2    Remarks or behavior that discriminate. This includes intimidating, hostile, or demeaning remarks or actions because of their race, ethnicity, culture, or national origin, which interfere or threaten an individual’s academic, personal, or extracurricular activities, which would be found offensive by a reasonable person in that situation. This could include public display of material that serves no scholarly, artistic, or educational purpose. Remarks or actions that are pervasive, persistent, and/or severe are considered more serious.

Confidentiality and Retaliation

Every effort at maintaining confidentiality will be made in order to protect the reputation and integrity of all individuals involved.

No person involved, or acting on behalf of a person involved, in any phase of the Discrimination Policy shall abuse, threaten, or exhibit behavior which intimidates any other person involved prior to, during, or after the conclusion of the phase which is being pursued.

If either the complainant or the alleged discriminator is abused, threatened, or intimidated, s/he may bring this to the attention of the administrators or committee handling the complaint, asking them for assistance in arranging protection or redress (at that time or after the process has been completed).


The exact process to respond to allegations or possible infractions of the Discrimination Behavior Policy are still being considered. However, if there are situations that may violate the policy, the process used to respond to Sexual Harassment incidents will be used.

The appropriate governance committees, Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs, and the Campus Life Board will continue working to establish the final process.  For issues involving students, see Dr. Richard Frost, Dean of Students. For issues involving faculty, see Associate Provost Alfredo Gonzales. For issues involving staff, see Lori Mulder, Director of Human Resources.

Policy Statement on Sexual Assault or Harassment and Grievance Procedure

Questions about this policy may be directed to Sara Dorer, Title IX Coordinator, 616-395-6818. The full text can be viewed at https://hope.edu/resources/sexualharassment/.

The college is committed to fostering an environment in which all persons have an equal opportunity to work and pursue learning freely, whether in group settings or in close relationships between individual students, faculty and staff. This entails an obligation to protect the dignity, safety, and self-respect of all students, faculty, and staff. As an academic community valuing the moral teachings of Jesus Christ, Hope College is committed to the belief that each individual is of unqualified worth. God values each person, female and male, as a unique work of divine creation. Therefore, the college condemns covert and overt acts which interfere with this commitment and will not tolerate any form of intimidation, abuse or harassment.

Description and Explanations

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. It includes any inappropriate or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature which has a negative effect on the educational process, employment benefits, campus climate, or opportunities of any student or employee. As such, it violates the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

An abuse of privilege or power, sexual harassment can threaten a person’s academic status, economic livelihood, sense of safety, well-being and personal dignity. The effects of sexual harassment may include feelings of anger, resentment, embarrassment, humiliation, fear and lowered self-esteem.

This policy strives to ensure both academic freedom and freedom from harassment. Respect for all persons and freedom of inquiry are at the center of both academic freedom and an environment devoid of sexual harassment. Nothing in this policy should be construed to limit the scholarly, educational, or artistic content of written, oral, or other presentations or discussions. Academic freedom (see Faculty handbook B12) should be extended to all members of the academic community. The Hope College Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy applies to:

complainant respondent
Faculty Staff
Staff Staff
Faculty Student
Student Student
Faculty Faculty
Student Staff
Student Faculty
Staff Student
Staff Faculty

Sexual Harassment includes the following categories:

Actions which create a Hostile EnvironmenT
  1. Generalized Sexist Remarks or Sexist Behavior - This involves demeaning remarks or actions serving no scholarly, artistic, or educational purpose that are directed at individuals or groups because of their gender or sexual orientation.
  2. Sexually Offensive Remarks or Behavior – This includes lewd, obscene, or sexually suggestive remarks or actions serving no scholarly, artistic, or educational purpose, which would be found offensive by a reasonable person in that situation. This category also includes the public display of sexually offensive audio visual material serving no scholarly, artistic, or educational purpose.
Sexual Advances
  1. Sexual Advances without Intimidation – This includes repeated unwanted requests for a social or sexual encounter. It also includes unwanted or inappropriate touching or kissing.
  2. Sexual Advances with Intimidation – This refers to sexual advances which are accompanied by the threat of punishment or promise of reward.
Sexual Assaults

This includes sexual advances that are accompanied by actual or threatened physical violence, as specified in the “Criminal Sexual Conduct Statute” of the State of Michigan. This category also applies to any of the following, if lacking explicit verbal consent: physical contact with groin, genital area, inner thigh, buttocks, and/or breast; penetration that involves sexual or anal intercourse; cunnilingus; fellatio, or placing any other object in the genital or anal opening. Physical acts that are perpetrated against a persons’ will or when a person is incapable of giving consent due to the victims’ use of drugs or alcohol will be considered sexual violence. An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual or other disability. Rape, sexual assault, battery, and coercion may all be classified as sexual violence as well.

Dating Violence

Dating violence is any physical, mental, or emotional harm that is directed intentionally or unintentionally toward a dating partner. A dating relationship will be considered to be a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature where the relationship is defined by: the length of the relationship, type of relationship, and frequency of interaction. (MCL 750.81)


Stalking is defined as: following, pursuing, or repeatedly committing acts with the intention of killing, injuring, harassing, or intimidating another person; placing a person under observation with the intention of harming another; or placing a person in reasonable fear of a serious injury, death or emotional harm. (MCL750.411h)

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence are incidents that involve people that are spouse or former spouse, in a dating relationship or former dating relationship, the individuals have a child in common, or they live together or did live together. The violence may be physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, or economic abuse or combination of these different abuses. (MCL 750.81a)


Consent means there is a clear, unambiguous, and voluntary verbal agreement in which a reasonable person(s) would understand as a willingness to engage in a sexual activity. Past consent to a given act does not imply ongoing or future consent. Consent can be revoked at any time.

Consent cannot be freely given if there is:

  • There is a presence or fear of physical force or violence
  • There is a presence or fear of verbal or emotional harm
  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Impaired consciousness
  • Mental or physical impairment

Every effort at maintaining confidentiality will be made in order to protect the reputation and integrity of all individuals involved.

No person involved, or acting on behalf of a person involved (including those acting as witnesses), in any phase of the implementation of the Sexual Harassment Policy shall abuse, threaten, or exhibit behavior which intimidates another person involved prior to, during, or after the conclusion of the phase which is being pursued.

If either the complainant or the alleged harasser is abused, threatened, or intimidated, s/he may bring this to the attention of the administrators or committee handling the complaint, asking them for assistance in arranging protection or redress (at that time or after the process has been completed).

No member of the college community shall knowing file a false complaint of sexual harassment or knowingly provide false information to or intentionally mislead College officials investigating a complaint of alleged sexual harassment.

Romantic Relationships Between Employee/Student and Supervisor/Employee

  1. Implicit in the concept of professionalism is the recognition by those in positions of authority that their relationships with students include an element of power. It is incumbent on those with authority not to abuse, nor to seem to abuse, the power with which they are entrusted. Therefore, the initiation of or consent to a romantic or sexual relationships between an employee of Hope College and any current Hope College student for whom the employee has a direct professional responsibility is unacceptable. Instances of direct professional responsibility include: assigning grades, writing recommendations, advising, coaching-supervising, awarding financial aid, disciplining, and any other action that may affect the student’s current or future study or employment. Initiation of a romantic relationship subsequent to or following a situation where there was a professional responsibility (teaching, advising, coaching, supervising, etc.) is also a violation because it could be perceived as an extension of the power relationship therefore undermining the educational process. Romantic or sexual relationships during or after a relationship of professional responsibility may have the effect of undermining the atmosphere of trust on which the educational process depends. If a complaint by the involved student is filed, it is defined as a complaint of sexual harassment.
  2. The initiation of or consent to a romantic or sexual relationships is also unacceptable between a supervisor and an employee for whom the supervisor has direct professional responsibility. If a complaint is filed, it is defined as a complaint of sexual harassment.
  3. The initiation of a romantic or sexual relationship is strongly discouraged even where there is not a direct professional responsibility. In these situations, there still may be an element of power or authority which could diminish the individual’s freedom of choice. Additionally, a change in the situation may establish direct professional responsibility between the individuals. Individuals in positions of authority must be sensitive to the potential conflicts between personal relationships and professional responsibility. Furthermore, for individuals who enter into a relationship where a power differential exists, it will be difficult to prove immunity on grounds of mutual consent if a complaint alleging sexual harassment is lodged.
  4. Such romantic or sexual relationships frequently can have a detrimental effect on other students or employees who share a work or classroom environment with the involved parties. When a third party complains of such effects, it is not considered a complaint of sexual harassment. Instead it may be taken to a supervisor as a matter of unprofessional conduct.
  5. This category does not apply to married couples.
  6. Retaliation

Every effort at maintaining confidentiality will be made in order to protect the reputation and integrity of all individuals involved.

No persons involved, or acting on behalf of a person involved (including those acting as witnesses), in any phase of the implementation of the Sexual Harassment Policy shall be abused, threaten, or exhibit behavior which intimidates any other person involved prior to, during, or after the conclusion of the phase which is
being pursued.

If either the complainant or the alleged harasser is abused, threatened, or intimidated, s/he may bring this to the attention of the administrators or committee handling the complaint, asking them for assistance in arranging protection or redress (at that time or after the process has been completed).

No member of the college community shall knowing file a false complaint of sexual harassment or knowingly provide false information to or intentionally mislead College officials investigating a complaint of alleged sexual harassment.

How can I deal with sexual harassment at Hope? Report It!

Call and talk with people who care:

Strictly Confidential Private (need to know) with a duty to report
These are people on campus who are strictly confidential and will NOT share any information These are people on campus who are private but must, by law, file an incident report with the Title IX Coordinator

Counseling and Psychological Services

Campus Chaplains

Sexual Harassment Policy Educator

Health Clinic Staff




All Residential Life staff

Staff who supervise students


Campus Safety

Off-Campus Resources Off-Campus Resources
Center for Women in Transition
Crisis Line 800-848-5991
411 Butternut Dr., Holland
Holland Department of Public Safety
911 or 616-355-1100
Domestic Assault Intervention
Ottawa County Prosecutors Office
Holland Hospital Emergency
602 Michigan Ave., Holland

Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)/Drone Policy

To provide a safe and productive environment for such activity, all use or control of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) taking place within or above the boundaries of Hope College shall fully comply with:

  • Then-current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations;
  • Any local or state laws regarding use of such devices;
  • All guidelines established by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and the "Know Before You Fly" initiative.

All UAS activity must be pre-approved by Hope College. For academic or recreational use (as defined by the FAA) authorization from Campus Safety shall be requested no less than 24 hours prior to UAS activity via a written request that includes:

  • Name and address of operator;
  • Phone number at which the operator can be reached during the flight activity;
  • UAS make, model and serial number;
  • Date, duration, and boundaries of flight activity;
  • Any other details requested;

For commercial use (as defined by the FAA but always inclusive of any use for compensation or in connection with a business or employment) authorization from Campus Safety shall be requested no less than 10 days prior to UAS activity via a written request that includes:

  • Name of requesting business entity;
  • Name, address of operator;
  • Phone number at which the operator can be reached during flight activity;
  • UAS make, model and serial number;
  • Date, duration, and boundaries of flight activity;
  • Description of the commercial nature of the operation;
  • Certificate of insurance demonstrating coverage for requested UAS activities (Additional Insured coverage may be required);
  • Proof of compliance with then-current FAA regulations (copies of registration, operator certification, etc.);
  • Any other details requested;

In situations where there are extenuating circumstances that do not allow the time requirement to be met, the Director of Campus Safety or their designee can authorize the use permit. All other requirements must be followed without exception.

Use of UAS at Hope College athletic events and athletic events taking place on College property is restricted to pre-approved commercial use as outlined above.

Resource: faa.gov (FAA UAS regulations)
Resource: modelaircraft.org (Academy of Model Aeronautics)
Resource: knowbeforeyoufly.org ("Know Before You Fly" initiative)

For academic and recreational use (as defined by the FAA), authorization from Campus Safety must be properly requested via the Small UAS/Drone Application form no less than 24 hours in advance.

Questions about this policy may be directed to the Director of Campus Safety at 616-395-7770.  

Smoking Policy

The Ottawa County Smoke-Free Indoor Air Regulation became effective on January 1, 2008. This regulation requires all public and private employers to prohibit smoking in all enclosed areas and within twenty-five feet of any entrance, operable window, and ventilation system. Hope College became a smoke free campus on January 1, 2008.

Smoking (including e-cigarettes) will not be permitted in any campus owned or leased building, in any residence hall, apartment, or cottage, on any campus walkway or green space or outside in college parking lots.

Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is permitted in private vehicles (including those parked in college lots) and on public right-of-ways away from building entrances.  Please adhere to the twenty-five foot distance and dispose of your smoking materials appropriately before reentering the campus area.

The College is supportive of smoking cessation programs and will work with faculty and staff seeking help with their smoking habit. Please contact the Human Resources office for more information.

Student Load

The normal student load is 16 credits per semester.  Regular enrolled students must carry a minimum of 12 semester credits of course work each semester to maintain full-time status. Veteran student under the G.I. Bill must carry a minimum of 12 credits to be considered full-time student and to receive maximum benefits. In order to maintain their visa status, foreign student need to maintain a minimum load of 12 credits per semester.

Permission to take more than a normal load is based upon the student’s previous academic record. Eighteen credits may be granted by the advisor. Application for more than 18 credits must be made to the Registrar.

A student’s normal summer load is 3 to 4 credits in a four-week session. Overloads must be approved by the Registrar.

Student Organization Travel Policy

All student organizations who travel any distance from the College as part of their activities must register their trip with the Student Development Office and the Registrar’s Office. Below is a listing of the necessary forms that need to be completed and turned into the appropriate office prior to travel. *Note: It is the program leader’s responsibility to ensure that all paperwork is completed and turned in by the required deadlines. Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of the program.

One Day Programs/Trips

Form Destination
Assumption of Risk and Release for One Day/One Overnight Programs Submit to Julie Dalman, Student Development
Office at least 48 business hours before leaving.
Emergency Medical Info Card Each student should complete and carry one of these cards. For cards, see Julie Dalman, Student Development Office for the cards.

One Overnight Program/Trips

Form Destination
Eligibility to Participate Submit to the Dean of Students at least 72 business hours before leaving.
Assumption of Risk and Release for One Day/One Overnight Programs Submit to Julie Dalman, Student Development
Office at least 72 hours before leaving.
Emergency Medical Info Card Each student should complete and carry one of these cards. For cards, see Julie Dalman, Student Development Office.
Student Off-Campus Program Responsibilities Take original forms with you. Send copies to the Dean of Students.

Two or More Nights Programs

Form Destination
Eligibility to Participate Submit to the Dean of Students at least 72 business hours before leaving.
Assumption of Risk and Release for Two or More Nights Program Submit to Julie Dalman, Student Development
Office at least 72 business hours before leaving.
You must include an itinerary and contact info!
Medical and Mental Health History Take original CONFIDENTIAL forms with you. Leave copies with department secretary in a sealed envelope.
Emergency Medical Info Card Each student should complete and carry one of these cards. For cards, see Julie Dalman, Student Development Office
Student Off-Campus Program Responsibilities Take original forms with you. Send copies to the Dean of Students.

These forms can be found online at www.hope.edu/admin/randr/material.html.

Timely Warning/Emergency Notifications

The College has a system in place for notifying the campus community when there is a matter of urgency that requires immediate attention. The College has the capability to send a text message to the cell phones of members of the campus community who have registered an emergency contact number through their plus.hope.edu account. The CAMPUSMAIL email system allows for the dispatch of messages by the College to the Hope College email address of every student and employee. The College’s internal website (inHope) is also utilized for posting messages of importance. The College also has in place an emergency telephone Calling Tree for notifying departments and buildings of matters of importance such as severe weather alerts. Messages deemed important to an external audience are posted on the College’s website hope.edu.